He was in darkness, it flowed around him like liquid air. His very steps seemed to be on water and it made him afraid he'd plummet below the surface.
Then the green light appeared.
It was a small spark, but it was all the more vital to Lesley in that darkness. He got up and tried to catch it but the wisp of light evaded his hands and moved a distance away.
Lesley moved again to take it but it moved away from his grasp again, still staying a small distance from him. Gritting his teeth , the red head chased after it , running on the darkness like a water spider.
Finally the spark stood still and Lesley jumped up to get it. As his hands clasped the spark, it flickered and fell like a dead mosquito. Lesley grabbed it and fell to his knees as the light slowly ebbed and died in his hands.
His eyes leaked tears and he didn't know why he was crying. He was just sad , so sad it was like heartbreak and loneliness gave birth to a new emotion in his chest.
Then two pair of hands came from the darkness and cupped his own. Lesley looked up with his tear stained face.
Infront of him was a man , that much he could tell. However he could not make out his features but Lesley knew that he knew the person.
" Hollow. "
Limbs reached out from the darkness and pulled Lesley into the abyss before he could call for help. The person watched him leave with sad eyes that held pain and loneliness.
Lesley woke up with a violent gasp and reached out for the person's hand. But there was no person, no green light or limbs.
But there was darkness. Lesley looked around to see where he was but the place had no light. He could feel a soft material under him and moving his hand , he felt an object like a book but he ignored it.
His eyes then saw an entrance where a bit of light was shining and he got up and slowly moved towards it. A slight crackle under his feet made him sidestep , he had almost tripped on something.
Following the light , Lesley saw it was coming from a window. A very familiar window. He moved forward and looked outside the window and what he saw was ... unsettling.
Zombies were roaming the street below and growling with ravenous hunger. Lesley knew the view he was looking at though . Below him was a grey walkway , an abandoned street street with two old taxis. This was what he saw , a view he had been seeing for nearly a week.
It was the apartment kitchen window's view.
Turning back into the room , his eyes adjusted to the dark and he started seeing outlines of things; the flipped over sofa in living room, the kitchen counter and he realized that he'd just come from the bedroom.
He was back at the zombie's house , he couldn't believe it . But how ...
It hit like a train , the memory was a blow to his soul and he crumbled to his knees. Slowly it all came back , it was bitter like the after taste of drinking poison.
His escape, the call to Ricky, his betrayal and -
Lesley instantly lifted his hand and touched his neck right where had been bitten by a zombie. A slight check and he felt no scar or wound at all. Infact there had been no pain since he woke up. Not even his head hurt, from falling out of the Rover.
What did this mean ? Lesley wondered, was he turning into a upper rank zombie? Was he one already? Is that how he'd healed? But Lesley felt no desire to eat on humans at all.
Which meant...he didn't know...and he didn't care .
Lesley went back to the bedroom and lay on the bed in a sleeping position. His heart was heavy, practically collapsing his chest with pain. He didn't know what hurt more ; the fact that he was labeled a traitor for nothing or thrown out by his lover like trash.
Who am I kidding, he thought, it hurt worse to be garbage.
Slow tears formed in his eyes and Lesley tried to hold them back but they refused to . His pain needed an outlet and this was it. So for the next ten minutes Lesley cried his pain out until his body fell into a deep slumber without any dreams of darkness or strange lights .
From the shadows , a dark silhouette appeared and walked towards the bed and the sleeping boy. A cold and bony fingers rose up to touch his cheek but at the last second it paused and retracted.
" Are you alright mother? " A small voice spoke from the shadows.
The veiled figure did not turn around as she answered but kept her eyes on the sleeping human.
" No. I am not. " She said softly, " Nothing is alright. Not anymore."
" Will he ...help ?" The young voice asked.
" He has to. Or we will all die." She said turning away from him and going back into the darkness.
" But what will we do now? " The young one asked.
" We will wait , we will see. We have all the time in the world my son. All the time in the world." The words were a soft whisper and as they came , a skull on the floor seemed to slightly shift but then it stood still again.
The movement had been so subtle and miniscule even the veiled figure did not notice it .
Hello , readers . I'm currently writing exams so expect two to four chapter uploads a week.
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