
Walpurgis Begun

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Darkness swirled through the portal as the other side gradually revealed itself. A stone round table consumed a vast amount of space in the meeting place. More than twelve seats were arranged with some already filled. Guy Crimson, one of the three Ancient Demon Lords sat at the proverbial head of the table with Leon Cromwell sitting to the side at his own seat, his eyes tracing our entrance to the meeting.

Dagruel sat opposite Cromwell as beside him was Frey, the Harpy Demon Lord. Next to Frey was Carrion, his masculine garbs and adornments showing his bestial heritage and strength. Roy Valentine sat next to Leon as he eyed us warily, this was obviously a ploy to retain the guise of neutrality. Clayman sat on the other side of Leon and gazed at Milim with utter hatred painting his face, his panning scan caressing each of us before slowly facing away in 'indifference'. He was fooling no one, especially us.

Stepping up towards the four empty chairs available to us, Milim gave me a kiss before breaking off. Guy raised his eyes at this display along with some of the other demon lords who began inspecting me intently. Ignoring their displays of intrigue I moved forwards and took the seats that were reserved for us. Our thrones were rather plain, black marble with very little embellishments, the frigid stone causing some discomfort as I sat back into it. Rimuru dropped down into his as well just as another portal opened up and a green-haired maid walked through. 

A few minutes passed before Ainz and Albedo walked through, their faces utterly emotionless as they stepped through. Carrion, Frey and Roy looked on at the undead Ainz with some scowling and inclining of brows. Ignoring the majority of the demon lords gathered here I focussed my attentions towards Guy, who was currently staring me down quite intently. His outfit was suave and sexy with its black and gold trims, highlighting his crimson hair that framed his masculine chiselled face. Primality was exuded from him as he sported an array of dragon teeth on a chain around his neck and the somewhat exposed chest, abs and skin of his upper body.

Essence fluttered around him like clouds within a tornado. His magicules, although supressed, were impossible to fully cloak. The mere presence of his being causing ripples in the structure of Magicule tides around the room.

|He is equal to you in power output... But it seems that he had greater control over Essence and Concepts, at least when it comes to the powers he knows.|

'Hmmm, then that means I couldn't fully come out with a win, even with the power I possess.'

|It would be difficult|

'Don't worry, I don't intend to fight Guy... Not unless he strikes at me or Milim.'

Paradox stood behind me along with Ruphia who had decided to come fulfil her duty for a change. His power was utterly muted and seemed non-existent at the moment. Somehow he had cloaked the power within and without of him, no exhausts of green gas or any inhaling noises peeping out. Behind Yuna was a singular woman with yellow hair that looked rather excited by the entire event and her part in it. One of the Primordial Demons, she was a force to be reckoned with and was easily on par with most of the others of her kind. Ruphia was much more powerful than her but that was due to the nature of our connection over anything else.

Silence soon smothered the room, as if someone had taken a gag to everyone's mouths. No one spoke or even made a peep, the atmosphere turning cold and diminutive. TAP, TAP... Guy began to tap his fingers on his own throne as he slowly arched his head in a certain direction, my eyes sending a sharp searing cut into my mind that informed me of potential danger. Dodging in less than a second, a spear of light that had threatened to cleave my neck from my head whizzed past and slammed into the walls behind me. With calm anger I continued my stare, a golden poral that had newly emerged filling the once empty space. A woman with flame hair and similar eyes stepped through, a scroll in her hands that snapped open as she coughed, beginning to speak.

"His royal majesty, Rudra Nam Ul Nasca, Emperor of the Eastern Empire and the Scion of Order on the world of Tensura. All rise to bow..."

No one moved as the form of Michael, Rudra Nam Ul Nasca, stepped out. His form was more Juvenile than I was expecting but what set him apart was the unnatural red glow that radiated from his eyes, like that of Rimuru when he entered auto-combat mode. Gold and black robes dangled softly from his slim but muscular form as his yellow-gold hair wavily drifted down the sides and front of his face. Velgrynd, his wife and elder sister to Veldora; who was also present, stepped up beside him as her entire visage shifted to a soft blue. Her previous fire hair shifted to a normal human-like hair that was utterly blue. Her eyes shifted to a softer blue flame as her dress even changed to that of ice in colouration. She scooped Michael's hand into her own and stepped forwards with him.

He was dripping in power, a power that was infectiously concerning. He wasn't as powerful as Paradox in pure Magicules but I could almost physically see the stairways to Celestia forming behind him despite the ethereal nature of his connection. The more concerning part of this staircase was the seven figures that stared out, their forms shadowed but obvious to me. 

Guy Immediately stood up, his power skyrocketing to greater extents than I could detect before. It seemed I had only gleamed the surface of his power before. Flexing my hand and gathering all of the essences I knew of, I formed a spear of pure spatial power. Space snapped. Time bent ever so slightly. A massive fracturing-glass-like spear was created in my hands before I threw it with the full force of my physique; unenhanced by my Ultimate Skills as I didn't want to let them copy them. The difference didn't matter much as the velocity naturally skyrocketed as it was a concept I had added. Snapping sounds spread along its trajectory, the very reality around it screaming in agony. Milim was also pissed at the attack that had been directed at me, her eyes glowing a dull pink although she made no action to actually attack.

I knew why as Guy stepped in front of it and attempted to reach out to snuff it. Scowling my eyes as he made this gesture to protect Michael I slipped the attack into time and jumped it forwards to a point that it would have reached in a second after his attempt. Velgrynd stepped in front of the attack and summoned up a flimsy shield to attempt to block it. Unfortunately for her I was taught by a god of magic, her tricks were just that, useless little squirt guns. The spatial spear fractured her shield in the instant of contact and slipped forwards, hitting her and grasping her. POP. She disappeared from her current position, transitioning into the middle of the ocean off the coast of the Eastern Empire.

"Hoh? Interesting..." 

Guy didn't seem interested in anger or frustration but seemingly was more intrigued or interested with my display. The other demon lords were watching on, many staying out of the confrontation.

"Hmmm, a chaotic element. Definitely a target for purging in future."

Michael was utterly calm despite his wife just being shunted to another place entirely. A golden portal emerged once again as the now wettened and pissed of Velgrynd stepped out, a massive gash spreading from her right shoulder to her left pelvis. Just as the satisfaction began to hit in, she started to heal at an exaggerated pace, her entire wound gone within moments. The only sign of it lying within the red stain on her blue clothing.

'I am going to purge you asshole!'

|Calm down! He may have attacked you but this does not mean conflict is wise now... We are in Walpurgis and in the 'home' of Guy. If he wanted to kill you there would only be one way of surviving.|

'Fleeing. I know! Fuck, I feel so weak around these fucks and I was taught by a God of Magic!'

|They have had thousands of years to evolve, learn and practice their skills and abilities... It would honestly be concerning if you were able to surpass them all within a single year of being here...|

'... Fuck em... When I become a god I'll wipe Michael out and his little bitch Velgrynd, then we'll see how snooty they are.'

|Heh, I haven't seen you this crazy sounding since your alter came out...|

'They fucking remind me of those rich billionaire fucks in my last life.'

|Ah, fair!|



There was a momentary silence before both of their auras flashed and started to do an anime-like aura duel. Guy's was a dark red-black whilst Michael's was a bright white and golden. Velgrynd started to aid her husband but was met with Guy's two maids who were equivalent to her whilst combining power. Yuna watched on with a seriousness that belied her usual behaviour. Her hands were steepled as her form flittered with both Demonic and Angelic power, it seemed that whatever the two 'Chads' were doing was affecting her own physique in a way. She wasn't being controlled, something I could tell by the way that she was radiating her power, but it certainly seemed like something deeper was going on with her at this moment.

Veldora, behind Rimuru, was looking at his elder sister with a frown as he held a manga in his hands. Nothing would apparently separate him and his Japanese picture novels. Diablo watched on with slight ominous chuckles, as if he were watching a stage play of children. I didn't know why he was acting like that but it was certainly discordant in comparison to other reactions from the demon lords.

Milim was looking at me with a silent question in her body language. Rimuru watched on whilst conversing to Ciel, something I could tell by his facial expressions. Carrion held an ominously crescent grin on his face as his bestial features gained a sharpness from their previous form. Frey watched on calmly, her mood unphased. Roy Valentine was watching with an intensity that was near obsession as Michael faced down Guy. Leon Cromwell, yeah, he was emotionless. Dagruel was much the same as Leon, seemingly content by the entire situation.

"Tsk, fuck your annoying."

"I feel nothing from you. Now are we continuing or can I finish what I wished to see?"

"No, fuck off, before I slice open your wife and feed her to the dogs."

Michael stared Guy down but he showed no signs of budging. No anger slipped over his face but there was the faintest recognition in his eyes as he glanced over at me with his red geometric-gleaming eyes. A frigid cold slipped over me as a presence started to seep into me. My gauntlet flexed and roared as the gem gleamed and soon a fragment of divine magic was utterly consumed by shadow, Michael's powers failing to clasp at my throat with his fell magics.

At the same time the other demon lord were also marked. Milim resisted easily whilst Rimuru merely ate it. Yuna used her connection with me to expunge the influence and soon easily squelched it. Many of the Demon Lords resisted the influence with only Clayman, Carrion and Frey unable to rebound it completely. Their powers were sealed in a minor way as soon Guy sent his power over to expunge the remnants that were about to enter through the 'wound' Michael had caused.

"You ignored me. Hahaha, this hasn't happened in a long time...!"

Before anything else could happen Michael disappeared with Velgrynd, a stairway dragging them backwards through space. Guy dropped his head forwards as if he were implying a question; 'Really?'

Space collapsed around him before both of them vanished, the Walpurgis put on a minor halt as Guy was apparently having fun fighting Michael, possibly. We all sat there in stunned comprehension as Walpurgis had yet to be truly called. So there we sat, sitting like a bunch of useless dicks, in the middle of a dull room that swirled with Magicules. 

'At least there are fancy star patterns...'



Hope you all enjoyed... It is hard getting through this but I hope I did well to portray what is happening. Some of the ideas and dialogue felt off to me but I may be wrong... Anyway, please enjoy!

Good night/day!

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