
Chapter 87 - Ohm and Mho

"What's the origin of the name 'Simerians'?" Sonder asked Hrygo. "Where does the word come from?"

"What?" The woman asked, "Why do you ask?" 

As she sliced an apple into pieces and tossed it into a simmering pot filled with meat and other fruits, a sweet stew that Sonder was stirring, she continued to question him. 

"I was reading a book on etymology and names last night, and I got curious. I'm also curious about your inability to use magic. Are they related somehow? Can you explain?" 

Hrygo was somewhat doubtful about the insights a book on words could offer, but decided to indulge Sonder. "The tale is simple, often told to young children. I think you'll find it interesting." 

She began her narrative as she sat down, waiting for the stew to cook. 

"In the ancient times, when the world was not as we know it and gods walked among their creations, our god Ohm was locked in battle with his malevolent brother Mho. The battle was so fierce it could move mountains. Mho was a wizard, much like your master, a trickster who had no regard for the laws of nature. The battle seemed endless, as both were equally matched and willing to fight. It would have continued indefinitely if they hadn't agreed to a draw and laid down their weapons. 

Simer, which means 'cold folk', from whom all Simerians descend, had been observing this divine conflict. He was skeptical that Mho would willingly cease fighting his brother, and when he noticed a sinister glint in the wizard's eyes, he rushed to warn Ohm. 

Just then, Mho launched a powerful blast of dark energy at his brother's exposed back. 

In a split-second decision, Simer threw himself between Ohm and the energy blast, saving Ohm but suffering a fatal wound. 

In retaliation, Ohm hurled his axe at Mho with all his strength, cleaving both the traitor and his staff in two. 

Ohm then smeared Mho's blood on Simer, granting his descendants immunity to all forms of seithr, or magic." 

"But couldn't he have saved Simer?" Sonder interjected. 

"A mortal cannot survive a god's blow under any circumstances. It was far too late to save Simer. This is the story of our name and our immunity to seithr. As Hersir, if I may offer some wisdom, I'd suggest you consider a path other than that of a 'mage'. Those who assume the title frequently harbor dual objectives in all endeavors." 

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