
Reinforcements arrive

After that night, we squared up the day after.

We became official girlfriend and boyfriend if that wasn't obvious enough before.

We never took it to the next level, at least not yet.

Just kissing and feeling, but I can not deny the fact that I am complacent with this relationship.

It would be naive of me to think we'd do 'The Devils Tango' or 'Reproduction' immediately.

This isn't some Chinese novel or fantiction, just because you fall in love doesn't mean you immediately have sex.

It might've been that before, when the bride and groom were carried into a bed by their friends.

But that was thousands of years before I died on Earth, and Star Wars is no difference.

Except they're perhaps hundreds of thousands of years after Earth's level of technology.

After that night the days passed as usual, the gang provided a lot of extra food, perhaps from the guards or just by stealing. But considering the amount of prisoners I doubt one could steal enough to feed the entire gang x2

My day-count reached 5 when the attack happened.

It was in the middle of a slave-working period, having just gotten the water and returning to work.

The alarms blared red, ordering everyone to return to their cells.

Most prisoners were afraid, perhaps they would be killed.

But I and Padme were both excited as fuck, we'd finally get out of this shithole.

As we returned to our cells they closed, immediately after we heard explosions far away.

I guessed Admiral Yularen led this attack, he was most experienced in Planetary Assault, his work in the Judicial Forces and Senate Intellignece including relieving a planetary defense or root out Republic Terrorist.

Without a doubt he had likely participated in this exact scenario, working for Senate Inteligence, majority of his role was fighting potential threats to the senate and/or extracting Senators.

Soon enough, seconds turned to minutes and minutes turned to half an hour, half an hour turned to a hour.

And a hour turned into two, until eventually…

The doors were opened and thousands of Royal Guards swarmed into the barracks, Alexander headed straight for me with a device in his hand.

He went straight for my door and smiled.

He spoke into his device.

"The Bacta Tank has been secured." He spoke.

"Good evening, Alexander." I said with a smile as the cell opened.

He bent down on one knee.

"Welcome back, Count Thalron, we've been waiting."

And with that I could hear a collective sight of relief from the Royal Guards, I could also see every cell Infront of me having heads struck out of their cell with their mouths open.

"Let's get out of here, Padme." I said, taking her hand and walking out.


*Wulf Yularen POV*

My eyes opened as we reached the planet, the planet of Magravia.

The only planet in the Magravia system.

In orbit of the planet was a singular Cumulus-Class Destroyer, it wasn't even able to fire before our ships collectively launched all their fire.

The command had already been given 3 hours ago, no strategy was needed in these types of battles, they had no way to oppose us.

Even the newly growing CIS Army.

Yes, the Seperatist Movement Command was stupid if they did not think we would find out, my Senate Intellignece contacts and informants coupled with the Veridian Intelligence Agency deduced the threat before they even got their first ship.

The Senate Intelligence was then later given the information from the Chancellor, although I do suspect it might have to do with Thalron visiting him 2 hours before that.

Looking over at the fleet now launching LAAT's, I could not deny the fact that my pride was ever growing.

I was apart of the council commanding this fleet and 2 other like it.

The 1st Attack Fleet, led by Trench. The spider beside me.

However, the 1st Attack Fleet had it's own addition, namely the 1st Carrier Section.

Or, namely 2 Lucrehulk-Class Battleships, fully outfitted with everything required to launch an invasion.

Firstly it's surface attack capabilities.

- 750 Alpha-V Wings

- 250 H6 Bombers

- 2000 LAAT/I ( Infantry )

- 1000 LAAT/c

- 3000 Canderous-Class Assault Tank

- 300 All Terrain Open Transport ( AT-OP )

- 1000 Veridian-I Ground Transports ( V-GD 1)

- 700 All Terrain Attack Pod ( AT-AP )

- 200 J-1 Proton Cannons

- 500 AV-7 Anti-Veichle Artillery

- 550 HAVw A6 Juggernaut

- 150 000 Various soliders.

And this was for each Lucrehulk, although the current number of both together barely reached the tens of thousands, the potential power each of these has cannot be underestimated.

The Lucrehulk is the most genius design of the Trade Federation, the simplicity in running the Lucrehulks makes it unique.

Barely requiring 3000 crew to run it, then additionally it requires 20 000 B1 Battle Droids to run it, those droids customised to engineering the Lucrehulks and managing the veichles.

The only problem was that it was designed for the Trade Federation, and then as such we only fully managed to safe it for combat the day Count Thalron was kidnapped.

However we had already begun the creation of 4 more Lucrehulks, which would take a lot of time according to Intellignece.

The reason I know this, is because I had to lend an entire 80% of our cyber crew.

Although they were almost entirely made out of recruits, but after 10 years of working on cracking the work of veteran cybersecurity programming they should be more efficient.

Maybe we could even crack the HoloNet.

Disregarding that I turned back to the battle.

"Launch Flotilla 1 through 10 into orbit and prepare for orbital bombartment." I shouted, my order was acknowledged by one of the 3 communications officer.

"Form the Heavy Battle Line upon the closest hyperspace jump coordinations, create a support line behind the Heavy Line, send the 20 Corsairs into the atmosphere, they'll perform precise bombardement." I said, and it got acknowledged by the second communications officer.

"Deploy all forces at critical mine positions, take them over. Deploy the 1st and 2nd Royal Guard Battalions alongside Lord Commandant Alexander to Count Veridian's position." I said and the third one got to work.

"Trench, you're in command of the space battles." I said as I turned to him.

"Tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk, sounds gooood. These slavers shall gain no reinforcements, nor any aid." He said before beginning to organise the formation.

And with that I turned towards the ground battle.

Led by General Tyr, I could see 700 LAAT/I's flying out of the Lucrehulks, followed by fighter escorts, bombers and 500 LAAT/c's carrrying the Canderous-Class Assault Tank.

Quickly after the troops landed they utilised a tactic created by Thalron, blitzkrieg.

The Tanks rushed across the surface, destroying any defensive positions, followed closely by bombers and LAAT's.

The essence of the tactic was for the Canderous-Class Tanks to push through any defensive positions, then a LAAT detachment would land and eradicate or capture any remaining forces.

Once that was done they would leave a small garrison and continue.

By using the quick deployment of LAAT/I's and the LAAT/c capable of picking the tank up if it cannot cross and obstacle.

However this required full aerial superiority, which we had.

The tactic was enforcerd by the H6 Bombers.

What made the bombers unique was their large build, allowing them to carry a lot of droids, but also advanced steering and flying capabilities.

It had the ability to remain still and drop bombs.

Meaning if it stopped Infront of your trench or position, then you're fucked.

And honestly, this tactic worked perfectly in synchronise of our focus.

Which was naval and fighter focus.

The settlements fell, one after another.

All the Guards were rounded up, some killed and some not.

The entirety of the spice cartel controlling the planet was killed, none would be left.

However the Royal Guard's were in fact quite enraged that someone dared to touch their 'God' in disguise.

I had never seen a force more dedicated to their leader, they looked upon him as a God, someone who came down to lead Thyferra into the greatest planet.

My intelligence suggest Alexander may have quite the talent in psychological manipulation and control.

And they planned to make an example of these fuckers.

The cities were put under Military control and everyone was told to remain inside their Houses.

Lux's marines were dropping on all the spice transports throughout the planet.

I had decided to cease all spice products.

They could be to use of Thalron, even if just to sell it. Although I doubt he would as the spice from this planet was not nearly profitable enough to bother.

Bacta was just too much.

And after hours of battle, namely 2, multiple orbital bombardements.

And we finally secured the Bacta Tank, codename for Mr Thalron Veridian.

After he was found a Lamda Shuttl was sent down followed by 2 dozen Alpha-V Wings.

As I stood in the Lambda Shuttle's cargo hold, hugging Padme.

She was almost crying of joy, she didn't fully cry but I could see a certain witness in her eyes.

She was however, extremely happy.

Alexander had also briefed me on the way.

Apparently after they lost me they immediately began the hunt.

The 1st Veridian Attack Fleet was sent before the bounty hunters even got out of hyperspace.

They had brought the two Lucrehulks, I didn't even know they were cleared for service.

I had spent a lot of time on those two and I'm excited to begin adding those massive carriers, 2 of them in every fleet will make fighting us almost impossible.

For the Reublic to gain a Starfighters Advantge they'd need 4 of them to counter the Lucrehulks, not to count the other ships.

And in a few moments we'll be gathering a lot of soliders, expert pilots and naval crews.

Although the Judicials served on smaller ships and different systems, they'll quickly understand and we'll welcome a new batch of crewmen and soliders, perhaps we can build the 4th Fleet as well.

I'd also been informed of General Tyr's tactic.

The blitzkrieg.

I planned to utilise the strong strategy created by the Germans in 2WW.

If the Germans didn't have a Nazi Leader and go around pissing the entire world off, they might've done something, but that didn't happen.

So I had essentially created my own military discipline.

A mix of the German and British way of fighting.

The Brits had something nobody could compete with them in, naval strength.

My navy is similar but that's not what I took from them.

No instead it's simple, throw money at the problem.

Causalities? Throw money

Strong resistance? Throw money

My decision was simple, I had a lot of money, and the Galaxy would witness 50 years of straight up conflict, then peace and once again war.

So, I'd give my soliders the best equipment, spam tanks, spam fighters, spam artillery, spam everything mechanical.

Tanks were a menace on the Battlefield as shown throughout the Clone Wars series, the basic of encountering an AAT without tank support was run at it and try to throw grenades into the hull.

By simply sealing the entrances and having sufficient support from LAAT/I's above would be more than enough.

And that's were the previous German discipline comes in, rushing in with tanks and then capturing it.

But it was 3 times more effective when I could land my troops right behind the tanks, seconds after they pierce the enemy fortifications.

And even if we do not have aerial supremacy it could still work with ground carriers.

That's when the shuttle shaked a bit as we entered a new gravity, namely the hangar of the Imperator-Class Star Destroyer 'The Terror'

Now, how is Obi-Wan's mission going….


i = e on (patrion)

8 advance chapters at Patrion. 


It really helps me stay motivated by getting a few donation. And maybe if we all are lucky i get grammarly premium and we get some better grammar :) 

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