
Tempting offer

Apollonia's heart raced as she stared at the young American soldier who had just saved her from the unwanted advances of the other American soldiers. His muscular physique was evident beneath his crisp, olive-drab US Army uniform, and he towered over her petite frame. She couldn't help but admire his chiseled jawline and deep brown eyes that exuded a sense of kindness and concern. He spoke to her in a language she didn't understand, but his tone was gentle and reassuring. The only word she could make out was "signorina," which she assumed was a term of respect or endearment.

Their gazes locked, and Apollonia felt a blush creep up her cheeks. She knew she should thank him, but the words wouldn't come. Instead, she nodded shyly, her doe-like eyes unable to tear themselves away from his. A part of her couldn't explain the sudden, inexplicable attraction she felt for this stranger.


Lorenzo's observant eyes noticed the confusion in Apollonia's gaze. He realized she didn't understand English, so he decided to switch to Italian in which she could understand. "Qual è il tuo nome?" he asked.

Apollonia's cheeks flushed a deeper shade of red as she looked down shyly, but after a brief moment of hesitation, she mustered the courage to reply, "Mi chiamo Apollonia," she said softly, her voice like a whispered melody.

"Piacere di conoscerti, Apollonia," Lorenzo responded with a warm smile, extending his hand to shake hers. "Io mi chiamo Lorenzo."

Apollonia's smile bloomed like a sunflower as she tentatively accepted Lorenzo's handshake. The warmth of his touch sent a tingle up her spine, and she could feel her cheeks flushing even more.

Lorenzo couldn't help but grin at her obvious discomfort. "Sei molto bella, Apollonia," he teased playfully, complimenting her.

Apollonia's blush deepened, and she was unable to form a response. Instead, she muttered a quick "Grazie" before hurrying away, her heart pounding in her chest.

Lorenzo chuckled softly, his eyes following her retreating figure. He knew he had made an impression on the beautiful Apollonia, and he found himself intrigued by her shy demeanor.


The Allied forces, including the US, British, and Canadian armies, had just emerged victorious in "Operation Husky," a campaign to drive out the Italian and Axis forces from Sicily. However, the victory came at a steep price. Thousands of their own men had paid the ultimate price, their lifeless bodies now being transported away on stretchers, covered in sheets to spare the living from the full extent of the carnage. The injured soldiers, their once-healthy bodies now marred by the horrors of war, were everywhere. Some had lost limbs, others their sight, and all of them bore the invisible scars of the conflict.

Lorenzo could see the toll the war had taken on his comrades' faces; even those who had escaped physical harm showed signs of the mental strain they had endured. The constant barrage of explosions, the cries of the dying, and the unimaginable sights they had witnessed haunted their eyes.

The Sicilian civilians eyed the Allied soldiers warily, their expressions guarded. And who could blame them? thought Lorenzo. To them, it didn't matter if they were Allied or Axis; they were all soldiers with guns. The Biscari massacre, where Allied troops had mercilessly slaughtered not only POWs but also innocent civilians, still weighed heavily on everyone's minds.

As a Lieutenant Colonel and leader of his battalion, Lorenzo was adamant about drawing a clear line between being a soldier and a murderer of the innocents. He reminded his men time and again that their duty was to engage the enemy on the battlefield, not to harm the defenseless.

The mess hall, once a quaint trattoria in peacetime, now bustled with activity as Allied soldiers filed in and out.

The room buzzed with conversation, punctuated by the clatter of utensils on plates and the occasional burst of laughter.

Lorenzo sat at a long table, flanked by his XO, a handful of captains and lieutenants, and a few enlisted men he had come to know well. Around them, Canadian and British soldiers mingled with their American counterparts.

The rest of his hundreds-strong battalion were dispersed among the other buildings in the village, sharing the limited space with their Canadian and British allies.


The Shelby brothers, Thomas, Arthur, and John, entered the bustling mess hall, their eyes scanning the room for an empty table. As they made their way through the throng of soldiers, Arthur nudged Thomas and discreetly pointed in the distance.

Thomas glanced at his brother, eyebrows furrowed in confusion, before following his gaze. His eyes landed on the familiar face of Lorenzo, the very same man he had dragged to their British mess hall in Malta to ask about the "miracle drug" he was using.

John, the youngest of the three, also caught sight of the American soldier and couldn't help but comment, "Look at that badge, Tommy. He's outranked you now."

Thomas's frown deepened as he studied the insignia on Lorenzo's uniform, realizing his brother was right. "Before the mission, we were both the same rank," he muttered under his breath.

Arthur, chuckled and clapped Thomas on the back. "Don't fret too much about it, Tommy. It's probably just the Yanks playing their games again, promoting their boys left and right to keep them motivated for this war. We Brits, on the other hand, we know our worth."

Thomas, Arthur, and John Shelby made their way to the serving line, collecting their meals before making their way to an empty table not too far from where Lorenzo sat.

Lorenzo had already spotted them as they entered, and he couldn't help but chuckle to himself, remembering their last encounter in Malta.

Thomas Shelby, the eldest brother, locked eyes with their Lorenzo. The air was thick with tension as their stares met across the table. Neither man blinked, each sizing the other up.

Suddenly, Ben, XO to the Lupo battalion, slammed his fist on the table, startling everyone around them. "Oi, what are you looking at our battalion leader for, eh? You Brits think you're better than us?" he spat, venom dripping from his words.

Thomas didn't break eye contact with Lorenzo, but his jaw clenched in response to the provocation.

Lorenzo raised a hand to silence his subordinate, his gaze never leaving Thomas'. "Ben, it's alright. We're just having a friendly stare-down, aren't we, Mr. Shelby?" His voice was laced with sarcasm, but there was a hint of amusement in his dark eyes.

Thomas smirked, finally breaking the intense stare. "Aye, 'tis nothing personal, Lupo. Just sizing up the competition."

Ben's tense expression eased slightly, but he still eyed the Shelby brothers warily.

"Scusi," he muttered, looking at Thomas with a sheepish grin. "I didn't mean to cause any trouble."

Thomas waved off the apology with a flick of his hand, already lighting up a cigarette. "No worries, mate. Water under the bridge." His gaze flickered to Lorenzo's insignia rank before returning to his meal. The Shelby brothers tucked into their food, eating with the practiced discipline of men accustomed to scarce rations and even scarcer moments of peace.

Lorenzo watched them, impressed by their unity. "Eh, my friends, you lot eat like there's no tomorrow," he said, unable to resist teasing them.

Johnny looked up from his plate, his fork poised mid-air. "And what's wrong with that, Lupo? We've seen enough death to know that tomorrow's not promised."

Lorenzo held up his hands in mock surrender. "Hai ragione, hai ragione. You're right, of course. Forgive my poor choice of words."

As they continued their meal, Lorenzo's mind raced with possibilities. He knew better than to question the differences in their timelines; after all, even in films like "Once Upon a Time in America" portrayed characters like Deborah as being younger than they should have been. The Shelby brothers were no exception. In this world, they might have started their notorious gang, the Peaky Blinders, after the war instead of before it. Alternate timelines and realities were nothing new to him, and he had long since learned to accept the differences.

Lorenzo glanced at the Shelby brothers, marveling at their youthful appearances. They were just kids compared to the hardened criminals he'd seen in the show, but he knew that war had a way of aging men quickly. It was a sobering thought, but he pushed it aside for now. There would be time for reflection later. For now, they were allies, united by a common enemy and a shared goal.

He first decided to forge a connection with the Shelby brothers as friends first. He knew that building trust would be crucial if he ever wanted their allegiance in the future. As they finished their meal, he leaned in, lowering his voice to a conspiratorial whisper. "So, amici miei, have you ever considered... making some extra coin while we're still in this godforsaken war?"

The Shelby brothers exchanged glances, eyebrows raised in surprise. Thomas spoke up, his accent thick with skepticism. "You mean, aside from the usual lootin' and plunderin'?"

Lorenzo chuckled, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Si, si, but something more... organized. You see, my friends, I know a few people who can get us access to certain... supplies. And I've heard that your lot has a knack for 'acquiring' things."

Johnny leaned in, intrigued in spite of himself. "What kind of supplies we talking about, Lupo?"

Lorenzo lowered his voice even further. "Medicine, rations, even weapons. The black market's thriving, and we might as well get a piece of the action, no?"

Thomas narrowed his eyes, weighing the risks. "And how do we know we can trust you, Lupo? We don't want to end up on the wrong side of the firing squad."

Lorenzo held up his hands in a placating gesture. "I'm in this boat with you. We all have something to gain from this arrangement. And besides, what's the harm in exploring our options? Just think about it, eh?" Lorenzo said, flashing them a disarming smile.

"...and if you're still not convinced, let me sweeten the deal. My rank as a Lieutenant Colonel and my position as battalion leader grants me certain... privileges. I can ensure our little operation flies under the radar, as long as we're discreet." Lorenzo's eyes glinted with determination, his loyal XO, Ben, nodding in agreement beside him.

Thomas Shelby, took his time to respond. "Alright, Lupo. We'll think about it. But I don't make any promises."

Lorenzo smiled, knowing he'd planted the seed of an idea in their heads. "Fair enough, amico mio. Take your time. But remember, the offer stands." He stood up, straightening his uniform. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some business to attend to."

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