He walked deeper into the forest. There is no doubt that what lies ahead is dangerous for a normal person, but when Tom goes there, the danger is not for Tom, but for the beings there.
Tom was walking calmly when he felt he was getting very close to the source of the magic power.
Tom heard a lot of wolf growling. When he got there, he saw very large wolves tearing a man's head off. He realised that these wolves were not normal. He could feel little leaks of magic coming from each of the wolves.
Tom wasn't afraid of them at all. He didn't think it would be a problem if there was a horde of dragons.
Tom felt the same small magic leak from the corpse on the ground.
Tom took a lock of hair from the corpse's head. The corpse and the wolves reminded him of magical animals.
He could try to make a magic wand with his feathers. The wolves watched the man uneasily and did not move.
When they looked at Tom, they couldn't see anything different from an ordinary person. Tom waved his wand and a few strands of wolf hair fell into his hand.
The wolves were nervous.
Tom started to leave the scene because he didn't want to get involved in killing anyone. Tom apparated to his own house.
Tom wanted to combine these hairs with yew and make a new wand. To do this, he needed to find a yew tree. Tom had already found this tree in the forest. He planned to pick it up tomorrow because he had a long walk.
Instead of changing, Tom used the Transfiguration spell to turn his clothes into comfortable clothes.
When he woke up in the morning, Tom quickly ate his breakfast. He had to go to school today and attend a meeting of the Teachers' Council. Tom forgot about it. With a reminder message on his phone, he quickly left for school.
He got into his Range Rover, having learnt to drive from Charlie's memories. The meeting didn't last long. Tom was happy to get on with his business for the rest of the day.
Tom apparated to the yew tree. He used the Fractura spell to take a thick branch from the tree. Tom took the tree and apparated to the house. Tom carved the trees using his Diffindo spell. Getting wand trees into shape is a difficult task.
Tom put the vampire hair on one wand, then the wolf hair on another, and then both the vampire and wolf feathers on the same wand. Tom wants to try these wands.
He went out and apparated to an empty part of the forest. and began to use offensive spells with his vampire wand.
He liked its destructive power. When he tried the Transfiguration spell, he was not pleased.
Then the defensive spells
Guardium Defensor
The wand had an average skill with defensive spells.
Tom started to try the wolf hair wand. The wolf hair wand was weak in attack spells, good in protection spells and average in transfiguration spells.
The wand made of two hairs was good in all areas.
Tom loved this wand. But he had another idea: to add his own hair to the mixture.
Tom took one of the empty wands he had prepared and prepared the last wand.
As soon as he cast the 'Pyroflare' spell, he was surprised by the effect. The spell was very wild and powerful. The wand became a very powerful and wild wand.
Tom was very happy with his new wand. He prepared another spare wand for himself. Tom has a habit of taking precautions against any dangerous situation.