
The Spirit Queen

Slowly we strode through the undergrowth and roots of massive oak trees. Numerous forest critters and insects swarmed throughout and made a copious noise reminiscent of the din within cities. Behind me however was the largest source of noise, Sebas Tian. His foot steps crunching sticks and all sorts of forest detritus as he calmly walked behind me. 

It was as if the ability to stealth was all but wiped from his mind. Sneaking wasn't necessarily needed in this scenario but it was certainly a safer way of travelling forwards, especially given the potential foes we could run into. Michael was no small foe and ultimately, I did not have the power to outright win against him or Guy. As it is my only advantage was the sheer complexity with which I could cast spells and forge them. 

My skills were very good, but not on a massively OP scale, such as Guy's ability to copy people's abilities. To be honest I felt like some part of the 1,000,000 Souls had not been fully utilised, as if it were waiting for external influence to fully generate my truly OP skills. The Kitsune bloodline was certainly powerful, but I felt like I needed to exploit my cultivation more. Perhaps going on a monster killing spree would give me more stats. Another aspect that I hadn't toyed with yet was my Qi... It was not infinite like my Magicules but had completely foreign and exotic concepts and ideas tied to its composition. 

In Tensura I could feel the concept of Aura floating very close to it, but it felt more like a bastardization than an actual copy. Within my Qi, I could feel the concepts of Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. Alongside them were also more concepts pertaining to health, longevity, virality, strength, constitution, vitality, beauty and life. There was also a small sign of the concept or rule, or essence that I couldn't detect before... I still couldn't to be truthful. Using new concepts, I could supercharge my Qi, especially If I were able to slowly add essences to it, or traditionally 'Cultivate' as the Daoist Fictions of Earth would say.

"Hmm, I just realised that I do not even know your name. My name is Sebas Tian, you can just call me Sebas for ease."

I turned my head in his direction my thoughts being interrupted by the suave looking man. Sighing as my thoughts slowly receded into my subconscious, I stopped.

"My name is Silviana, Silviana Solaris. Demonic Overlord of Tempest."

He narrowed his eyes at the word overlord but chose to stay quiet, a gracious if rather minute smile sliding onto his face. It was too perfect, as if he was forced to keep up this attitude in favour of some benefit or some goal. His mood was odd, but I simply kept silent after telling him my name, gradually heading further into the brush where I saw a large door placed beneath a ginormous tree. Glowing particles of dust and various mushrooms glowed underneath the canopy as almost all light was caste from this place by darkness and shadow. Fragmented laughter came and went, jubilant in their tones if not a bit creepy in their fading nature.

"That is the entrance..."

I pointed out the door to the butler before walking over towards it, crossing the large open glade with its various wild flowers and tamed grasses. A strange feeling of artificiality came over me, my Magicules feeling the presence of an essence that I had used not too long ago, Colourless. 

'The glade was made by the spirits... We are already within her domain. All well, from what I know of Ramiris she is a ditz with a compulsion to be lazy and snack.'

|Heh, it's funny watching her stuff cookies away without her stomach changing size|

'That is something funny about her, for sure!'

As we neared the stone gateway opened wide, a vortex of swirling cyan magicules swirling down into a singular point. Sensing the concepts and looking at the magicules I could tell that this was a place that spatially transferred people over massive distances. An Einstein-rosen bridge or as normal people would call it, a Wormhole. Perfectly stabilized, controlled and anchored. Ramiris might be the 'weakest' demon lord but she certainly wasn't the stupidest... No idiot could make something like that and maintain so many spirits all at once. My caution rose a little as my expectation of our meeting increased.

Sebas simply walked forwards into the portal, not hesitating in the slightest as he maintained his refined posture and steady gait. My right eye twitched before I too joined him, my body experiencing multiple different concepts wrapping around me and morphing into more complex concepts and rules. There was not even a sniff of essence in the making of these, an intentional design? A simple lack of understanding? I was unclear.


We were now within a vast hall, the spatial rules of this labyrinth becoming warped and twisted as concepts such as Illusion, Confusion and some nasty ones like Death and Delusion were included. Mythology didn't call fairies avatars of mischief for no reason. I stepped forwards this time, my senses navigating each section with complete accuracy.

"Hahaha, hehehe... What do we have here!? More visitors??? Yes!"

The unintimidating voice of Ramiris poured through the room as she revelled in finally being able to have some company again. It was a lonely business being the Spirit Queen. I could empathise but still, this was very cliché when it came to 'villain' plotlines. 

"Visitors! *Cough* You will have to navigate the labyrinth of perilous death and face many challenged before you get to me... Good luck!"

Sebas looked at me with a complete lack of emotion, not even a twitch. Shrugging I continued moving forwards, disabling each of the mannequins we passed by until we eventually made it to the 'boss' room. It was exactly the same one that Rimuru had told me about earlier, except that the golem in the middle was powered by Rimuru's magicules, a gift he made for her.

"Hehehe! You have made it to me... Or have you!? First you must fight my best to-soldier!"

'Hey, you almost said toy...'

|She almost said toy...|

"Didn't she almost say 'toy'?"

The voice squeaked a little as Sebas asked the question aloud.

"N-n-n-no! It is my soldier!!!"

It sounded almost like she was close to throwing a tantrum. She was so funny when she was flustered that my laughter could not be held back. Openly I began to shake with laughter, my hand wrapping around my stomach as she tried to deny any speech that made it sound like she said toy.

"Just fight the Robotron 9000!"

Cackles slipped from my throat as I leant over, my insides breaking at the utter embarrassment that she had made of her 'cool' image. Her personality was so loveable that you couldn't hate her, she was more of a thoughtless airhead.

"Stop laughing! S-Stop it!?"

The 'Robotron 9000' moved forwards, it's body large and powerful with powerful limbs designed by The Great Sage before it became Raphael and then Ciel. It's danger level was low for me but Sebas was eyeing the construct with some level of caution. Looking up in the air I saw a golden mist that was barely hidden behind the enchantments of her domain. She moved quickly, avoiding my gaze, only to realise I could see her and was tracking her. My eyes followed her every movement within the chamber. My laughter fit was settling down as the 'robot' got close to us. 

"Ramiris... Rimuru sent me, he said you are good with souls and spirits?"

The golden blob stopped and looked at me. Golden sparkles slowed and swirled around her as she zipped straight up to me. Robotron 9000 stopped and simply watched his master and the intruders converse.

"Rimuru sent you huh...? Prove it!"

"He gave you a cookie when he came here. He was also with a bunch of kids and a woman name Shizu, wears a face-mask that covers her Magicule presence. There was also the strange event with Chloe."

Her little fairy eyes widened before she smiled triumphantly.

"I knew you were a friend, from the moment I saw you!"

Sebas looked at me, his expressions tamed to the physical bounds of proficiency. I made guesses about what he was thinking but it was honestly all guess work based off of the situation. Around us the many spirits began to gather. Light, dark, fire, water, nature, shadow... There were too many to count, but many of them seemed to love me. Large amounts of the spirits landed on me and just sat there, their faces showing a form of ecstasy. Ignoring the little creatures and their odd habits I looked directly at Ramiris, her jaw wide open.

"OI! You bastards, why are you sitting on her like she's a tree!? Get off your butts and do your jobs!"

"Nah... It's too comfortable... She has way too much power for us to want to leave."

"I AM JUST AS POWERFUL! I can take her out like: BLAM, BLAM, BING, BLAN!"

She started to shadow box somewhat as the light spirit that had responded just shrugged and leaned up against my neck, his legs dangling off of my shoulders as he started to fall asleep. Ramiris was still boxing...

"Ramiris! I came here to get your help, remember...?"

"Oh! Yeah... What is it? I am kind of busy."

"I want resurrect someone that I have stored."

"Is that it? That's simple! It's just you take the soul out like BLAM, then you build a body like BLAM BLAM BLAM then you WABAM them together. Simple, see?"


|Seriously how does Rimuru understand her?|

'I'd say something cruel but Rimuru is actually intelligent. Perhaps its just his Great Sage that allowed him to?'

|Best theory we have so far... Let's go with it.|

"Oh gosh you are so stupid! Don't worry, Ramiris the Great Demon Lord is here to help you through! O-oh! But I want some more cookies, they were yummy."

I facepalmed as she buzzed around me making 'Bamming' noises.

'What is my life???'


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