
seifuku sha no kikyo

Chapter Forty-One: Seifuku-sha no Kikyō

Despite technically taking a break to rest from the Dungeon, the Hestia Familia was truly still hard at work. Welf had been stowed away in his forge, even being joined by Oriana, Iris, and Love as they sought unfamiliar work to boost their excellia further.

With the trio of assistants, his production was excellent. His focus was on the creation of his own line of magic weapons, based on the first he produced in his own blade and Bell's spear, which would not break, but were rather like a focus for the user's own mind and usage.

They were similar to a magic staff or wand, in that they facilitated magic, but they were limited in that they only conferred the inherent ability in them, draining the mind of their wielder to use it.

Still, magic was not something that was terribly common among adventurers, and these would prove not only useful, but incredibly lucrative once perfected. After all, they weren't like normal magic weapons, but they were not unbreakable. The Familia had taken a two month sabbatical from Dungeon expeditions; though they did still go from time to time.

In this time, Welf spent the first month crafting a stock of magic weapons, enough to more than equip everyone in their Familia. The latter month was spent on using some of the quality materials they had access to in the deeper levels to create a more general supply of equipment.

It was in this time as he churned out armor and tools at record pace that Iris had taken on a thoughtful expression, looking at him while holding a magic bow he had created to experiment with the previous month, "Mr. Welf, do you think it would be possible to create arrows in the same way you made the Shikou Series magic weapons?"

The innocent question had caused his mind to grind gears as he chastised himself for the overlooked possibility. Not many adventurers used bows to start with, but that wasn't an excuse; especially considering that the quest their allies were preparing for would include fighting a flying dragon!

He had already tried and failed to make a bow in the vein of magic weapons, but arrows…

"Only one way to find out!"

"Bell, might I speak with you?"

Some short time after they arrived on the 100th floor, most of the group rested while spending some effort to explore the floor, which was more Dungeon-like than the other two floors which birthed the great monsters. Aedan was working with Riveria, Alfia, and Kyrian on the very few mural depictions in the large room, but there were numerous passages and rooms that stretched away from the large space where the entrance to the previous floor and the large gate were.

Bell himself had gone looking around with Aiz, Ryu, Tiona, and Aisha, but they had returned to camp not long ago and he had wondered to the gate by himself; at least, he was alone until he heard the voice next to him.

"Mr. Belisarius? Sure, I don't mind; what did you need to ask me?"

The man glanced to the side and back before clearing his throat, "Erm, well… I'm not exactly sure how to say this"

Now confused himself, Bell chose to keep silent while the man worked through… whatever it was, tilting his head unconsciously as he waited.

"I um, I actually used to be an adventurer here in Orario, too, you know. Before I left to the Empire, of course"

"Oh! I never knew that; did your familia leave and go there?"

"Er… no. My familia was… practically destroyed. We didn't lose a wargame, or get wiped out in a more covert attack. Most of our members did die, though"

"Ah… I'm sorry to hear that; I wish it hadn't been that way"

"Thank you Bell, but we can't change what happened now. We lost a battle, essentially, and were left with a half-dozen members; four of those were supporters, including me"

"You were a supporter? Now you're a general for the Empire, right?"

"That's right, and my time as a supporter has aided my career immensely. That… wasn't really what I wanted to tell you, though. I actually had a wife in another familia, here in Orario"

"A wife?"

"That's right. She was… enchantingly beautiful, as much as a goddess, and kind, but frail. Her goddess hated me, even though she returned my love, eventually. Her familia was destroyed like my own, and their remnant left Orario, too.

"We were not married overly long… yet we did have a child. However, when we left the city, we were not reunited. My god told me that she- and our child- had perished in her sickness when they were driven from the city in haste"

"That…" Bell was nearly struck silent, "That's too cruel" his voice came out in a whisper in the vastness of the cavern, now seemingly empty aside from himself and the older man.

"It was, my familia, and my family, too. I thought I had lost… everything. That was why I set out for the Empire in the first place; somewhere to begin again, or live out my days in obscurity. The reality was more cruel than that, though"

"What do you mean?"

"I have recently come to know that my god lied to me, at least about the passing of our child, if not my wife. I learned that she gave birth to a healthy boy, that he grew up with her generous heart and my love for adventure, with the innate talent of his aunt"

As Belisarius spoke, Bell's mind turned, and he sharply connected the dots the man was obviously spilling out, "Mr. Belisarius?"

"Sorry to make a short story long, Bell. The truth is… that boy is you. I discovered that you were alive only when I came back to Orario at Horus' request, I mean Haroeris. I'm your father"

"I'm… your son? You're…"

"Yes, I wanted to tell you once we were back above, but… what happened on the 98th floor made me, uh, reconsider the prospect of waiting. We both need to be alive for me to tell you the truth, after all"

"… and all this time, you thought I was dead, like mom and gramps?"

The man's brow twitched at the mention of Bell's grandfather, but the boy missed the tell, and Belisarius nodded, "That's right; I'm sorry, Bell. Even with all that, I understand if you aren't… I don't know what to say"

As the momentum left him, Belisarius sagged as if struck by exhaustion, but didn't tear his eyes away from his son. Mostly because of the soft smile that came onto the boy's face.

"That's okay, I don't really know what to say either, but… I'm glad you're alive, and here. Maybe… we'll know what to say when we make it back home"

Relief lit up the man's face as his back straightened, "Yeah… home"

Their stay on the 100th floor lasted as long as any stay at a safe zone they had made. Like the 80th and 90th floors, Aedan worked with the help of Riveria, Kyrian, and a few others to collect everything they could record that was inscribed on the walls, and everyone took the time to recover; after all, Aedan was hardly the only person that had been injured.

Most had suffered many injuries, and all of the mages had endured Mind Downs, as well. Clothes, armor, and weapons ragged and worn, equipment degraded, and low supplies needed to be replenished from the void satchels, into more accessible stocks.

After all their work had been done, and they were ready to once more venture into the maw of the Dungeon, they did so; this time, heading for the light of day, and home.

The return journey began tensely, but as the group ascended, more time opened up for the adventurers to take a breath every now and then. Finn was ahead in a forward group with Aedan while they were tracking back up through the 87th floor, waiting on their scouting group to return and report how they would need to deploy to face what monsters might be ahead of them.

"How is your wound, Haroeris?"

"Hurts like hell, but thanks to our healers and items, I can move as usual minus the pain. Thanks to Tsubaki, I even have some equipment to make up for my ruined shield and glaive" he twirled the halberd to demonstrate both his points.

"Good to know. Thankfully you haven't had to step in again since we started heading back, and the higher we get, the less likely that is, but it is reassuring all the same"

"Yeah, I know… sorry about all that, by the way; I nearly jeopardized you all with that mess. If Bell hadn't been there, things might've gone differently"

"Yes… strange, how he knew such specific information on that creature, but that's something we can talk about another time. For now, we can discuss something else"

"Well that's fine; what's on your mind?"

"Tell me more about this Orophen Glaive that has been our distant ally all this time"

The man hummed, "Still a bachelor, huh Finn? I remember you mentioned wanting to find a good pallum wife when I first trained you. Thought having that busty Amazon hanging on you would've turned your mind"

"Tione is… persistent, and understanding, I hope" Finn bit his thumb, "But my goal hasn't changed; so, what esteem does Orophen have in your eyes?"

After looking Finn in the eye for a moment, Aedan cracked a smile, "What is it that you're of a mind to know?"

Up on the 72nd floor, some of the core line were hanging back for a rest after having had to push through Ungoliant… again.

"Shit… I'm so tired now, but we're pretty much on the home stretch" Oda sighed, leaning against his naginata while they rested.

"Aye, s'not long to be home now, and ah cannae wait for it" Gareth added, with Ottar grunting in agreement.

"I'm still shocked at that one" Charles pointed out the young pallum standing at the edge of their group with the brother and sister werewolves of his Familia.

"The ace of Odin and Frigg Familia?" Minerva cocked her brow at him, earning a nod.

"Young as he is, and yet with such control over his power; he strikes me as very much the mirror to the Sword Princess outside of Orario"

"No, he's stronger than she is" Aedan chipped in.

"How'dya figure?" Gareth frowned.

"Simply that he lacks the emotional hang-ups she seems to grapple with. Taking their difference in status aside, he is stronger as it stands"

"Well… it's not really her fault, y'know"

"I know, but their abilities are different enough that regardless of their strength compared, they are all the more formidable as allies" his placating statement seemed to calm any tension in the group, and they continued to rest.

Walking up through the passage between the 69th and 68th floors, Riveria stumbled, nearly falling to the ground. She bit her lip to avoid making an embarrassing noise, but was caught by the arm.

"Careful, princess. there's no shame in our exhaustion catching up to us, but we aren't clear just yet"

Her eyes turned sharply to the voice and found Alfia releasing her grip as she steadied herself once more, "Th-thank you, Silence. Shameful as it is, I've already suffered Mind Down twice this adventure. I think we all feel it piling up by now"

"Indeed, I- hold a moment" the woman paused as her eyes traced below Riveria's gaze; without pausing, she reached her hand out to wipe away an unnoticed bead of blood dripping from the corner of her mouth, "There, that's better. I feel as you do, but it won't be long now before we can take a step back and the others take over. Just bear a bit longer, hm?"

Walking ahead together, Riveria had to fight down her fluster when she realized that she hadn't reacted whatsoever to the intimate touch.

All the while Aedan rolled his eyes at the elf's shyness and Alfia's denseness, 'Well, I can see which side Bell must get it from now, at least'

Having finally arrived at the 65th floor safe zone, the group took a decidedly long and deserved rest. They had gone slowly and carefully, and while not safe until they emerged from the Dungeon, such familiar territory brought with it some measure of ease.

Of course, some were more energetic than others.

"Hah!" the sharp ping of blades clashing echoed in the space as some had regained the vigor for training in the depths. Bell, Aiz, Ryu, and Asterius trained with Musashi to push themselves before they made the next push upward.

"Hup- ugh! Heh… Rah!"

"Tempest!" Aiz blurred as Bell countered her attacks with precision, while Ryu and Asterius held a free-for-all triad duel with Musashi.

"Rage, wrath of heaven!" Beyond not killing each other, there was no quarter, but despite the intensity of their sparring, they had only a little audience, as most rested or tended to camp duties.

The ones who were observing…

"Fuck, do we really have to wait until we get back up top?" Sahiri's lips stretched into a lascivious smile as her eyes traced the fluid movements of each of her allies sparring, bar the Minotaur; she wasn't a freak, "I mean… look at them"

"Them and the others, we know" Nala rolled her eyes, "but it's not like I can blame you, really"

"Yeah, but we've all been waiting like we were told; no jumping anyone's bones at least until we get back" Kiera sarcastically intoned.

"We've made it this far, we can make it the rest of the way" Argana calmly responded.

"Course we will, but I bet you're itchin' to get back just as much as the rest of us since you have some guaranteed bedroom sparring ahead of you" Jasmine grinned. Argana smiled genuinely in response.

"Just part of the deal; Bache and I get our recruiter's babies first dibs, and the rest of our girls get a shot at the cream of Orario's crop; in exchange for that, not fucking in the Dungeon seems a small price"

"For you maybe" Nym shrugged, "most of are used to gettin' some more than yearly, which is about how long we've been down in this hole"

Argana waved her hand in a carefree manner, "So make up for it non-stop when we get back; maybe you can even snag that rabbit for a roll"

"Dunno 'bout that one, ladies"

The group turned to the Orario native Amazon, "See, Bell's got too many claims on his ass to count, and I'm one of 'em" Aisha smiled sharply, staking her own claim at the same time. They looked back at the young man pushing evenly against the Sword Princess and then back.

"You tellin' me you can handle that?" Nym asked.

"I'm level 5, too; besides, I told you he has several claims already, so I don't have to have him all to myself forever. I just need him long enough to drink my fill. Not saying you can't have any; just get in line"

In the Dungeon, a large group had taken inspiration from their absent comrade and partook in something rarer for them to bother with: training.

The Xenos were hard at work, having been directed to the hidden village area near the pantry on the upper floors that Hestia Familia had chanced upon before, they were fairly safe as they trained. Lyd and Ray oversaw those who battled the monsters gathered in the pantry from time to time, and trained in the village the rest of the time.

They still took the supplies given by Ouranos through Fels, but now a great many more were consuming moderate amounts of monster stones in an effort to get stronger themselves. With more than fifty Xenos participating among the sixty-four total, they had fully committed themselves to the effort.

Even Wiene was trying her hardest. As a Vouivre, she had great combat potential, after all, and put it to good use. Unknown to them, a skill was aiding their progress, courtesy of the greatest friend they had among those outside of the Xenos; still, their progress was not easily tracked.

Without a falna, their growth wasn't presented to gods and goddesses in hard numbers and logs of excellia. Yet, as they became more capable, able to take on greater threats, it was undeniable that they were growing stronger.

This was what led them to diving deeper, to other villages, and stronger areas of the Dungeon to continue their growth. Eventually, Lyd and Ray were leading them in the deep levels, until a fateful encounter one day, while they were resting on the 50th floor.

"Do you think we should go deeper?"

"No, none of us know anything about the areas below here. If we were informed it might be alright, but without Asterius I don't want to go anywhere blindly" Ray shook her head.

"!" the next instant, the most sensitive of the Xenos were set on edge as they noticed something approaching; it wasn't until the figures began to emerge from the entrance to the 51st floor that they relaxed a bit, seeing their own comrade and friend leading the pack.

"See? I told you I sensed they were nearby" Asterius nodded, pointing at them without a care; Bell, meanwhile, waved enthusiastically as he jogged up to them.

"Lyd, Ray, Wiene, everyone, hey you guys!" the rest had much more subdued reactions, or even open disgust, but to them, it was enough that they were not attacked, and allowed to enjoy a reunion with their friend.

The journey back to the surface had been even longer than the trip down, if it could be believed. As wounds and exhaustion piled up, they could not avoid it. There was a sense of solemnity as they went, with the weight of both their accomplishment and the tasks still ahead of them.

Even so, they retraced their steps with their heads high as good news abounded too, and their determination in their quest was as strong as it ever was. So, with news good and bad, hearts heavy but resolute, progress slow but steady, they made their way back home.

So it was that in exactly 358 days, and having run into their Xenos allies at the halfway mark on the return trip, the whole party returned together from their expedition to Orario.

The Xenos were- for the time being- returned to their newest home at the bottom of the upper floors; Aedan had already planned an announcement with the other leaders to explain their presence soon, but they couldn't return together with the whole alliance, due to the attention they would attract.

True to that feeling, they were greeted by thunderous applause when they made their way up from the bottom of the atrium at the entrance to the Dungeon.

Adventurers waiting to get down for themselves stood aside and cheered at their return. Many had assumed the expedition a failure due to the amount of time that had passed, none knowing the true aims of the effort; so when their faces emerged once more after nearly a year away from the city, numerous celebrations were already being planned before the expedition even had a chance to make it to their homes. In fact, some festivities began before they did.

For those involved though, the shouts of cheer and jubilation- while uplifting- were not anything new. It buoyed their exhaustion, but only so far as they were able to march to their homes as quickly as possible with extra spring to their steps.

Once they actually did though, celebration was removed from their mind; in its place was one goal foremost in the sights of each person that had participated in that harrowing expedition: aggressive relaxation. Even their slave-driving taskmaster was hungry for rest, and for three days they found reprieve.

For the most part, this was spent sleeping, bathing, and eating, in that order. After those days of recovery, only then did the familia in question begin to plan for a grand celebration of their own, now that the city had obliged themselves on their behalf.


"Hahaha! Keep tha booze comin' Mia; y'urs iz the only pub ah 'aven't drunk dry yet!" Gareth cheered with a generous amount of slurring to his words, the festive atmosphere at the Hostess of Fertility having not died down for five days straight.

"Comin' right up, Elgarm!"

Bell laughed from his own place in the pub between a drunk Aisha and tipsy Haruhime; he missed the look of comradery shared between the two before being squished by them. Aisha having her arm wrapped around the other two, while Haruhime pulled Bell's arm to her chest, bolder for the alcohol than she would normally be. Off to the side, Alfia watched in consternation, approving tacitly of Haruhime's advances, but not so much with the whore's…

Taking a sip of chilled tea, she sighed, causing her partner to laugh gently, "Relax, they're fine"

"Some are finer than others" she shot Aedan a look.

"Please, to that boy they are all specially fine in some way or another; he's the sort that can divine a person's best quality. Second only to the gods, he is"

"Agreed, but I am a pragmatic one"

"Pragmatic? Then admit that at this rate, the boy is going to really fulfill being a remnant of Zeus" he chuckled, causing the woman to faintly blush. It was, after all, no secret that Zeus picked not only able adventurers to join his familia, but desiring and desirous men, in terms of love and lust.

Belisarius even braved the wrath of Hera in wooing her own sister, who rejected him in the beginning even more harshly than she would have. Zald- one of the strongest fighters raised by Zeus, was a man of many lovers away from the battlefield, and had a large harem filled with enough beauties to label him a mortal man in Freya's company. Even their captain, Maxim, was a notorious flirt that could even make the most stalwart heart swoon, though he never pursued anything more serious than that, seemingly content to flatter women silly.

She snorted, "I won't say that he should limit himself, but if he simply doles out his love to any that will take or accept it, he'll be emptied before long"

"Come now, Alfia, we both know that for those he loves, Bell would never run out of the love he gives" they watched as the grey-haired waitress walked hand-in-hand with a blushing Ryu and promptly sat the both of them down on Bell's lap while he was distracted trying to deal with the two on his sides; noticing this, Lili came up behind them and hugged the boy from behind around his neck, "Though I do wonder at how thin he will need to stretch himself before he starts breaking hearts" his eyes flicked to a few of Loki Familia who were watching the scene with forlorn confusion, before feeling a chill run down his own spine. He glanced to the side to see some of the Telskyurans eyeing him down, and he waggled his eyebrows at them.

"Seems Bell isn't the only one" she commented dryly, as she noticed from the corner of her vision Riveria approaching them after having looked at the Amazons eyeing him up.

"Ah, the misfortune of being chosen by that pervert of a God those many years ago" he mused, "Yet I've heard no complaint from you, either"

"You only get a pass for making sure I could see Meteria's son, and for making that medicine, I suppose" she all but sniffed haughtily, very princess-like and completely ignoring his incredulous look and shaking head after.

"Well, we aren't out of the woods yet, but let them enjoy this while it lasts; it wouldn't be the worst thing for him to experience some passion before we set out to kill that lizard"

"Speak softly or he'll hear you; gods' know what he'll do if he thinks he has your approval" she whisper-shouted at him.

"But he does have my approval, though?" with a click of her tongue, she shoved a large roll of bread into the man's mouth to stopper it up, but he simply began munching happily on it as he seemingly forgot all about their previous conversation.

Once the revelry calmed down, the groups were able to process the main purpose of the expedition in the first place: information, resources, and growth. The information was perhaps the most unexpected of the lot. Riveria had worked with Aedan and Kyrian to translate and compile the hieroglyph writings from the 80th, 90th, and 100th floors.

For the most part, it revealed loads of information about the monster kings born on those floors, as well as the history and purpose of the Dungeon itself. This was particular for them in regard to the dragon, as it was described as foremost among the children of the Dungeon.

The full capability of its magic was detailed, too, which was helpful if outdated. Its size, the relative strength of its scales, the power of its mind, how many and how strong were the minions it could summon, and other such knowledge.

Included in this was information on their next targets- the Harbingers- which Aedan found incredibly useful. Insight not even Methuselah had given him was engraved into the walls of the deep Dungeon, and they made sure not to miss recording it.

There was one thing that troubled the two elves in their work, though, and Riveria voiced the grievance as they brought it to Aedan.

"Haroeris, what is the meaning of this?"

"… I wasn't going to mention it until you came to me, but it should be obvious now that you've read it. I can only confirm that I believe it is true"

"This… you know that this implies even greater challenges beyond the Black Dragon await further below in the Dungeon?"

"Of course, but we have little choice as adventurers than to face the challenge; that is, unless you fancy submitting to the Dragon and possibly become its prisoner, like Aria?"

"! What did you say?"

"Hmm… when I went to your homeland, I was able to commune with the Spirits by permission of King Larfal. One that I was able to speak to was Aria, and I learned that she has been kept prisoner by the beast since she and her husband fought it years ago, among other things"

"You might have mentioned this sooner"

"I'm… sorry, there has been quite a lot on my plate, and I had intended to keep that bit mostly secret, anyhow" she seemed surprised by his contrite apology, "it also wasn't my intention to hide what will likely happen once we kill the monster"

"The others may suspect something, but this is beyond what I think they expect"

"Then we will tell them, but we will keep the rest mum"

"I agree that telling everyone of this Treaty of Orario would be a poor judgement" her eyes dimmed as they turned to Kyrian who finally spoke.

"Well, if nothing else, we can move forward with attempts at Spirit Bonding, then, if you secured allies on that front, Haroeris. You should also bear in mind that many of our allies may not be on board for anything more than the Dragon"

"I know; I just hope that bringing the Dragon down isn't itself what will bring about the Promised Time, in the end"

In terms of resources gathered from the expedition, they had been quite blessed. Large quantities of high quality materials were harvested from the depths, in addition to extremely potent monster drop items.

They decided on only turning in the stones for vallis- with a very generous donation made to the Xenos for their growth- until they could determine the use of the other materials, which already net them a large purse for the quest, when added to the remainder of the funds they had previously earned. They earned so much- in fact- that the Guild mint was stressed to breaking by their efforts; only stopgap solutions could rectify what would otherwise wreck Orario's economy, which would spiral off into the greater world as a result.

In particular beyond the drops were a few key materials that had been unexpected: metals and ores they either had only heard of- or hadn't even known of to that extent- like cargonite, herculite, and etherium, then pure mythril and adamantite, runite, and True orichalcum.

The latter being a deep red color as opposed to the beige orichalcum found relatively higher up in the Dungeon. Not to mention the high quality wood from the Mountain Zone, black sand from the Desert Zone, and the finds they retrieved from the floors of the monster kings.

One the 80th floor, they took Dyrnwyn, the White-Hilt. A Divine Artefact which responded to Penda; when he drew the blade only he had been able to lift, it sparked with a flame that didn't harm him even as it coated the weapon. They also found drop items buried nearby, identified as horns and hide from the Behemoth, shed during its growing.

On the 90th floor, a similar process, as they had found the Rauðskinna, the Red-Skin, a grimoire bound in crimson leather and gold lettering. Ryu had been able to claim the dark magic it would hold, and they also uncovered the teeth of the Leviathan which had once dwelt there. Finally, on the 100th floor, they were able to activate Talos, the guardian.

The great automaton of a golem had responded to Ottar, oddly enough, and they had it remain active on the 100th floor as a precaution, thinking it too cumbersome to have it follow them above. On top of that, they had found perhaps the greatest drop items possible in the whole Dungeon: scales and talons shed from the young Black Dragon itself.

Taking the drops and leaving the dozen-meder tall golem to guard the bottom of the Dungeon, they took the wealth of materials home, and with the hundreds of billions of vallis they had earned, were set to equip themselves properly for the quest to come.

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