
13. Angels.

Damon had just gotten Mimi subdued. He had his grip now on her firmly.

Damon said in his mind to Mariella, "Now I got this one. Come and take the cubs first. Then we see where are, but first, those cubs need to be dealt with."

The door opened as Charles opened it and they stepped in. Mariella had a big cart with her, where cubs would be put temporarily. The entire room reeked of strawberries, also Mimi's pheromones, and her piss too, as she had marked this room very thoroughly. Damon was biting Mimi's neck. Laying on top of her so she could not move. 

Mariella saw clumps of fur all over the floor and smelled blood from Damon, too. fight had been fierce, but Damon had eventually gotten on top of her. Mariella went and moved thick curtains out of the window, flooding some sunlight into the room. Men were dismantling the roof of the cave so they would have easier access now, furiously hissing and growling cubs. 

They used energy shields when handling cubs, as these were as feisty as their mother and Mariella knew. Lepard had been an absolute beast, but they had managed to give him drops and help him. She hoped that Mimosa and Shadow could help these wild beasts to know the pack and get on with everyone.

These were young intelligent cubs, now scared and just trying to defend themselves. Mariella knew Damon could make pheromones that would help them, too. They finally got the whole litter in the cart and moved elsewhere. Handling these would not be easy, but wolves would be there too, and they usually had a knack with cubs.

Damon started to drag me into the middle of the room once they had robbed my cubs. I could sense their distress and tried to fight as hard as I could, but Damon was too heavy and now he was moving me. He got me some distance away. I growled, and then he shifted his position a little, putting me under his belly to drag me.

I tried to hit my hind legs on the floor, but the lack of food, our fight, and breastfeeding had taken its toll. Then he, again, paused as if to improve his position. He lowered himself, as to trying to fuck me.

" Nope, not gonna happen." I thought.

I pulled my tail tight to protect my cunt. Damon held me in his tight grip. Mariella stepped into the room.

She said, "Wolves and men are tending the cubs, wild beasts, but according to Mimosa, they are just scared and come around, soon enough." 

Damon grunted as he tried to stick his dick into my cunt again, but my tail protected it.

Damon said to his mind to Mariella, "Darling, as you can see, Mimi is pretty well under control now, except that her tail is slightly in the way. She has a breeding womb still. I thought you wanted to see this. Suppose you want to, come and move that tail aside. I wonder if some dental substance would be good for that. "

Mariella laughed. Damon had fought against the wild cat growling, trying to bite, scratch, pounce, and coolly put it under him at last. In the correct position, too. The rescuer's radar gave something, and Mariella laughed. Her radar wanted Mimi to be fucked and properly so. She quickly made the substance and pulled it into the syringe. She had gotten the supplies that Damon had asked earlier and she put the bag on one table. There were drugs, a packet of syringes and needles too, and necessary tools for sedating Mimi later on. 

Mariella came closer and said in a reproachful voice. "You do have a poor attitude problem, Mimi, but don't worry. Honey will teach you. He will get you back to your senses. No need to keep those instincts so much on. Anymore, Honey doesn't really like it when his females have the wrong attitude. "

She leaned over, and I felt a prick in my tail. Mariella went to pull the curtains from the window even more so she could open the window and air the room.

Adam and Charles were giving Mimi's puppy drops to help with the hypersensitivity, weighing them and tattooing them. They used energy shields as these were trying to bite and scratch and not being cooperative at all. Mariella and Damon had actually come up with the whole idea from the puppy database.

The hair on the puppies would come off on the second drop. Mimi would have hairless puppies for a while. Mariella came to try it out. Mimi's tail was already weaker. She got set aside. 

It pissed me off. When Mariella came to grab my tail and pulled it to the side, I felt Salvatore's cock find my cunt without fail. It sank deep at first and began to swell and lengthen. Damon moved it. I tried to endure this, thinking fine. Let him fuck me this time. I got to go to my cubs. They were in distress. 

Mariella said, "Mimi. I'll tell you what's going on here. He is just not fucking for you for fun. He has a purpose. Right now, you are feeling Damon inside you. He is looking for your cervix. When he finds it, he will inject it with a relaxant. I have been done with this too, so I know. "

I felt a hot spray inside me. I tried to move, but he kept his grip on me all the time. 

Damon started to move. His thrusts were getting more forceful and faster. He was hitting on the base of my cunt every time, thrusting as deep as he could.

"Oh, he found it. Well, as you can see, he relaxes every time he accesses it, and as you can feel, he also uses quite a bit of force to open it. The deeper he relaxes, the more the cervix loosens. Eventually, it loosens up so much that Damon can get inside you all the way to your womb. Then, the fun part begins. Damon starts to give you a stimulant. And lots of it. These don't come in 12 weeks' heat. They come in a week. He'll be fucking you every day from now on. But don't worry, the relaxant is long-lasting, and as he crunches through your cervix, the spines are still shoving relaxant in there all the time while Damon is fucking you."

Mariella enjoyed this. I could see or hear it in her voice. I needed to tend my cubs, not be mister's fucktoy.

" We need more litters, Mimi, so your heat starts when the babies leave the nest. For that week, Damon will breed you. You get pregnant again, and now it's only four weeks of gestation. But this time, the breeding then happens when the puppies are four weeks. The gestation period is four weeks, so you give birth to a new litter as soon as the old ones leave. All of us females get into this, and you're not the only one who breeds, but this is the best point. It's up to you how many litters we make. When you can't get a breeding uterus anymore, the breeding season is over."

I was shocked. I would make several litters in a row. Real breeding factory. Damon picked up the pace and smashed through. I screamed as it hurt quite a much.

"I think he got through! Honey's good at what he does." Mariella smiled triumphantly.

I felt a hard, hot cock sink into my uterus and start stuffing some heat into it. Flood after flood. The pressure on my cervix eased, and I realized that my cervix was now completely soft and open.

Damon fucked me fast and hard and soon again slammed to the bottom and flooded inside me. He seemed to be enjoying this. Mariella came over and taped my tail to my side. Eventually, the flooding inside me stopped, but Damon slowly and pleasurably pulled away. He moved off me and started walking.

My cave was dismantled, and the room flooded with light. Charles had now returned with more supplies, meat, and stuff. He was exploring the remains of my cave and said to Mariella, "Come here. I want to have your opinion on something."

Mariella came and crouched down.

"Feel that? Try this one, warm, and then warm too..."

She pushed her hand almost against the wall into a clear cat-shaped depression.

Mariella was silent for a moment and said, "Ice cold."

That made Damon change into human form with his clothes on.

He tried it, too. "So with those tits, this cold. What if a kitten got lost in here?"

Charles said, " Look first, these windows draft. This is an old room and there has not yet had our usual window renovation. Those curtains only made it so that the cold then trickled down here, plus this one here."

He pointed to the gap between the wall and the floor. There was only old molding there. There was a draft there, too.

Damon came in front of me and crouched down. " I know I let you down on this, not being there for you and not making sure that you have the sense of you and not just all instinct. You're an idiot. Did you know Mimi, an idiot? Now to make a nest in the draftiest room in the entire house and go into that draft yourself with mega tits like you. What do you want? An infection? The next litter will be done differently, with no cave, no solitary den, just a pack to help. You'll be the first, so now the entire pack will support you, and now the rest of the puppy care, we'll do it together, the two of us too. We're an alpha couple. Try to remember that."

Then Damon turned back into a cat. I ran away. I wanted no more fucking. 

Damon enjoyed being able to chase and catch Mimi. Time after time. He took and penetrated the now open womb and installed the heat substances in his bliss. Every other time, he just fucked and filled. Mimi would now need a lot of nourishment. They wouldn't operate on Mimi until the morning.

It was one in the morning, and it was the sixth time he was inside Mimi. Mariella was there to assist and supply the meat Mimi was supposed to eat. Mimi actually threw up the meat as a reflex the first time out, which was worrying Damon, so he stuffed and put a sedative in his stuffing.

He had also taken puppy radar away from Mimi. He is supposed to have it, not Mimi. So he would sense and see their distress and problems. Again teaching those cubs about him, too. Him being a father. He felt how damn skinny Mimi was so this one would sleep a few days at least and get power feeding too. So they would have a few days to teach those cubs and Mimi would not interfere at all.

Every time Damon caught me, his relentless jaws grabbed the back of my neck in a grip, and I felt him get on top of me. My tail was permanently out of the way. His hot prick penetrated my now wide-open womb deeply. He always expected that now a tight nub formed at the mouth of my womb with its sharp jaws piercing it with a relaxant of flooding. Damon lay hot and heavy on top of me. Moving every time he came. 

He came. Each time he didn't stay in the cunt, but he fucked along with deep thrusts into my womb until felt myself approaching climax. He increased the pace as I exploded under his ministrations time after time, and finally, he slammed into the depths of my womb and began to fill me. I could feel the hot bump spilling out of my fallopian tubes and pooling in my abdomen.

And he squirted a lot. He was in heat and filled me all night long. At six in the morning, he turned human. He walked up to one table and opened a bag, searching for something.

Damon said to Mariella in his mind, "Now darling, once I get this cocktail ready, you leave the room, it is just me and Mimi and I will tell you when you can come, as she can feisty even drugged, she is dangerous still so I have no way to tell how she will react and I am not putting you in danger, so clear out and once she is down, I will tell you. "

Mariella nodded and left the room, closing the door softly after her.

I was exhausted, but had never been away from my cubs for so long. I wanted to be with my boys. Damon was working on something, and there were faint rustles and clings. I walked a little further to sit and wash myself. I felt fucked and dirty, tired, but he had taken my radar or whatever it had been that had enabled me to sense the distress of my cubs. 

Then he came over to me, squatted down, and said, " Now is the time, Mimi, we have to cut those tits off. No drug will help and you pour your condition into your milk."

I'd been pouring milk out all night, and milk had flooded out every time I'd come. There were milk stains on the floor and Damon had licked most of my milk off the floor and from my teats too, but still, I made more.

Mariella had given eight injections, and nothing worked. Her rescue radar could not get any more substances done. 

"You need rest and food, and then we can look at childcare." After saying this, he slammed the syringe into my shoulder quickly and firmly. The piston was at the bottom before I could react. I hissed and tried to swat him, but he had moved a little further to wait for me to calm down.

"That'll work fast because you're so weak. And I've already been giving you a sedative in my bump for hours." His voice was soft.

Tender even, but I did not trust him. No wonder I was so freaking tired, as he had drugged all night and now this. I walked a few steps and lay down. 

He took a few steps and crouched down. Everyone had left the room. It was only me and Damon. Sunlight flooded into the room. Damon was beside me, reaching out and stroking calmly, just long enough for the drug to really start taking its toll on me.

He continued his stroking. " That's it, baby girl, sleep now. Shh. Sleep, good girl," were the last words I heard.

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