

The arena full with the energy of battle. Ethan's focus sharpened, and he launched a relentless assault of elemental attacks at the Floor Guardian. Fireballs, gusts of wind, spears of water, and earthen spikes were hurled in rapid succession, each strike aimed to overwhelm and incapacitate the beastly opponent.The Floor Guardian, however, was a strong opponent. With incredible agility and strength, it dodged or deflected many of Ethan's attacks. The fireballs that connected left charred marks on its fur and scales, while the water spears and earthen spikes drew blood, creating a patchwork of wounds across its body.Despite the onslaught, the Guardian's grin never gone and its eyes glowed with a maniacal excitement.Ethan watched in both frustration and excitement as well when the Guardian continued to fight back with undiminished ferocity. Each successful hit seemed to fuel his battle lust, and the creature's laughter echoed through the arena like a sinister chorus.
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