
Dragon Wife

Salty wind struck our faces as we stood on the eastern most beach of Issylra. Much like Ireland on Earth this place was laden with steep cliffs, radiant green grass and rocky waterfronts that resembled beaches. Wind buffeted the entire coastline as it whistled onerously through cracks and interstices in cliff faces. The only aspect that was jarring and unpeaceful was the incessant cawing of seagulls and varying other species of ocean fowl. 

"Silvi, how are we going to cross this ocean? Teleportation?"

"Don't worry love, trust in Milim!"

Shuna nodded meekly before looking over at Milim who was currently staring out with a huge smile. My wives had been enjoying the trip so far, asking me many questions about my past life. They ranged from harmless to very deep in curiosity as one of the first questions asked was if I had someone to look for on Earth. I answered plainly with a 'no' but they continued to ask about my relationships... It seemed they wanted to scope out any other potential partners; not that I wanted anymore, they were already a handful. The rest were just general questions about how I was like, what I went through, all easily answerable. We had bonded more deeply, a success in my main plan!

"Milim, honey, are you almost ready?" 

Milim blinked a few hundred times in a second before looking in my direction, expanding her small smile into an outright ear-to-ear grin. 

"MHM! I got it! Gimme a sec...!" 

Shuna cocked her head to the side, standing beside me as we stood on the direct edge of a cliff, Milim standing just before the drop. I extended my senses out for any spies and found a small ball slowly revolving in the air, a scrying orb. Narrowing my eyes I snapped my fingers and dispelled it in an instant... It seemed someone was interested in our movements. Soon after dispelling it I cast a Divination spell to obfuscate our position, location and even our life signatures. All spying spells would be unsuccessful now.

At this moment Milim's form flashed bright pink and silver, the light growing to expand to a massive degree. Soon light was replaced with reflections as Pelor's light bounced from dark and bright pink-purple scales. These scales were chromed and perfectly metallic looking as the edges were lined with a faint black. All of these armour-like pieces conjoined together in a perfectly synchronised display of bestial movement as the Great Wyrm form of my adorable wife stretched to its full 120 foot long size, her wings further unfurling to a massive 150 foot wingspan. Pink light coursed through the gaps in-between her scales, leading upwards through her gargantuan draconic body and up to her long spiked neck. Scales knitted evenly with hard hide in her face as spikes of crystal poked unobtrusively from the crown of her head and down from below her jaw. Speaking of her jaw, it was massive... Her mouth was large enough to swallow several tens of horses all at once whilst looking like the most deadly space that would could think of. Thousands of spear-like teeth lined the inside of the mouth, a deeply ominous black-purple light flexing every now and then as she breathed.

Shuna slowly arched her head upwards as her jaw dropped to the floor; not literally. She grasped her dress and clung to me a bit more, afraid of her sister's new form. Whilst I, well, I loved Milim no matter what form she came in... Not that I particularly wanted to do anything with her in this form, other than maybe play at being a dragon rider.


Her words whilst understandable were at such a loud volume that hundreds of birds popped out of the sky, their hearing senses being imploded by the sheer magnitude of pressure. My own ears rang whilst my brain quickly processed the entirety of the shockwave of sonic force. Her laughter didn't end even after a minute as she was high on her power. Fortunately this gave time for Shuna to recover and snap herself from her shock. And now we stood there, me and Shuna, staring at our Milim gloating about the power she held now.

"Milim! Are we ready to set off now...?" After a few minutes I finally spoke up.

"Eh...!? Ah, um, sure! Hop on!"

Her body lowered significantly to allow us to climb her massive back. It was slippery at first, her scales acting like freshly polished metal. This was overcome however as I began using magic to simply walk through the air up to her back, holding Shuna at my side all the way up. By the time we had gotten to Milim's back she was already flexing her wings, as if she were a football player stretching for a match. We didn't get long before Dragon Milim began to rise, our footing unstable on the slippery metallic scales. My instant response was to simply glue both of us to her back, standing. I could have possibly dropped us to out stomachs and done it that way, but it would be far less cool!

"Silvi! WHY!?"

"Because it's cool dear, now don't fret, believe in Milim's flying capabilities."

At the mention of a trust exercise Shuna stopped complaining her eyes drifting downwards to Milim. Although her thoughts were her own it was plain for me to see that she was feeling queasy about the whole flight. She wouldn't be alone though, so she would just have to suck it up and trust Milim. 

'Lesson one in trusting, begins...'

Milim's wings made a monumental pulling motion as the wind was cracked as if by an enormous whip. In that same motion the wings were thrust forwards and downwards, the air bursting under the draconic form of my wife. Within seconds we were launched up into the air for several dozen feet, a construct of magic enveloping the entirety of my wife's body before another wing flap resounded. Several times, this had occurred before the weight of the draconic form pitched to a diagonal right and we began to soar through the air at breakneck speeds. Hundreds of Feet per second was achieved with ease as the magic flexed, maintaining the velocity and spatial direction that she wished to travel in.

"Honey! Sister! This is so cool...!!!" 

We both smiled at Milim's jovial voice. She had wanted to do this for a while now, but waited for me to be able to see once again. Her love for me was so genuine that I couldn't even comprehend how my life would have been without her. She was so integral to my existence now that if she were to die, there would be very little reason for me to live. It was the same for Shuna also, her love and affection, although tainted slightly by jealousy and mistrust, was beyond important to me. Simply seeing her smile was enough to make my day. Her cooking enough to fill my soul with comfort and her kisses just barely enough to melt this hold heart of mine. My Raven Queen was the same, but was far more level headed... She could understand me fully and accepted me nonetheless, which is all anyone ever could ask for.

"I love you both..." My words were cut into by the wind and velocity we were travelling, Shuna lovingly smiling as she began to snuggle into me once again. It seemed our 'date' had started very well and some of the trust issues of Shuna had been scourged...



In an ice cave, Yuna and her three companions all crowded around a campfire. Cooked Yeti had been cooked and all of them were hungrily gnawing upon the morsels of food. An iridescent glow irradiated the entire chamber, a dull cyan blue that was beginning to slowly rot away with the lacking presence of the original owner.

The chill in the space had subsided somewhat, the warmth of the fire providing a barrier of warmth against the environmental hazards of the mountain's peak. Most of Yuna's companions were speaking or chiding one another, Carrera and Rossa arguing as usual with Nyx simply sitting off to the side eating her food quietly whilst reading a tome of magic.

"You need to learn manners bitch!"

"Who are you calling bitch, you whore!?"

They went for their swords only to have a floating sword bonk them both on the back of their heads, the sword slowly flipping over itself on an x-axis. Although no words could be spoken, by the mere movements it was making the sword seemed exhausted by their bullshit. These fights had continued for an hour or two, on and off, and supposedly they would have no ending.

"Yume... Come here." Yuna's voice called out as her divine sword whizzed through the air end over end before the hilt placed itself in her right hand. The sword buzzed within her grasp and slowly began glowing as the six eye-like glowing spots on the sword's cross guard started to shoot out red beams that converged a few meters away from the sword itself, away from Yuna.

~Yuna... This is Yume... There is a connection that is calling upon me...~

"Yume...? What are you doing?"

~A portal is forming. I think I need to go there.~

"Sure! Hey, girls! We need to go help Yume wherever this portal is going. Y'all good with that?"

The arguments immediately ceased as all three women glared at Yuna, their eyes screaming their discontent and frustrations. It was so awkward for these few moments that once could hear the creaking of ice slowly melting.

~I can bring us back here, I think, once we are done...~

"She said we can come back too! C'mon guys!"

Nyx rolled her eyes, closing the book roughly as her free hand pinched the bridge of her nose. Carrera stood up and started walking over toward Yuna, her hackles rising as a more feral nature began to ooze from her posture and body. Rossa was smacked her fists into one another and stood up, violence creeping out from her gaze.

The beams from Yume pulsed sporadically on and off within milliseconds, a mist of red and black energy mixing into a circular distortion in the air. Dimension was hard to understand with the shape as it seemed second dimensional but shifted eerily into the third dimensional space to the visual cortex. Then, at the same time, images shifted spookily and disjointedly, appearing but disappearing only for those same images to be thrust elsewhere on the tapestry-like spatial anomaly.

"Stop it... We don't want to go, we just barely survived as it is!"

"Let us rest!!!"

"Why do you all have to be annoying?"

~Thanks for accepting...!~

Space distorted before the portal encompassed the entire chamber. Yuna, Carrera, Rossa and Nyx were all sucked up into the portal as Yume followed after them. The visual spectrum flashed off and on. When it came back on there was no one left inside of the cave and any evidence of them having been there was erased. No campfire, no food, no smell, nothing...

"HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA!!! This is gonna be fun!" Yuna laughed uproariously as she felt her body spin endlessly within space. Her sword danced around her in a similar state of excitement.


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