
Chapter 2

Three years had passed since White Diamond had given Yellow the order to begin colonizing Mars. The red planet was undergoing a dramatic transformation. Where once there was only a barren, rust-colored landscape, now stood towering crystalline structures, gleaming in the pale Martian sunlight. The atmosphere, once thin and inhospitable, was slowly thickening, a testament to Yellow Diamond's efficiency and skill.

White Diamond stood atop the highest spire of her central citadel, surveying the progress with a mixture of pride and calculated interest. Her gaze swept over the newly formed kindergartens, where the first batch of Gems had recently emerged. Quartz soldiers, lithe Pearls, sturdy Bismuth builders, and countless others now populated the growing Gem empire on Mars. The only three colors that were present were Yellow, White, and Brown.

A flash of yellow light announced the arrival of her daughter and second-in-command.

"Yellow," White acknowledged, not turning from her view. "Report."

Yellow Diamond saluted crisply, despite her mother's back being turned. "The terraforming process is proceeding ahead of schedule, Mother. The first quadrant is now 78% habitable for Gem life. We've increased atmospheric density by 3% in that region alone. The new Gems are adapting well to their roles, and production efficiency is up 12% from last month's projections."

White nodded, satisfaction was evident on her face. "Excellent work, my brilliant child. You've exceeded expectations, as always."

Yellow beamed at the praise, but her expression quickly turned serious. "There's something else, Mother. Our long-range sensors have detected a disturbance in the Solar System. It appears to be centered on Earth."

"Is there any sign of what may have caused the incident? I was unaware that anything had entered since I ceased my use of my long-range detection abilities since we created the proper technology. It seems I'll be of need of you once again, my Yellow. Though you have never disappointed me before." White stated with a small smile.

"Thank you, Mother. I-"

She was cut off by a sudden tremor that shook the citadel. Both Diamonds turned their attention skyward, where a disturbance was visible even from the surface of Mars.

White's eyes narrowed. "It seems our peaceful expansion was too much to hope for. I should have known that would be the case since we were so close to Earth." she murmured.

White waved her hand, and a holographic display sprang to life between them. It showed Earth, but something was terribly wrong.

A massive, grotesque figure loomed in the space above Mars. It was unmistakably a Celestial, one of the cosmic entities White had warned her children about. But this one was... wrong. Its surface writhed with what looked like a metallic infection, its eyes glowing with malevolent energy.

"The Fallen," White breathed, recognizing the entity from the memories of her past life as Margaret. "A Celestial infested by the Horde. I had hoped we'd have more time before encountering such threats."

Yellow looked at her mother in surprise. "You know of this being?"

White nodded grimly. "From... before. This is a threat beyond anything we've encountered in this time. If left unchecked, it could pose a danger even to us."

As they watched, tiny figures swarmed around the Fallen – a few of Earth's defenders, no doubt. White recognized the unmistakable silhouette of Odin, the raw power of the Phoenix Force, and the mystical aura of Agamotto.

"The Primordial Avengers," White mused. Her mind raced, weighing the risks and potential benefits of intervention. She recalled her previous encounter with Agamotto and the Phoenix, their warnings about interference still ringing in her ears.

Yellow tensed, ready for orders. "Shall I prepare our defenses, Mother? We can have our entire army ready within the hour."

White held up a hand, her mind racing through calculations and possibilities. "No," she said finally. "This is not a battle we should fight... not fully, at least." She turned to Yellow, her expression grave. "You've read the archives I provided about this universe's history?"

Yellow nodded. "Of course, Mother. Every word."

"Then you know of the Primordial Avengers. They exist in this time, and they will be Earth's first line of defense against this threat. But I purposely excluded information about entities like these, as their abilities are quite weird and I would rather not let our knowledge of them become commonly known." White's eyes gleamed with a mix of caution and opportunity.

But the Fallen posed too great a threat to ignore. And perhaps... perhaps this was an opportunity to establish their place in this universe and force the other powerhouses to become a bit more cautious in dealing with her. Afterall, if she let the Sorcerer Supreme, God King, and a Fragment of the Phoenix intimidate her, then she didn't deserve to sit on her throne.

'Perhaps this could also be an opportunity to gain their trust? Making them think we represent the same side could be beneficial in the long run.' White thought to herself.

"Yellow," White said, her decision made. "Prepare a contingent. You will lead an expedition to Earth to assist in the battle against the Fallen."

Yellow's eyes widened. "Mother? Are you certain? After your meeting with Agamotto and the Phoenix-"

"I'm well aware of the risks," White cut her off, her tone brooking no argument. "But this threat cannot be ignored. Take 100 of our finest Ruby soldiers and that exceptional Jasper we recently produced. Your mission is to assist the Primordial Avengers in defeating the Fallen, nothing more. Do not engage with Earth's defenders unless absolutely necessary."

Yellow saluted again, determination etched on her features. "It will be done, Mother. But... what of our policy of non-interference with Earth?"

White's lips curved into a small, knowing smile. "Sometimes, my dear, the best way to ensure non-interference is to interfere just enough to be seen as a valuable, distant ally. Go now, and remember: your primary goal is the safety of our kind.

Yellow nodded, determination settling over her features. "I understand, Mother. We won't let you down."

As Yellow turned to leave, White called after her, "And Yellow? Be careful. Remember, your survival is paramount."

Yellow paused, looking back at her mother. For a moment, genuine affection passed between them. Then, with a nod, Yellow was gone in a flash of light.


The skies above Earth roiled with eldritch energies as the Fallen Celestial towered over the planet. Its form, once majestic, was now a writhing mass of Horde-infested flesh and twisted metal. Each movement of its colossal body sent shockwaves through the atmosphere.

Below, the Primordial Avengers fought with everything they had. Odin, the All-Father, hurled Gungnir again and again, each strike unleashing devastating bolts of the Odinforce while laced with Runes. The Phoenix, a blazing avatar of cosmic fire, swooped and dove around the Fallen's head, trying to breach its defenses. Agamotto wove complex spells, attempting to bind the corrupted Celestial.

But it wasn't enough. The Fallen seemed to shrug off their most powerful attacks, its Horde-enhanced form being unphased by any of the attacks done by the trio as if theu had not done anything at all.

Ghost Rider, his flaming skull a beacon in the darkness, revved his mammoth bone motorcycle. Iron Fist, his chi burning bright, stood in a ready stance. And at the forefront, Star Brand, the leader of this smaller group of heroes, his cosmic powers flaring as he faced the oncoming army. While they dealt with the corrupted spawn that came from the Celestial, Odin, Firehair, and Agamotto were tasked with defeating the Celestial itself.

"We cannot sustain this assault indefinitely," Agamotto shouted, his usually calm demeanor strained. "The Fallen grows stronger with each passing moment!"

Odin grunted in agreement, calling Gungnir back to his hand. "It's corruption continues to spread. If we cannot end this soon, all of Midgard may be lost!"

Suddenly, a brilliant flash of yellow light burst in the sky above them. The Primordial Avengers looked up in shock as a massive, hand-shaped ship materialized. Its hull gleamed with an otherworldly sheen, clearly not of Earth origin.

"What new devilry is this?" Odin growled, raising Gungnir defensively.

Before anyone could react further, a tall, yellow figure appeared before them, accompanied by a contingent of small, red soldiers and a burly orange warrior.

"I am Yellow Diamond," the figure announced, her voice carrying effortlessly over the chaos of battle. "We've come to offer our assistance against the Fallen."

Agamotto's eyes narrowed, recognition flashing across his features. "You... you're one of hers, aren't you? White Diamond's creation?"

Yellow Diamond met his gaze steadily. "I am. And right now, I'm your best chance at defeating this threat."

The Phoenix, momentarily taking human form, landed beside Agamotto. Her eyes blazed with cosmic fire as she regarded Yellow Diamond. "We warned your matriarch about interference. Why should we trust you now?"

"Because," Yellow replied coolly, "if that thing isn't stopped, there won't be a planet left for any of us to argue over. Now, shall we continue this discussion, or shall we fight?"

As if to punctuate her words, the Fallen let out a deafening roar, sending a fresh wave of Horde creatures swarming towards them.

Odin hefted Gungnir, a grim smile on his face. "She speaks the truth. We can settle our differences after the battle is won. For now, we fight together!"

Yellow nodded sharply, then turned to her gems. "Rubies, combine and engage the smaller Horde creatures alongside the Avengers down on the ground. Jasper, activate your armor and focus on the larger threats that are coming from the Horde. I'll target the Fallen directly." 

Jasper nodded, with her leading the troops down towards the Horde


"Stand ready!" Star Brand called out. "We are all that stands between this abomination and-"

As Jasper smashed into the ground in front of him alongside two giant Rubys, with her not even introducing herself as the battle between her and the Creatures began.

The 2 Giant, Red Gems began to combine, forming a larger warrior that delivered powerful attacks. Jasper's form shimmered as powerful armor materialized around her, increasing the power behind each of her attacks.

Odin laughed, a sound of both amusement and appreciation. "Ho! These strange warriors might just turn the tide! To battle, then!"

As if on cue, the Fallen let out a deafening roar, and the battle was continued.

Yellow Diamond took to the sky, her form crackling with destructive energy. She raised her hands, focusing her power on the Fallen's massive form. Where her energy touched, the Celestial's matter began to destabilize, making pieces of its cosmic armor flake away.

On the ground, the combined Rubies engaged with the horde of infected creatures that poured from the Fallen's form. Their fiery abilities complemented the Ghost Rider's, creating an inferno that pushed back the tide of enemies.

The Jasper, encased in her powerful armor, charged through the horde like a juggernaut, clearing a path for Iron Fist and Black Panther to push forward.

Phoenix and Star Brand took to the sky, joining Yellow Diamond in the assault on the Fallen proper. Their combined cosmic energies, so different yet aligned in purpose, began to overwhelm the corrupted Celestial's defenses

But even with their combined might, the Fallen seemed nearly unstoppable. Hours passed, and exhaustion began to set in. The Rubies were starting to fall, their combined forms breaking apart under the relentless assault. Jasper's armor was cracked and sparking..

Hours passed in a blur of cosmic fire, thunderous impacts, and reality-warping energies. Yellow Diamond found herself impressed by the primitive heroes' tenacity and power. They fought with a raw determination that matched even her most loyal Quartz soldiers.

'For pathetic swine, at least they are a bit capable. It would have likely taken Mother using alot of power just to defeat this thing.' Yellow thought, not forgetting to place her Mother above the Celestial in her mind.

As the battle reached its crescendo, Yellow saw an opportunity. "Star Brand!" she called out. "My power can destabilize its matter, but I need an opening!"

The hero nodded, understanding immediately. He flew directly at the Fallen's face, cosmic energy flaring around him like a supernova. The Celestial, distracted by the immediate threat, left its flank exposed.

Yellow Diamond seized the moment. Concentrating a vast majority of her power, she unleashed a beam of pure destabilizing energy at the Fallen's weak point. The corrupted metal of its form began to disintegrate, revealing the cosmic flesh beneath.

With a shared nod of understanding, they launched into action. Odin bellowed a war cry, channeling all his power into Gungnir. The spear streaked towards the Fallen like a bolt of divine lightning, striking its chest and blasting open a gaping wound.

In that instant, the Phoenix swept Yellow Diamond up in her fiery embrace, streaking towards the opening at impossible speed. They plunged into the corrupted interior of the Fallen, Agamotto's magic sealing the breach behind them.

Inside the Fallen, Yellow Diamond found herself in a nightmarish landscape of twisted metal and pulsating flesh. The Horde infection was everywhere, tendrils of corruption snaking through what was once the pure form of a Celestial.

"We need to find the core," Yellow shouted over the cacophony of alien sounds surrounding them.

The Phoenix nodded, her form blazing even brighter in the darkness. "This way. I can sense its power."

They fought their way deeper into the Fallen's body, Yellow's destabilizing blasts carving a path through waves of Horde defenders. The Phoenix's cosmic fire kept the worst of the corruption at bay, but both of them could feel the oppressive weight of the Fallen's power bearing down on them.

Finally, they reached the core – a massive, pulsating organ that glowed with corrupted Celestial energy. Horde tendrils were wrapped tightly around it, pumping their vile influence into the very heart of the being.

"We need to purge the infection," the Phoenix said, her voice strained from the effort of maintaining her power in this hostile environment.

Yellow Diamond nodded, raising her hands. "My destabilizing power should weaken the Horde's hold. Once I do, you'll need to burn out the infection with your cosmic fire."

"And if that doesn't work?" the Phoenix asked, a rare note of uncertainty in her voice.

Yellow's expression hardened. "Then we overload the core and hope the explosion takes the Fallen with it."

Without waiting for a response, Yellow Diamond unleashed her power. Waves of destabilizing energy washed over the core, causing the Horde tendrils to writhe and loosen their grip. The Phoenix immediately followed up, cosmic fire surging into the gaps Yellow had created.

The interior of the Fallen shook violently as they worked, the corrupted Celestial howling in pain and rage. Yellow could feel her power starting to wane, the constant output taking its toll even on her gem-powered form.

Just as she thought they might fail, she felt a surge of energy from outside. Somehow, she knew it was Odin and Agamotto, channeling their power to support the effort from beyond the Fallen's body.

With a final, monumental effort, Yellow Diamond poured every ounce of her remaining power into the core. The Phoenix let out a cry that shook the very fabric of reality, her cosmic fire burning with the intensity of a supernova.

For a moment, everything seemed to hang in perfect, terrible balance.

Then, with a sound like the birth of a universe, the corruption shattered.

Yellow Diamond felt herself being swept up in a torrent of pure energy. The last thing she saw before losing consciousness was the Phoenix, somehow still blazing, reaching out to her.


When Yellow Diamond regained consciousness, she found herself lying on the ground, the looming form of the Fallen Celestial nowhere to be seen. As her vision cleared, she became aware of a familiar, commanding presence nearby. Her gem pulsed with a mixture of relief and apprehension.

"Mother?" Yellow mumbled, struggling to sit up.

White Diamond stood before her, her luminous form radiating barely contained fury. The Primordial Avengers stood at a wary distance, clearly unsettled by the new arrival.

"Yellow Diamond," White's voice was calm but laden with disapproval and anger. "What were you thinking, putting yourself in such danger? You could have been shattered!"

Yellow winced, both from her injuries and her mother's words. "Mother, I- we had to stop the Fallen. It was the only way."

White's eyes narrowed. "Your primary directive was to assist, not to throw yourself into the core of a corrupted Celestial! You are far too valuable to risk in such a manner."

Odin, leaning heavily on Gungnir, stepped forward. "Great lady," he addressed White Diamond, his voice respectful but firm, "your daughter fought with valor and honor. Without her actions, Midgard might have been lost."

White Diamond turned her piercing gaze on the All-Father. "And while I appreciate your realm's continued existence, Odin Borson, that does not change the fact that my daughter nearly sacrificed herself in the process."

"Mother," Yellow interjected, finally managing to stand, though somewhat unsteadily. "I made a tactical decision based on the situation at hand. It was the most efficient way to neutralize the threat."

White's expression softened almost imperceptibly. "Your tactical acumen is not in question, my brilliant child. But you must remember that you are irreplaceable. No victory is worth the cost of your existence."

Agamotto stepped forward, his eyes never leaving White Diamond. "We are grateful for your daughter's assistance," he said carefully, "but I must remind you of our previous conversation. Your interference in our universe, while helpful in this instance, cannot become a regular occurrence."

Yellow Diamond rose to her feet, drawing herself up to her full, impressive height. "We seek only to survive and thrive, as any species does. But today, we fought as allies. Perhaps that counts for something."

The Phoenix, still in her human form, added, "Perhaps. Yet, even though we appreciate the aid rendered today, do not mistake this for an open invitation. Our warning still stands."

White Diamond regarded them coolly. "I assure you, this intervention was a special circumstance. We have no intention of involving ourselves in your affairs on a regular basis. Our primary concern is our own survival and prosperity. Perhaps you should do a better job of ensuring that threats of this nature don't arrive at my doorstep, making me less tempted to intervene in the foolish affairs of this planet."

"See that it remains so." Odin rumbled, ignoring the latter part of the statement. "For if you become a threat to the Nine Realms, you will find us far less accommodating."

White's lips curved into a small, enigmatic smile that showed how amused she was by the statement. "Duly noted, All-Father. Now, if you'll excuse us, my daughter requires medical attention."

Without waiting for a response, White Diamond placed a hand on Yellow's shoulder. In a blinding flash of white light, they vanished, along with the remaining Rubies and the battered Jasper.

The Primordial Avengers stood in silence for a moment, processing what had just transpired.

Agamotto was the first to speak. "This encounter has raised more questions than it has answered. The Diamonds' power is... considerable. And we do not know how many of these so called 'Diamonds' their are either."

The Phoenix nodded, her eyes still fixed on the spot where White and Yellow had disappeared. "They are not of our universe, yet they wield forces that rival our own. We must remain vigilant."

Odin gripped Gungnir tightly, his one eye troubled. "Aye. They may have aided us to this day, but their true intentions remain shrouded in mystery. We must prepare for all possibilities."

In the vastness of space, on the red planet that now served as their home, White Diamond materialized with Yellow and their gems. As she led her injured daughter to their medical facilities, White's mind was already racing, planning their next moves in this cosmic game they had entered.

'I really need to teach her better. If something had gone wrong, I may have lost Yellow. Perhaps I need to take care of such matters myself. I will not allow my children to be in danger. But, now, they will be less cautious towards Yellow as they may believe she has a heroic spirit. This may be the opening that I was waiting for.' White thought as she tended to Yellow.


Hours had passed since White Diamond's confrontation with the Primordial Avengers on Earth. The Martian night cast long shadows across the crystalline landscape of their burgeoning empire. In the central spire, White Diamond stood before a vast window, her luminous form reflected in the polished surface as she gazed out at the stars.

Behind her, Yellow Diamond rested on a recovery bed, her form still bearing the marks of her battle with the Fallen. Peridots scurried about, monitoring her vital signs and administering treatments. Brown Diamond, White's son, stood nearby, his earthy tones a stark contrast to the pristine white of the medical bay.

"Mother," Brown spoke, his voice deep and steady, "Yellow's recovery is proceeding as expected. She should be back to full strength within a few days."

White nodded, not turning from the window. "Good. We'll need her at her best for what's to come."

Brown tilted his head, curiosity flickering in his eyes. "And what is coming, Mother? The encounter with Earth's defenders has changed things, hasn't it?"

White finally turned, her gaze sweeping over her children. "Indeed it has, my pragmatic son. We've revealed ourselves to this universe's powers far sooner than I had intended. We must adapt our plans accordingly."

She glided across the room, her form shimmering with an inner light. As she approached Yellow's bedside, her expression softened almost imperceptibly. "You did well, my brilliant child. But we must be more cautious in the future. Our survival depends on it."

Yellow nodded weakly. "I understand, Mother. I won't disappoint you again."

White placed a gentle hand on Yellow's forehead. "Rest now. Recover your strength. We have much work ahead of us."

As Yellow drifted off to sleep, White turned to Brown. "Walk with me, my son. There's something we need to discuss."

The two Diamonds left the medical bay, their towering forms moving silently through the corridors of their citadel. They emerged onto a balcony overlooking the vast Martian landscape, now dotted with glowing structures and bustling with newly-emerged gems.

"Our family is incomplete," White said after a moment of silence. "Recent events have made it clear that we need a different perspective, a new approach to dealing with the beings of this universe."

Brown raised an eyebrow. "You're planning to create another Diamond?"

White nodded. "Yes. A sister for you and Yellow. Her name will be Blue."

"And what will be her purpose?" Brown asked, ever the practical one.

White's eyes gleamed with an inner light. "Diplomacy, my son. Blue will be our emissary to the other powers of this cosmos. She will have a gift that I've long held but rarely used - the power over emotions."

Brown's eyes widened slightly. "That's a formidable ability, Mother. Are you sure it's wise to bestow it upon a new creation?"

White smiled, a rare expression on her usually stoic face. "It's precisely because she'll be new that I'm giving her this power. Blue will see this universe with fresh eyes, unclouded by our experiences. Her empathy will be her strength."

As they spoke, White began to glow more intensely. The air around them shimmered with power as she prepared to bring forth new life.

"Watch closely, Brown," White said, her voice taking on an otherworldly quality. "This is the miracle of creation."

The light emanating from White Diamond grew blinding. Brown had to shield his eyes as the very fabric of reality seemed to bend around his mother. There was a sound like crystal chiming, and then, suddenly, silence.

As the light faded, Brown lowered his arm. There, floating before White Diamond, was a new form. Tall and graceful, with flowing hair and a billowing gown, Blue Diamond slowly opened her eyes for the first time.

"Welcome, my child," White said softly, reaching out to steady Blue as she descended to the balcony floor. "Welcome to existence."

Blue blinked, taking in her surroundings with wide, curious eyes. "Mother," she said, her voice melodious and filled with wonder. "I... I feel so much."

White nodded, a hint of pride in her expression. "That is your gift, Blue. You have power over emotions - both your own and those of others. You will learn to control and use this ability in time."

As Blue took her first tentative steps, Brown watched with a mixture of fascination and wariness. He could already sense the difference in this new sister - a softness, an empathy that neither he nor Yellow possessed.

Over the next few hours, White began to explain their situation to Blue. She told her of their origin, of their plans to establish themselves in this new universe, and of the recent encounter with Earth's defenders.

Blue listened intently, her expressions shifting rapidly as she processed the information. When White finished, Blue was silent for a long moment.

"Mother," she finally said, her voice tinged with concern, "these plans to assimilate other planets... won't that harm the beings already living there?"

White's expression remained neutral, but there was a flicker of something - approval, perhaps - in her eyes. "An astute observation, my empathetic child. Yes, our expansion will inevitably impact other life forms. But the new way of terraforming will actual help the planets we inhabit, not harm them."

Blue's brow furrowed. "But is that right? To prioritize our existence over theirs?"

Instead of rebuking Blue for questioning her, as she might have done in another life, White considered the question carefully. "It's not a matter of right or wrong, Blue. It's a matter of survival. We are few, and this universe is vast and often hostile. To ensure our continued existence, we must expand and grow stronger."

Blue didn't look entirely convinced. "But surely there must be a way to coexist, to find a balance?"

White placed a hand on Blue's shoulder. "Perhaps. And that, my dear, is where you come in. Your ability to understand and influence emotions will be crucial in our interactions with other beings. You will be our diplomat, our bridge to the other powers of this cosmos."

Blue's eyes widened. "Me? But I... I've only just come into existence. How can I possibly-"

"You'll learn," White interrupted gently. "I will teach you, as will your siblings. You'll undergo training to hone your abilities and understand the intricacies of diplomacy."

Brown, who had been silently observing the exchange, finally spoke up. "Blue's perspective could indeed be valuable, Mother. Her empathy might help us navigate relationships with other entities without resorting to conflict."

White nodded approvingly. "Precisely, Brown. Blue's role will be to establish relations with other pantheons, to learn about them and find ways for us to coexist peacefully - or at least, without open hostility."

Blue straightened, a look of determination settling on her features. "I understand, Mother. I'll do my best to fulfill this role, to find a path that allows us to thrive without causing unnecessary harm."

White smiled, a rare expression of warmth crossing her face. "I know you will, my empathetic child. Your compassion, tempered with wisdom and caution, will be a great asset to our family."

As they continued their discussion, delving into the details of Blue's future training and missions, the sky above Mars suddenly darkened. A massive shadow fell over the landscape, causing all activity in the budding colony to cease.

White's expression hardened as she looked up. "It seems our recent actions have drawn more attention than I anticipated," she said, her voice low and tense.

Descending from the sky was a colossal figure, its form a blend of technological marvel and cosmic power. Even Brown, usually unflappable, took a step back in awe.

"Arishem the Judge," White said, her voice carrying a mix of respect and wariness.

The Celestial's arrival sent shockwaves through the Martian atmosphere. As it touched down near their citadel, its voice boomed in their minds, bypassing physical sound altogether.


White stepped forward, her form seeming to grow as she faced the cosmic entity. "Greetings, Arishem. We acted to prevent the destruction of Earth and the spread of the Horde infection. Surely, as a protector of life in this universe, you can understand the necessity of our intervention?"


Blue, overcoming her initial shock, moved to stand beside her mother. "Great Arishem," she said, her voice trembling slightly but growing stronger with each word, "we meant no disrespect to the cosmic order. We only sought to protect life, as I believe you do."

White glanced at Blue, a flicker of pride in her eyes at her daughter's courage. But before she could speak, Arishem's attention turned to the newly-created Diamond.


Blue's empathic abilities flared, allowing her to sense the swirling emotions beneath Arishem's impassive exterior - concern, curiosity, and a touch of something akin to fear.

"But isn't inaction in the face of destruction also a form of interference?" Blue argued, her voice gaining confidence. "If we have the power to prevent suffering, don't we have a responsibility to use it?"

White placed a hand on Blue's shoulder, both in support and as a gentle warning not to push too far. "What my daughter means, Arishem, is that our intentions are not to disrupt, but to coexist and, when necessary, to protect. We are new to this universe, yes, but we are willing to learn and adapt."

Arishem was silent for a long moment, his massive form looming over the Diamonds. When he spoke again, his mental voice seemed to carry the weight of eons.


White nodded solemnly. "We understand the gravity of our situation, Arishem. We seek only to survive and thrive, not to upset the cosmic balance. Perhaps, with guidance from beings such as yourself, we can find our place in this universe without causing undue disruption."

Blue, emboldened by her mother's words, added, "We're willing to learn, to understand the laws and balance of this cosmos. Our power doesn't have to be a threat - it could be a force for positive change, for protection against threats like the Horde."

Arishem's form pulsed again, and the Diamonds felt the weight of his judgment upon them. "YOU WILL BE WATCHED, DIAMONDS OF MARS. YOUR ACTIONS WILL BE JUDGED. SHOULD YOU PROVE TO BE A THREAT TO THE COSMIC ORDER, MEASURES WILL BE TAKEN."

With those ominous words, Arishem began to ascend, his massive form lifting off the Martian surface with impossible grace. As he disappeared into the stars, the Diamonds were left standing on their balcony, the weight of the cosmos suddenly very real on their shoulders.

White turned to Blue, her expression a mix of pride and concern. "You spoke well, my child. But remember, diplomacy is a delicate art. We must be careful not to promise more than we can deliver."

Blue nodded, her mind still reeling from the encounter. "I understand, Mother. But I meant what I said. We have the power to help, to make a difference. Shouldn't we use it?"

White's gaze turned to the stars, her expression unreadable. "Perhaps. But our primary concern must always be our own survival and prosperity. The universe is vast and often hostile, Blue. We must be prepared for whatever challenges it may bring. And it is very likely that we will face dangers greater than even them."

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