
Dark is the light

A darkness .

Everywhere was darkness .

He floated in it without knowledge of anything but one ; He was afraid .

The darkness swirled eternal like the night made into fog . As he looked on , a green light flickered within it . A small dot in an ocean of black , the only thing not consumed by the darkness . He opened his mouth to speak -

" Sorrow . "


Lesley woke up with a start , his eyes popping open and searching around , looking for the darkness , the green light and the person who had spoken .

But all he saw was his room , his pictures on the wall of rivers and forests , things he'd taken from his old home . Slowly his breathing became less rapid and he calmed down .

He looked outside the window of his room and saw it was still dark outside.Getting up in nothing but a boxer and a faded green shirt , he went to the window and looked outside .

Bright light shone outside from the earth and heavens .The moon and stars cast their natural glow upon a city that was alight with its own artificial light . Buildings and skyscrapers shined like pillars of Christmas decorations, each so bright it hurt after watching for a while .

Lesley ignored the artificial light and looked up at the sky , at the moon and stars . He breathed in a deep breath and blew it out , all while looking at the moon . His mind calmed down and he was back to his usual self .

Or was he ?

This was the tenth night of him dreaming about being in darkness and a green light flickering around . Liam had laughed at his dream saying Lesley was getting spooked after seeing zombies .

Squad team 36 had gone out on more excursions in the last three weeks . They were out on the purpose of getting food , medicine and essentials . It was during some of these excursions that Lesley saw zombies again .

It was merely small groups of seven or four and barely any trouble for the squad . Lesley had even shot one , although it was in the neck and not the skull . He hadn't cared , only happy when the zombie fell at his feet .

But Lesley hadn't been spooked . No , he'd been scared but also excited to use his Skillet on an actual zombie . So he knew that it wasn't the zombie fights that were causing his nightmare .

Atleast he hoped so .

He couldn't be termed a mental case . The Deadpool organisation would strip him off the Squad team and he'd be termed as a permanent civilian . That was Lesley's greatest fear and so he hadn't brought up his nightmare in over two weeks .

It wasn't like it was a consistent dream , he didn't dream every night . So it was no problem , he'd be fine after a while . The dream would go away by itself and he'd have his worries laid to rest .That's what he told himself , that's what he needed to believe . Anything else was out of the question .

Lesley looked out into the night one last time, before shutting his window closed .

He needed to get some rest , tommorow was another excursion .


Mel stood infront of his apartment door looking inside. Another zombie had come up the stairs , which was a very difficult thing for a zombie unless there was food . The zombie had been wandering the corridor and then walked into Mel's apartment .

The zombie was an ugly old woman with no hair on her head , wearing a hospital gown covered in blood . She stood in the living room and was sniffing the air with her teeth hanging open as if she was breathing at the same time . Mel walked into the room just as she turned around and aimed for his bedroom .

The zombie walked into the room as the door was open and she groaned , a deep gravelly sound from her throat . Her head turned left and right as she looked around , even though she had a dangling right eyeball .

When her head turned to the back wall she started walking toward it with her hands outstretched . Her face was salivating with black drool and hunger burned in her one good dead eye .

Mel grabbed her hands and broke them , the sharp snapping sound of bone's breaking resonating through the room . The zombie looked at him as if asking what he was doing but Mel wasn't looking at her . His eyes were looking at the girl's face that was hanging on the wall infront of them .

He turned to the zombie woman and grabbed her shoulders , pushing her back until they hit the wall . The zombie , realising he was a threat , growled and tried to fight out of his hold but Mel didn't give her a chance to .

Before the zombie knew what happened , she was on the ground , her head being twisted in a circular motion . Her legs flapped , her fore arms moved her limp hands but Mel still twisted her head off her body .

When it came off , the body became still and Mel got off it . He then dragged her body by pulling her left leg , going into the kitchen where a window to the pavement was . He took the head and threw it out , after that he lifted the body and shoved it out , the process broke more of the bones and made the body a mangly mess .

Mel then went to his bedroom again and looked at the little girl's face . Maggots and flies had gotten to her and her once human skin was rotten and putrid . The sight brought a strange expression , like a frown , to Mel's face and he looked around the room at all the faces he kept .

After five minutes he reached out and took the faces down , pulling them off their hooks . Only the girl was left hanging but he left that alone and took the others away into the kitchen . Tossing the heads outside , he heard the growl of zombies as they came to the noise he'd made . Soon he saw his faces being eaten by the zombies down below , their already dry and clamming skin being pulled off in chunks .

He turned back into his bedroom and there , he pulled the girl's face down . There was still one eye left in the socket although it had become as worthless as the one Mel wore in his skull . He looked at the face with his good eye and stroked the girl's hair .

Then he starting eating her .

First was the jaw , he pulled it out and ate it going from chin to teeth . Then he crushed the bones that held the face together , dripping old rancid blood onto the floor . The floppy , green brown mass of flesh that came afterwards he looked at with a tilted head , as if confused .

Then he got up and went to the window in the kitchen , looking at the zombies eating the remains of his faces . He held the mass of flesh and bone tighter and started eating the rest of it . His eyes never left the other zombies as they ate below.

I won't lie , this chapter was creepy when we got to Mel but that is what we get when we have a Zombie as a character .

I hope to get a review soon but powerstones aswell .

Nixel_Lazulicreators' thoughts
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