
81. Revolutionary Army (1)

Lyall was waiting for me at the decided spot with my other team members and Ciro who was supposed to lead us to the place where we had to deliver the package.

"There he is." I heard a voice before I spotted them standing near the alleyway with the shawls covering their bodies and faces.

I yawned as I kept walking while dragging the dead weight of the unconscious Baudir behind me.

Remi silently walked on my other side, he had heard everything even though his eyes were closed and he was praying. After everything was done, I had asked him if he still wished to fight for survival and he had given me the same answer.

"I'd rather die than live like a dog from now on."

Hence, recruited.

"Who is this?" Lyall asked as I reached over to them.

He placed a shawl over my shoulders and he grabbed the weight from my hand and placed it over his shoulder.

"New guy. He'll be with us from now on." I announced.

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