

Chapter Text


Suck it heroes and parents of Japan, Yu's little ward blew all the other kids out of the water! Take notes everyone, Spider-Man is coming through!

Well, that's what she should have been screaming.

But Peter hadn't said a thing since he got in the car. Not that Yu was surprised, not after that final match. From what she saw on the news, Peter hadn't done much talking before she could get off her shift. All she knew was that he had texted her, asking to get out of there as fast as he could. The champion of the Sports Festival had bypassed all the heroes that he could make connections with or the people that he could talk to just so he could jump into Yu's car the second that her shift ended. So for the first time in a long time, the two sat in silence, as Yu tried to navigate the post-Festival traffic in town.

Yu was used to the streets being full on the normal commute, but this was ridiculous. Right now, there was a small part of her that envied villains, they didn't have to follow stupid traffic laws! Hell, if she just transformed she could just carry Peter home and be there in minutes!

Thoughts of villainous acts aside, Peter shifted in his seat, and the blonde woman cleared her throat.

"So… your medal's cool," Yu said, holding up the golden circle and displaying a shaky smile, checking out the fine craftsmanship.

"Yeah it is," Peter murmured, grinning lightly as he continued to look down at the floor.

"I knew you were going to kick ass. Shinji thought that you weren't going to do so well but I never stopped having faith in ya."

"Thanks,"Peter shrugged, letting the silence come back in.

Yu tapped the wheel before handing over the medal.

"It's terrible, the traffic." Yu tried, watching Peter pocket his medal before resting his head on the window a second later.

"Yeah, traffic is bad," Peter agreed, knowing full well that they hadn't moved for the last few minutes.

The statement sparked another bout of silence from the normally energetic teen, and Yu once again felt the desire to smash her head against something. Be it the steering wheel or her hand, she didn't care.

What the hell was she supposed to do here? There was nothing other than the festival to really talk about and traffic back home was getting nowhere.

"You wanna go out tonight?" Yu asked, "I'm thinking Thai, you know, to celebrate."

"Thai would be great." Peter replied, his tone low. Uncaring.

Welp, that settled that. Turning off the road, Yu drove as fast as the speed limit would allow into the central district. The festival made traffic annoying here as well, but it was nothing compared to the roads back home. Yu found a little Thai place outside of downtown and U.A. and the two got to work sitting down and ordering their meals.

Yu made a point to act cool. After all, no hero outfit, no masks, just the two of them trying to have an easy time so this could blow over. Which wasn't helped by all the whispering that they were getting. Yu could see it; every now and then, someone would glance at their booth. They pointed at Peter, but at least it was subtle, keeping to themselves. Well, outside of some kids and other teens, whispering in loud hushes.

Then the cute waiter came over with some water for the two of them. He even had cute little puppy-dog ears too!

"Hello and welcome to… hold on, are you Peter Parker?" He asked, eyes widening.

Yu's ward nodded, and smiled as best he could.

"Y-yeah, that's me."

"I saw you at the Festival, man you were amazing. How did you learn to fight like that?" He asked, eager to learn more.

Peter's smile shook, and he looked away.


"Sorry to say, but can we order?" Yu asked, "Not that he doesn't deserve a little praise, but it's been a long day, being the champ and all." She added with a pat on Peter's back, and the waiter gawked, blushing.

"Right, I'm sorry." He bowed.

"You're fine," Peter said, waving away the concern.

He took their order, and Yu sighed. The moment was over, but Peter still flicked the straw of his drink.

"We don't have to talk about it, if you don't want to," Yu said softly.

"...did I make you worried?" Peter asked, exhaling through his nose.

Yu bit her lip. There was a part of her that told her to lie, to try and play things off. But, no one appreciated a lie like that.

"Not really… I was cheering for ya while I was on my shift. It was, well… at the end and-"

"I still made you worried, sorry." He uttered under his breath, looking at the table's surface.

Yu shook her head, "Oh Peter, I don't know what happened. Look at me, please."

Reluctantly, the American teen glanced up, and Yu shrugged.

"Don't worry about it. Ten years from now you'll look back on this as… just a bump in the road."

Peter snorted, "I think it's a little bit more than that."

"Only 'cause you let it," Yu pointed out, "Has anyone at U.A. talked to you about it?"

Peter nodded, "All Might did. He and Mr. Aizawa are going to decide my punishment."

"Are you going to go through with it?"

Peter blinked, taken aback by the question.

"What? O-of course. I deserve it."

"Then you're fine," Yu said casually, "They know what they're doing, and they'll sort things out with you. And the fact that you're willing will make it all the more easier."

Or at least they better, or Yu and Nermuri were going to have words. Peter nodded again, but the action looked almost robotic at this point. Yu felt like she was at her wit's end, but she kept herself calm.

"Peter, I know you don't like it, but look on the bright side. No matter what happens, you still won the U.A Sports Festival, you deserve to celebrate a little."

Peter shrugged in an 'I guess' fashion.

"Come on Peter, work with me, your internship is coming up soon, aren't you excited?"

At that, a little bit of life started to return to Peter's eyes.

"Yeah, I ah, don't know who I'm supposed to go with." He smiled sadly, looking to the side. "Haven't checked my emails yet and all that…" The blonde woman cheekily grinned.

"Anyone that you think will help you the most?" Yu said, "U.A filters a few requests to certain students to give them an edge after all, you'll have plenty to choose from."

"Does that mean you're offering?"

A little part of Yu's heart squealed at the question. But she couldn't say that, not after what Shinji told her. Her shoulders slumped a little.

"That's on Kamui Woods," she clarified while doing her best to keep his hopes up, "But I'm pretty sure that you'll have a lot more to choose from than our little firm."

"It's not that little," Peter commented, leaning back as the food got to their table, "I mean, they did have to redecorate after you kinda destroyed the roo-"

"That was an accident! I didn't want to do it! I just got caught up in the moment," Yu cried, finding comfort in her drink as she began to pour herself another cup of hot sake.

Peter chuckled at that, which was always a good thing. But his expression turned thoughtful almost a second later.

"Who did you intern under?"

The Pro Hero known as Mt. Lady paled, and Peter blinked, shocked.

"Uhhh, Yu?"

"N-No one important," Yu waved off quickly, "It was just a gig with Nemuri-chan."

Peter stopped and pondered the name for a moment.

"Nemuri-chan…" His eyes widened. "Wait, isn't that Ms. Mid-"

"Oh hey, let's eat!" Yu declared, clacking her chopsticks, "Don't want the food getting cold!"

Peter watched in complete disbelief as Yu wolfed down her meal, but a quick glare made all of his questions fly away. Soon enough, he was digging into his own meal, and for a second, no one glanced their way.

It was just the two of them, eating like normal, and that was something that Peter desperately needed.

A buzz from a phone came around the end of their meal, and the blonde looked to the side, seeing Peter check it.

"Momo…?" He mused aloud.

"Oh?" Yu perked up. "Who's that?"

"F-Friend of mine." He pocketed his phone. "Nothing to worry about."

"Wait… Yaoyorozu Momo?" Yu asked, and a predatory smirk began to form as Peter bit his lower lip. That girl who rode on that skateboard in the race and acted as a sharpshooter during the water firing those web pellets, huh. Only Peter knew the formula to that stuff. Which meant…

"Yu, not now…"

"First Pony, and now Yaoyorozu." She rested her chin on her fist, grinning widely.

"She's a friend and I'm her Deputy Representative. It was just business is all." Peter huffed, puffing his cheeks out.

Yu giggled, patting her ward on the back. "Whateeever you say. A girl who you shared your web formula with who is also your class associate, who also looks absolutely stunning mind you, wanting to get together with the big-time Champion of the Sports-"

"It's not like that." Peter cut her off, sipping his water. "Man that's spicy… but, me and her just… have to talk at some point. It's about business with my class so…"

"Sure thing, I won't try and play matchmaker or stalk ya or get in the way. Okay that second part is a maybe buuuut," the blonde smirked at her brown-haired charge, seeing that the TV was focused once again on the news. "Doesn't mean I can't have fun knowing that I'm watching over 'The Next All Might'." She gestured to the TV and Peter looked up.

Him and All Might standing side by side on the victory podium, with the words "Second Coming" brazenly displayed next to the subtitles.

Second Coming! U.A.'s top prospect Peter Parker dominates! Is the Next Symbol of Peace on the way?

Peter sighed, rolling his eyes. "Lovely." He uttered, finishing up his plate. "But, I'll deal with it."

"Hey, you got me supporting ya. And everyone at my office is going to be pulling for ya." Yu put a hand on his shoulder. "I've been with ya for a year now, and you're not the type of guy who seems to like the spotlight, as much as the spotlight seems to adore you."

"Tell me about it." He laughed wryly.

"But, we had a Symbol of Peace before and didn't have a plan. Now that there is, we got a blueprint, and hey, Peter." Yu offered a warm smile. "You don't have to be like All Might. You wanna be like Mr. Stark, don't you?"

Peter blinked before smiling as he put his hand on hers. "Yeah. I wanna be better. That's all."

The two sat in silence before Yu finished up her food. She paid the bill and felt the buzz from the sake leave her as they got back into the car.

"Sooooo, any other girls in clas-"

"Yu please."



Midoriya Izuku smiled like a madman in his train seat, he couldn't help himself. In his hands, the bronze medal of the Sports Festival seemed to sparkle.

He couldn't believe that it was real. Whenever he touched it, there was a small part of him that was scared, believing it would simply disappear if he closed his eyes.

But he blinked, and it was still there.

He did it.

Ten months of hell, a few tough weeks, and he got third place in the event that almost everyone in Japan watched. And the best part, there were professional heroes that were watching.

It wasn't the first place that he was fighting for, but it was enough.

Standing on that podium, he showed the world that he was there, and he wasn't going anywhere.

But was it enough?

He did his best, right? Even with using One for All at five percent, he still had to resort to breaking his fingers against Todoroki. Izuku knew quite well that his broken fingers didn't paint the picture of a well-adjusted hero. As powerful as One for All was, the backlash left his fingers in grotesque shape. Maybe third place would be enough, but there was an equal or greater chance that the sight of the backlash would deter some pro heroes.

Izuku mentally made a note to come up with a name for Five Percent Mode.

Back on the topic at hand, if that deterrence happened, all his work would be for nothing! He'd let down All Might, disappointing everyone that helped him get here! Mom, All Might, Uraraka, Parker, and his fellow classmates!

Settling back in his seat, Izuku fought to keep his eyes open. After all the treatment that Recovery Girl had given him, he was exhausted. It felt like he was going to fall asleep at any second, with the adrenaline from standing on the victory podium fading. He looked around, trying to find something to focus on, eventually finding the TV mounted on the wall. It flashed the news, a muted piece about the results of the Festival.

Highlights scrolled across the screen. Todoroki's attack on the base during the War of the Flags. His own match against Todoroki. Watching the video, Izuku could barely believe that it was him rushing across the arena while dodging surges of ice. It was so surreal.

Next came the medal ceremony, where he got his medal, but the highlights stayed on Parker. The American exchange student got the majority of the screen time, his picture with his gold medal in the corner as a highlight reel of his matches played on the screen. His fight against Kacchan got the most attention, the serious look on his face, the way that he weaved through the explosions to get in close.

But they didn't play the finishing blow, and personally, Izuku couldn't be happier that they didn't.

He remembered sitting there, watching Kacchan try and get up to keep fighting. Izuku didn't know why he was surprised at the time. Kacchan's drive to win was the only thing greater than his quirk and how he used it in battle. But, even that only delayed the inevitable.

Izuku knew he shouldn't, but... he felt bad for Kacchan. His old friend got so close to being Number One. All his life his old friend had been his idea of victory… and for him to lose like that… He couldn't imagine what his childhood friend was going through.

He didn't get a chance to talk to him. He was still with Recovery Girl, asleep. But the look on Kacchan's face when he was carried out on a stretcher…

It was… similar. Like looking in a mirror. Or in this case, a computer screen ten years ago when he found out about that awful truth. That he was Quirkless.

He was… in that moment, just like Izuku. Hitting rock-bottom with no one to support him.

Hopefully he healed well. He could imagine Kacchan returning after the break, more determined than ever to beat Parker and go on to be a great hero.

Least, that was what would normally happen with Kacchan.

Izuku's thoughts were cut off as a breaking news report flashed on screen. He didn't know what the news anchor was saying, but he could at least read the captions.

Hero Killer Stain Strikes Again

Hero killer? There was a hero killer?

By the sound of him, he was a dangerous villain, and that thought was only reinforced as a list of those attacked so far scrolled on screen.

Highwater. Beatback. Sound-Off. Ingenium.

Izuku's blood went cold. "That's Iida's brother!" His thoughts assumed the worst, but thankfully, the report described the hero as only being in critical condition. Not much better, but he was still alive, and that was more than some of the other heroes could ask for. The other three were confirmed fatalities...

The thought did little to make him feel better, and he couldn't even begin to imagine what Iida was going through. Izuku didn't know what he was going to say when he saw Iida again.

Whatever the case, Izuku's inner thoughts were cut off as the train slid into the station. It was his stop. Struggling to get his backpack over his shoulder with his sling impeding him, Izuku did his best to trek through the crowded station streets.

Walking home was a quiet affair, mostly because Izuku took the quick route home. The faster that he could get home and sleep, the better. He got home, flipped open the door, and let his bag fall to the ground.

"I'm home!" He called.

"Welcome home! Can you come to the kitchen?"

"No problem," he said, glancing down at his sling. His injuries probably wouldn't go over so well. But Todoroki needed to hear his words, so he had no regrets.

A thought that wasn't helped by the fact that his mom would be worried about his broken hand, and that was the last thing Izuku wanted.

So with heavy steps he went to the kitchen.

"Mom, sorry about this but…"

His voice trailed off as he saw his mother standing behind the kitchen table, a candlelit cake waiting there. It was a simple thing, one candle with the number three drawn on the top with frosting. There was nothing but happiness in his mother's eyes.

"I'm so proud of you... Izukuuuuu!"

She was on the verge of tears, and Izuku wasn't too far behind as his short and plump mother walked forward, embracing him tightly. She made sure not to hug him too hard around his arm. He didn't know what to say, but neither of them did as she wept in joy, and he patted her back. They just sat down and his mom cut the cake.

From the first bite, it was the best cake that Izuku had ever tasted.

"Thanks Mom."

"You deserve it," his mom said, "You've trained so hard, you got into U.A., and you just keep making me prouder. Although…"

Her eyes drifted over to the sling and Izuku wilted, his hand going to his upper arm.


"Does it hurt?"

"Oh no no no not at all," Izuku said quickly, "Recovery Girl gave me something so I'm alright. She focused on healing my leg first, but I'll be going by tomorrow for additional treatment..."

"Well, tomorrow is the Second Year Festival, so you should get there early."

"It's alright. Mr. Aizawa is calling all of us in for Homeroom for a meeting, then from there we can go to the Second Year Festival."

The two of them ate in silence for a moment before Izuku spoke again.

"Do you think I'll get an internship?"

His mother stopped, smiling softly.

"I don't know as much about heroes as you do, but they saw what happened out there. They saw my boy and he got third place in the Sports Festival. You'll be fine, I believe in you."

Izuku felt tears start to swell in his eyes.

"Th-Thanks Mom."


The brace slung around his shoulder.

Katsuki barely noticed, his eyes never leaving the floor since he woke up. It was dark out now, late at night. All he remembered, was the form of All Might standing between him and Parker. After that, everything was a blur. There was the medical ward, he'd woken up with a medal next to him and a brace on his arm. All of his stamina was used by Recovery Girl to fix his chest.

Three broken ribs at the very least, and that wasn't even the worst of it. He would have to spend the next day in this brace, but another checkup with Recovery Girl tomorrow would heal him to one hundred percent for sure.

He didn't say a word on his entire trip to the parking lot, walking through the lit but empty halls of U.A's main campus. His parents were in the car waiting at the curb by the entrance to U.A. but could not enter due to it being a quarter past eleven-at-night and the upgraded security the school had in place due to the USJ incident and the Sports Festival. They weren't taking any chances.

Recovery Girl noticed Katsuki's silence, but she stopped asking questions after the first few minutes. She knew a hopeless battle when she saw one.

Like he should've.

Katsuki glanced down, rubbing his wrist and giving his arm a lazy roll. He winced a little. His chest was fine, but his arm would stay like this till tomorrow.

He remembered Recovery Girl as she healed him then. He didn't look up, but he could imagine her face. She was doing her job, being concerned for him.

Pitying him.

She asked something else, but Katsuki didn't hear what it was back then. He just let his fingers curl in and out of his palm. He took a deep breath, and waited.

Nothing, no sound, no anything. He just nodded dumbly when she asked him questions. Everything he did was focused on his good arm, watching his palm.

In the center, a single bead of sweat waited, but it did nothing.

He shook in his seat, an action so subtle that he could barely hide it.

Come on, a sound, a spark.


And he remembered the look in the nurse's eyes. And… and then All Might coming to save him.

More pity. Pitying a loser. Trash.

That wasn't what he was! He was Bakugo Katsuki, he was going to be the next All Might! He had the best quirk in the entire fucking school, no one should ever pity him!

So why?

Why did it feel like even making a spark wouldn't be worth it?

Without any fanfare, he gently opened the door leading into the main building of U.A., thankful for the empty hallways save for the security and janitorial drones. He kept walking, putting one foot in front of the other, and thankfully, he could still do that right. Even so, he walked with his hand close to his face. A small bead of sweat rested in his palm. It could go off at any second.

Just one thought, one little push without anyone coming in to-

"Young Bakugo."

Save him.

The blonde bomber let his hand fall to the side, looking at the towering figure of the Symbol of Peace staring down at him from the end of the hallway. A small part of him wanted to sulk and look away, blow off the larger man, but he didn't. All Might wanted to talk to him, it was going to happen no matter what. He was up late it seemed...

"Yeah?" Katsuki asked, his voice hoarse.

"I was just coming by to see how you've been coping," All Might explained.

Coping, good word.

The blonde shifted his bag, "I'm fine."

He turned around, only to freeze as a massive hand was placed on his shoulder. He glanced back, and the Symbol of Peace's smile was smaller, more personal. Katsuki didn't recognize the smile, full of concern, but more than anything else, there was understanding in it.

He gave a light scoff. How on earth could he understand anything? He was All Might, the Number One Hero. Everything in the world fell to one punch from him.

All Might never stopped winning.

"You did the best you could, Young Bakugo. There is no shame in how it concluded."

"I lost" He hissed out in response, baring his teeth.

He tried to push the hand off his shoulder. All Might let him go, but not before stepping closer so as to make it clear he still wished to talk, and then the Symbol of Peace sighed. "Defeat is true of all Heroes, young Bakugo. We've all experienced i-"

"You've never lost!" He snapped, interrupting the Number One Hero and moving to leave. He didn't need this. Didn't want this. Of all the people he didn't need All Might coddling him. Pitying him.

"You're wrong."

The words stopped him cold in his tracks, eyes widening.

"I have lost before, Young Bakugo. I failed to save someone once before and her death still follows me to this day. That was my failure."

The Symbol of Peace invaded his vision, standing in front of him and placing a hand on his shoulder once again.

"I remember saying to you, that pride is a valuable thing to have, but so is understanding. I'll tell you this now, you have more of both than I did at your age. Back then, I thought that everything could be decided with a punch. That if I simply swung hard enough, that every problem in front of me would disappear. I learned very quickly that such a belief wasn't the case."

'Stop. Don't say anymore. Just shut up. You're the Symbol of Peace.' Katsuki pleaded mentally, biting his lower lip.

"I found myself pitted against an opponent that I couldn't beat by using only my fists."

'You're not supposed to lose. So just stop talking and-

"Take it only as a lesson, Young Bakugo. Failure shines a light on our faults, and allows us to move forward into the-"

"Shut up, you liar."

The Symbol of Peace stopped, surprise overtaking him at the sound of the growl coming out of the blonde's throat. Katsuki was a little surprised as well, but he didn't care.

"What the fuck do you think you're talking about?" he asked, gritting his teeth, "Do you think I don't know that? That's the same crap that a school teacher spouts out! And now you're just like that fucking snake, Deku! Lying through your teeth just like he did for ten fucking years!"

All Might flinched back, "Young Bakugo-"

"I DIDN'T LOSE!" Bakugo screamed, tears burning in his eyes. "That wasn't a fight." he said, his throat feeling hoarse.

Because he could see it.

The look in Parker's eyes when he finally stopped playing around. His side burned with a phantom pain at the single hit that took him out. The utter demonic rage that took over the American throughout the fight… and the look in his eyes when he kicked him, and then when he charged with all the speed and force of a missile, yelling like a wounded animal.

A hit that, as the last few seconds proved, could've happened at any time.

"I didn't stand a chance," Katsuki whispered, his hands shaking as he looked down at them, feeling his heart sink. For so many years, the source of his powerful almighty Quirk. Defeated in only two blows. "I wasn't his opponent, I had so little chance that you had to stop him!"

He stared up at the man that the world called Number One.

"I didn't ask to be rescued!" he screamed. "I didn't want to be rescued! And I didn't want to be told anything about you!"

He held up his hand, glaring at the single bead of sweat that refused to combust.

"You see this!? This is the best quirk in this school! It's what was going to make me Number One! Rich! Famous! My family and future generations wouldn't have to work a day in their lives again! But now look at it! I got saved again because I was weak! Trash! In front of the whole fucking world too!" The blonde bellowed, spittle flying from his lips. "You… you shouldn't have come down there! I didn't ask to be fucking saved by you!" Katsuki roared, eyes red as he did his best to swallow his self-doubt. To fight back the flood. "You should have-!" He gasped… panting as his eyes widened with the acknowledgment of his words. "You should have…" The anger and self-loathing deflated out of him, and his hair covered his eyes.

His arm fell to his side. And he felt his phone vibrate again.

"I-I…" he sniffled, him! Barely being able to force the words out of his mouth, "I need to go…"

He turned around, and the only weight on his shoulder was his backpack.

"Young Baku-"

"Leave me alone!" And he dashed for the stairwell, slamming open the door. He was thankful that it was isolated. It was getting too fucking misty in the hallway.

If he couldn't win a single meaningful fight here at this school… If he wasn't at the top, like everyone around him said he would be...

He shook his head, he just wanted to get home. He went down the stairs, out the exit and made his way to the parking lot in the humid night. Ahead, he could see his parents call and his father come out, running toward him. Mom stayed in the car.

He didn't hear his father's words, or how he embraced him.

He just wanted to go to bed.

Maybe this was all some kind of bad dream.


Ah, the festival, how he loved to hear the sound of the highlights as they rang from his monitor. It was so lovely to hear the champions peacock themselves before the masses. A performance so elaborate, to dazzle and confuse the people of Japan that their heroes could spend their time pretending that the evils of the world weren't knocking on their door. After his apprentice's attack, it was close to the only option available to them.

Even so, no matter how admirable the goal, it was one that was easily exploited.

Had he been in his prime, he would have sent Gigantomachia to the outskirts in order to wreak havoc. A loud, purposefully boastful statement to show just how pathetic the attempt at portraying peace really was. Except, he was not the one meant to lead the hoards. Tomura must be the one to make such a statement, one with more grace than the previous plan. In years past, there was none who would dare to challenge him. The mere act of pretending that he wasn't supreme was enough to draw his ire.

At first vexing were these days that he had to sulk in his chair, only finding relief within his quirks and the good Doctor's machines. Now, patience had given its reward in the form of Tomura Shigaraki.

The grandson of the last great wielder of his little brother's legacy had been silent since the second event of the great distraction started. According to the good Doctor, the young villain hadn't so much as blinked as he watched. Good, something had drawn his attention, and even if it was little more than watching the participant of his vengeance, it was still observing.

Now, a simple test.

"Now, Tomura, what did you see?" He'd had a few hours to absorb it all.

"A bunch of fucking brats," came the response, every word dripping with barely-contained wrath. And a bit slurred. Kurogiri must have been giving him some bourbon.

Good, for a start.

"However true that may be, these are the prospects that will grow to oppose you in the future. So I ask again, what did you see?"

A pause, the silence filled only by the crackle of static.

"They're all pathetic. None of them went for the kill when they should've, except those two."

All For One raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"

"The brat from Endeavor, he showed his enemy their place. And the spider when he went against the blonde… he had the right idea."

"A rather interesting development," Kurogiri commented, "From what I have witnessed, the aggression he showed during the Festival was non-existent till that point. Not even in his fight against the Noumu did he show such ferocity and power."

"A fleeting fancy in the heat of battle," All for One dismissed the previous observation, "No matter how civilized these heroes act, all succumb to their base desires when pressed. Although, given the media coverage of this… Peter Parker, he is someone to keep an eye on. After all, we failed to snuff him out then." He heard Tomura snarl over the line at that. "He may grow to be a dangerous adversary."

Kurogiri, wisely, kept any additional comments to himself. If questioned, All For One had the perfect counter to whatever idealistic thought that could be brought forward. For all he smiled, all he pretended to be the savior the world needed, even All Might gave into his rage when the time came. That beast, raging towards him, his fist burying itself in All For One's head even as his guts fell out of his body.

As the so-called 'Next All Might', a fitting moment of rage was nothing out of the ordinary. In fact, from the report that the good Doctor had transcribed for him, each of the young students of All Might were progressing within expected bounds save for this American. A single outlier was nothing to focus on. Well, aside from the Spider and this 'Midoriya' child, who seemed to have shown a great deal of control since the USJ according to his intelligence sources.

The true focus must be on the advantage that this time brings.

"He needs to die," Tomura hissed. "Him, that green shrimp, that whore, all of them. Kurogiri, another." The tap of a glass against the counter was heard.

"And they will," All For One drawled, "You must remember your goal, Tomura."

"It'll just be a quick trip. One search, a car drive, and a touch is all it would take." He growled. "Them, and their precious little families too for good measure." Oh, he's going that route is he?

"Now now Tomura." All for One's voice got a bit stern. "It's one thing to plan revenge, but you're thinking too lofty, too early."

"They took a piece of Father away from me!" The youth barked. "So I'm gonna take at least a piece from them! No, fuck that! I'll take everything from them! Because that's I want!" He hissed from his communicator, followed by the sound of breaking glass. The Symbol of Evil sighed.

"And if you do that Tomura, think. What happens next? The media darlings that survived your attack and you finish the job, where said darlings are also All Might's young charges." His voice sounded out within his domicile, and he could hear the teal-haired youth scratch his neck on his end.

"The heroes would come, wouldn't they…" he spoke, dejected.

"With all the rage and fury of angry gods. We will dismantle this society and destroy our enemies, but not yet. It is too soon and we are too few in number. That is a threshold we cannot cross. Not yet." All for One rested his chin on his fist, taking a deep breath as he felt the Doctor attach a new IV drip.

"Few in number… so we can kill those fucking brats if we had… party members, right?" Ah yes, video game analogies. Well, whatever helped his protege understand.

"Yes." All for One smiled. "You must form a party. Gather allies. Earn their respect. Find common ground. And once you're strong enough, then whatever you desire will come true."

The older villain could hear his protege chuckle darkly before he paused, then let out a gasp. Must have taken a swig from another glass his minion provided him.

"But, where do I start?"

All For One was surprised, but he didn't show it. Were he a lesser man, he might have flinched at the question, along with the tiny but noticeable growth in sensibility that the question implied.

"You need not stress over the details. No matter the situation, you will have allies that will offer their services. Even now, everyone within your current group has their own prerogatives and walks through their own circles. Never be afraid to ask, or demand information from those who might have it. To start, Kurogiri," he said, and he was sure that the misty bartender stiffened slightly at the mention of his name, "Tell me, in your opinion, what villains have been making the rounds that would suit Tomura's ambition?"

"Not many I'm afraid," Kurigiri admitted, earning an annoyed grunt from Tomura.

But it was a good answer. Tomura would need subordinates that were more interested in telling the truth of the situation than lie and lead him into a false sense of security.

"After the attack of the USJ, most villains have gone underground for fear of All Might coming down upon them. However, there is one that does not care for the havoc that he has caused." The Warp Villain stated.

"Oh?" All For One asked, feigning surprise, he'd already discussed this potential recruit with the Doctor beforehand. Kurigiri knowing of him simply made the conversation easier to suggest to Tomura.

"There have been reports of a villain moving around the greater Tokyo area, killing and leaving before reinforcements have arrived. He goes by the moniker Stain, and already the media have dubbed him the Hero Killer."

A grandiose title, held by many in All For One's day, but it was good to hear that it had found a new master.

"One that strikes at the heroes from the shadows, and continues his crusade alone. He would be quite the... party member... would he not?" All For One asked, leaning back in his chair.

"Yeah," Tomura admitted, his tone evident of him grinning darkly, "Don't know the guy, but he sounds like my type of villain."

And at that, All For One couldn't help but smile back at the young man who shared his name.


Toshinori sighed, deflating into his skeletal form as he saw the Bakugo family's car leave the grounds and he walked down the halls, hands behind his back.

The boy clearly shouldn't be left alone… yet he couldn't chase after him. He… might only make it worse. Perhaps a good night's sleep would do him good.

Still, to call him a liar… that stung. To call Midoriya one as well? "It must be how he rationalizes how Young Midoriya started having a Quirk." The blond man mused to himself as he walked down U.A.'s empty silent halls. He could remember running through here without a care in the world. Back then when Sorahiko was his homeroom teacher, and the hero who took him in was Nana.

Even when he fell, he got back up thanks to his own efforts, but also from Nana and Sorahiko's encouragement. He wouldn't be here if not for them.

He reached down to his phone, pulling it out and tapping on a special App made just for him.


"So my three hour limit still stands… I was getting a bit weak there." He mused to himself. He could have hung onto his form for another twenty minutes, but the less taxing on his body the better. Toshinori turned his eyes out to the Musutafu skyline, wondering, pondering.

Someone out there may be in trouble, and he couldn't help them. Sure, there were agencies that specialized in herodom during the night, but if he could just help any civilian…

No. That mindset of not trusting his contemporaries to pull their weight resulted in the USJ. He had promised Nezu in private to focus solely on being a teacher save for villain cases of dire importance. A promise of such weight had to be kept.

Speaking of…

He opened the door to the Principal's office, seeing the bear-mouse headmaster of East Asia's finest hero school at work on his console, phone to the side.

"Ah, Yagi. Glad to see you've come." The white bear-mouse gestured to the couch. The slimmer Symbol of Peace obliged, walking over and sitting on the couch. "I'd normally ask if you'd like any tea or coffee, but I feel given the time of day that such an offer is out of the question."

"Yeah. So, our plan for Bakugo and Parker." He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "We were going to choose who they were going to internship with, right?"

"Not exactly." Nezu leaned back in his seat. "The words I would choose are 'strongly suggest'." The Principal stated. "If we choose their internships ourselves and strip them of their choice, and if something goes wrong, we'd be in quite the pickle."

"True, we would be liable if things go south." Not something to add onto their plate with critics still on U.A.'s case due to the insistence on still hosting the Sports Festival in light of the USJ attack. Toshinori looked to the side. "So, do I just double up on Young Parker's punishment then?"

"Not entirely. I got an email from Aizawa saying that he has an additional method as well, for both Bakugo and Parker. Something that can help them both in the long run, and it got me thinking." Nezu closed his eyes. "Those two have the chance to be at the top of the next generation of heroes with their powers, work ethic, talent, and many other attributes. While it is true that we must punish Parker accordingly and ensure that Bakugo's behavior going forward will not be tolerated, we must find a fine balance for our discipline. One that is fair and that will help the two grow." He then got out of his chair with a grunt, hands behind his back. "So I've been thinking all day after the Festival on who to call to offer internships to both Parker and Bakugo. Ironically," He smiled, looking back at the pinstriped skeletal man with a beady-eyed smile. "Both heroes I called never bothered sending offers to those two."

"Really?" Toshinori quirked an eyebrow. He figured that both Bakugo and Parker would dominate the field in terms of offers, alongside Endeavor's son and Shiozaki. "Shouldn't they be at the top?"

"Oh no, Parker is indeed at the top. His inbox was flooded with heroes from Hokkaido all the way down to Okinawa." Nezu laughed. "Bakugo had quite the reception as well, although he lags behind a few more of our students as well. I just find it funny that the two I called didn't even send offers to the two!" He closed his eyes with a grin. "Amusing how things turn out, no?"

"I suppose." Toshinori mused as he sat up straight. "So, what can I do to help? Should I make the call to both heroes?"

"I did it myself, and I got through to one." Nezu walked over to Toshinori, handing him his phone. The blond took it and saw who the mouse-bear called, as well as the history and length of the phone calls.

"Huh. Odd choices… I see he talked with you for a while."

"We had a nice chat, and in the end we came to a consensus after he learned of my plan. He is more than willing to take in Bakugo, should the boy accept." Nezu nodded. All Might looked at the second call… which took about thirty seconds?

"What happened with-"

"Oh yes. That one, had three choice words when I offered them the chance to have Parker as an intern." Nezu coughed. "The answer was, and I quote, 'Go fuck yourself'". He kept his smile on, not being fazed.

Toshinori's eyes widened, well, considering who Nezu was calling…

But, he had an ace in the hole.

"Well in that case, leave it to me!" Toshinori bulked up, and All Might showed off his pearly grin. "For I am here! And I know exactly what to say!" Nezu had a slight smile on his face, almost as if he already knew.

"That so?"

"Yeah." Toshinori slimmed down, sighing and coughing a bit as he took out his kerchief. A tiny speck of red was now visible on it. Maybe not do it so instantaneous next time… "Let's just say that said hero owes me a favor, on top of other things..." He gave a bony grin.

"Then make the call, once you do, we can all get a good night's sleep." Nezu sighed, getting back onto his chair and slumping. For a creature who was the first animal to have a Quirk, and being one of the most intelligent creatures in the world, he looked so very human. "I think we all need it at this point." He looked over as Toshinori bulked up, calling the number again.

"Good evening! For I am here! In Principal Nezu's office!" All Might declared with a pose, and Nezu chuckled, closing his eyes as he saw the Symbol of Peace get to work.

The only way those two would grow was if they stepped out of their comfort zone… That would be how Peter Parker and Bakugo Katsuki ascended to the top.


"Alright class," Shouta muttered as he walked into homeroom. Today wasn't a typical class day, as today was the Second Year Sports Festival, but after yesterday when everyone went home he sent them all an email to return the next day. "Settle down." His eyes scanned over his students, taking note in the main group of interest sitting by the window.

In the back, Yaoyorozu Momo was sullen, her eyes forward but sometimes glancing at the boy in front of her. She looked deep in thought as well.

Peter Parker was neutral-faced, giving Aizawa his full attention, frowning. He'd have to talk to him once he wrapped things up regarding him and Yagi.

Midoriya Izuku did not look like a boy who was happy winning third place in the Sports Festival, instead looking down at his desk and at times glancing ahead to the boy in front of him. And at the empty desk across the room where Iida would normally sit.

Bakugo Katsuki… was pale. Red-eyed. His head was resting on his arms as he looked like he was looking someplace far away, even with his eyes looking downwards. It looked like he hadn't slept a wink. Ironic considering his own typical state.

"I understand a great many of you are exhausted from yesterday's events, so I'll make this as brief as possible. Those of you who need to see Recovery Girl can do so after class, as she is going to be tied up with the Second Year Sports Festival all day and she won't do the Third Years tomorrow until the afternoon. After our Homeroom meeting you are also welcome to attend the Second Year Festival as well at your own leisure, or if you feel that you can use this time to catch up on your studies use the library. Do whichever you like. Now," Shouta scratched his light beard. His face was healed, but his arm was still in a sling. "I should get this out of the way. Congratulations to you all for your first Sports Festival yesterday. You all performed to the best of your ability out there, some more than others, but nevertheless, you left everything you could muster on the table." Shouta's eyes noticed Sato frown lightly, looking to the ground.

"Sato." He spoke out, earning the muscular boy's attention. "Keep your head up. Despite your last impression, you were solid in all other areas. Refine your strengths, and train harder." The boy sat up straight, nodding.


Shouta's tired eyes went over to Yaoyorozu. "Yaoyorozu," He had the girl's focus. "You had a bad match up in your tournament round, but you shined in the previous events. Don't let it get you down. Hone in on your weaknesses and seek to improve." The girl, while frowning, nodded.

"Thank you sensei." Somehow her depressed mood didn't seem to be more towards the Sports Festival. His eyes turned towards Asui, who raised her hand.


"You don't have to worry about me, Sensei. I'll just train harder is all." Girl was sharp, and seemed to have an understanding of her own weaknesses, even if he could see her eyes shift towards Parker.

"Good, saved me time." He turned towards Jirou. "Jirou, you did well utilizing your Quirk in the War, although your physical attributes could use improvement if you ever want to defeat close-range opponents. Focus on improving your hand-to-hand combat, understood?" The punk girl's attention was also focused on her friend, Yaoyorozu.

"Got it."

"Todoroki," He spoke towards the dual-haired boy. "You overcame a high hurdle, but now you'll need to focus on controlling your left side." Todoroki closed his eyes, nodding. "You've gotten great control of your ice, so I know you can do it."

"Understood." Todoroki went back to looking at his desk, deep in thought.

"Midoriya." The boy perked up. "You've come far. Farther than any student I've had in this class." The green-haired teen gulped, biting his lower lip. "I'm proud of your accomplishments, but you can't keep relying on using your Quirk at maximum power. Keep on training and refining it." Midoriya nodded, although his eyes were on the almost zombie-like Bakugo.

"Alright, we'll wrap up now. You're all getting a four day weekend as well." Many of his students perked up, some overjoyed and eager. The window aisle didn't so much as flinch at the news of a very rare break. "Today is the Second Year Sports Festival, and tomorrow after the Third Years followed by striking down the festivities over the next two days. Use this time to heal up, recover, and study. The scouting reports and your internship offers from the pros will be back when you return from break." He saw a hand be raised. "Yes Midoriya?"

"Mr. Aizawa… Iida hasn't come back yet." Midoriya looked up, looking worried. "Is… there something wrong?" He asked, almost as if he knew.

The ever-so-observant Midoriya. Shouta sighed. "There's been a family emergency. Iida is alright, but give him space. When the time is right, be sure to offer your support. This goes to everyone here in class, okay?" He asked, leaning forward on his desk. Midoriya seemed to almost slump, as if he had come to a realization. Must have figured it out. He saw nods and "Yes's" from the class. Content, Shouta nodded. "Alright, class dismissed. Have a good four day weekend and enjoy the Second Year Sports Festival. Just use your school IDs and you'll get free admission and refreshments around the stadium." He saw the entire class shift, ready to move and enjoy the weekend as many of them eyed Parker, as if ready to pounce in an effort to talk to him. "Parker." He had the American's attention as he gestured with his head. "A minute."

The rest of the class seemed to understand the cue, with Bakugo leaving first, walking fast with his eyes to the floor. The shaggy-haired teacher stepped aside, seeing Midoriya trot after him. "Kacchan wait!"

"No running in the halls." Shouta sternly called to his students as they filed out.

"Wonder what Mr. Aizawa and Parker are gonna talk about?" Hagakure mused as she spoke to Ojiro.

"Beats me. Maybe it has something to do with getting first place?" The tailed boy pondered.

"Heh, knowing Ace, Sensei's gonna teach him all the ropes I bet." Kirishima smirked. "I mean, he is the Next All Might after all." He threw his American friend a smirk and a thumbs-up. Parker weakly waved back at the recognition.

Soon all of the students departed, Todoroki and Yaoyorozu being last as they each gave a look towards Parker who remained in his seat, eyes to his desk. Shouta saw the girl stand by the door for a moment before she noticed his staring and left.

Shouta sighed, his one good hand in his pocket as he turned towards the American. "So, did All Might talk to you yesterday?"

"Yes. He did." Parker responded, looking back at his homeroom teacher.

"Alright, in that case..." Shouta leaned against the wall. "What did he tell you, and what are you going to be doing going forward?" Time to learn of All Might's discipline.

The American sighed. "Well, Principal Nezu, with help from All Might, will be working together to try and find the best fit for me. He said I can still choose my own hero, but they feel that the hero they are choosing will be best to help me improve. Lastly, I'll have to do community service at a local center. Two hundred hours total, and this will be on top of my schoolwork under you." His voice seemed slightly hoarse, and going by the look on his face both after the fight and during the ceremony he seemed genuinely guilty.

This was what Shouta had wanted. For Peter Parker to be as serious as possible, and it almost resulted in the possible dissolvement of U.A. Talk about a monkey's paw.

Shouta closed his eyes, nodding. "Alright. In that case, I won't get in the way. Your fight with Bakugo was out of the ordinary, so I can only assume he said some choice words that drove you that far."

"Yeah, he did… and I shouldn't have let them get to me like that." Parker's eyes were to the ground.

"Someone with your level of physical strength can't afford to lose his temper so easily. I had thought you understood that."

"I do." Peter muttered, eyes to the table.

"Recent events say otherwise."

He was twisting the knife, he knew, and judging by the way Parker cringed he was hitting it right on the pommel to boot.

The homeroom teacher of 1-A reached inside his desk, pulling free a file and placing it in front of Parker.

The young man opened it.

It was his file, the one Shouta had made shortly after the Quirk Assessment test, circled in bright red marker was a single number titled:

Estimated Physical strength: 2,874 lbs.

"I have a strong feeling that this initial figure was lowballing it by quite a lot." Shouta said lowly, hand once again in his pocket. "But even that would have been too damn dangerous to lose control of. If All Might had been a second too late, hell, if he hadn't been as observant as he was while still looking for it because he saw something wrong, how much damage would you have caused, Parker?"

"A lot I know!" He yelled, eyes closed as the inner turmoil raged inside him.

Shouta looked at the young man for a long time. "I hope that's true. You're a smart kid, but sticks and stones Parker. You've done a good job limiting yourself, and this one time cou-"

"I know, okay!?" Parker barked, panting while slumping in his chair.

Leaning against his desk, the teacher decided that enough had been said on the subject for the time being. "Alright, you seem to get it then. I won't press anymore. Anyways, before you go to the Second Year Festival, I should tell you that the winner of the Sports Festival also receives invitations to I-Island, specifically to attend the I-Expo: a science expose to show the latest in technology and support gear-"


The door was suddenly, completely and utterly destroyed, shattering into a million splinters as Shouta was thrown off his feet, landing on his backside. He stifled a yell, his broken arm lighting up in pain. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" He yelled before coughing.

Through the cloud of destroyed splinters that used to be a door, Shouta caught sight of the pink-haired Hatsume Mei, covered in motor oil and grease, with a manic grin on her face as she floated forward on her hoverboots.

"HAHA! I FOUND YA!" She hollered, at a decibel level just shy of deafening. He saw Parker leap to his feet in utter bewilderment.

"H-Hatsume! What the hell are you doing here!?"

With a speed that should have been impossible even with that equipment of hers, the Support Course student closed the distance on a still very confused Peter, shoving the helmet onto his head.


"O-ow! Hatsume, what the hell?! This thing barely fi- ow! Is that a wire digging into my head?"

"Oh yeah, a quick modification so it'd stop exploding."

"Wait wha-"

She pressed a very big, prominent red button. The helmet turned on as Parker glanced to and fro. "What the- what's with all of these bright screens?"

"Baby Number 43, a Neuro-link Hacker Helmet that makes you able to access any and all devices in a twenty meter radius! We're gonna need it for what comes next! Maybe!" The mad witch of a student declared. "Can you see anything?"

"You destroyed my door and used an explosive in the hallway!" Shouta barked, but Hatsume turned, grin still on her face as she didn't look at all fazed by the glaring teacher.

"Just bill it to Mr. Power Loader. Now come on Parker!" She floated up, grabbing the American by the hand. Shouta had Erasure activated, his eyes glowing and bandages coiling like snakes. "Not a moment to lose!" And she sped off, avoiding Shouta's bandages as they smacked into desks, and Peter wailed as he hung onto her and was flailing like a flag in a hurricane. "Whaaaaaaaaa~!" Or more precisely, a flag on the back of a speeding sports car.

"Tallyhoooo!" She exclaimed as she whooped down the hallway, ignorant of Parker's cries for help as Shouta coughed at the smoke. He followed, seeing a trail of smoke down the hallway…

And an utterly bewildered and stunned Pony Tsunotori standing by the stairwell, gobsmacked at the display. Why she was standing there, the Erasure Hero didn't know.

Shouta sighed, good hand going to his face. "Majima, if you don't strangle your student for this…" He turned, seeing the splintered door and the mess in his classroom. "I will. Ow…" He winced, holding his arm. "Chiyo is going to chew my ear off."


He had to talk to him. "Kacchan!" Izuku called out as the slumping Kacchan walked away. He finally caught up to him, his hand on his old friend's shoulder.

"Fuck off!" The blonde lashed out with an arm, and the green-haired boy stepped back, avoiding it as he got a better look at his childhood friend face to face.

His red eyes were filled with self-loathing, his teeth bared as he breathed hard through his nose. He looked like he hasn't slept a wink too.

"Kacchan, you don't look so well…" Izuku gulped. Seeing him in such a state… It made his heart twist. This… this was unnatural.

"I'm going to see Recovery Girl one last time." He showed off his bad arm, it was still in a sling. "Then I'll be out for a little while to heal, so get the fuck out of my way." He hissed in a dark tone, turning around. Izuku blushed a bit, rubbing behind his head.

"Well… I need to go to her as well. Hand and all that." He flexed his hand that had bandages and splints in them.

Kacchan didn't respond or cared, still walking forward, entering a stairwell. Izuku walked faster to keep up with him, entering the isolated area. What to do… Well, Kacchan lost for the first time in a full on fight. Izuku has had loads of those in his day! "Listen, Kacchan I… I know what-"

"No you don't, so stop right now Deku." Kacchan growled, turning around, and Izuku gasped lightly. It looked like… he was about to break down into tears! "You'll never understand, so don't fucking bother."


"But nothing!" He barked, loud, eyes wide with fury. "You're enjoying yourself, aren't you?! I saw the highlights! I saw the ceremony!" Kacchan raved as Izuku stepped back. "How All Might hugged you! How you've looked so smug and proud of yourself!" He gritted his teeth, shuddering. "For lying to me for all these years! Just to get to this point!"

Izuku bit his lip. Was he still on that!? Deep down he cursed himself. He and his big mouth, but he couldn't just keep it inside him like that. He had to tell him. It was only natural!

"And on top of that, your Quirk is just like All Might's! Just like… like him!" Kacchan burst out, his shoulders shaking. "And you've always wanted to be like All Might too you know, well you and him are closer than ever the way you two were so buddy-buddy, being fucking liars!"

"What?" Izuku asked. All Might lied to Kacchan? About what?

"All Might… never loses! At all! And you, why is it… that a fucking lying snake like you, who's gotten this far…" He shuddered, pausing as if he was ready to crack. "Winning again and again, while I've gotten here on my own goddamn merit! I've busted my ass to get to the school of my dreams! I've studied hard! I worked and trained harder than anyone! And all I've done since coming here… is lose!" His red eyes were looking wet as the despair poured forth. "This place has become a fucking nightmare! And it's all because of..." Kacchan yelled, and Izuku could see other students who were outside opening the door, some cracking it to peek in. "Because of...!"

Izuku waited, and deep down, all he wanted to tell Kacchan was the truth. That he had inherited All Might's power… if… if that could bring his friend any sort of peace, he would. Even with all the hypocritical things he said…

But he couldn't.

"Kacchan, please stop." Izuku pleaded, feeling his chest ache. He… Kacchan was his Symbol of Victory. He wasn't supposed to act like this. "It's ok-"

"It's not! I wasn't supposed to lose!" Kacchan stood up, and Izuku can see it, his face contorted into an expression of pure sorrow and despair, tears streaming down. "Not in front of the whole world! Not to that clo… Not to Parker… He… he could have ended it all immediately! But he played with me like I was a toy! I was… I was helpless! I had be saved again, like… like--!" He wailed, chest shuddering as he paused, gasping as he heaved, unable to finish his sentence..

Izuku bit his lip, and he reached forward, hand out stretched.

"Get away from me!" The blonde barked, almost fearful. Izuku on instinct moved away from Kacchan's slap when he got in close, the two backing off as Kacchan seethed as his bad arm hit the window behind him. He saw the blonde boy that for so long has been his idea of victory, of overcoming any obstacle, just slump against the wall. Exhausted.


"Deku…" Kacchan spoke, his voice hoarse as he got his bearings, his hand over his slinged arm and Izuku felt sick. His action in trying to give his childhood friend comfort… only caused him pain! "Just.. leave me alone." He lifted his head, his eyes hollow, lifeless. The eyes of a man who had lost his dream. It made Izuku's blood turn to ice, his eyes widening. "Please…" He pleaded in the weakest softest voice he has ever heard Kacchan speak, and Izuku saw the tears coming down.

And he walked off, and the current carrier of One for All could do nothing but watch his friend go, shambling like a zombie as he went down the stairs. Izuku has achieved so much since coming here he's lost count. Friends. Acknowledgement. Support. Steps needed to achieve his dream.

Yet… was Kacchan going to wind up being the cost? The green haired boy stood silent, unsure of what to do as he gripped his fists, shoulders shuddering.

'What should I do... ' Izuku thought to himself. 'What… can I do…'


"Hatsume, lemme go!" Peter yelled, hanging on via one arm as the girl sped through the hallways. The pinkette ignored him, grinning widely as they made sharp turns that caused Peter to yell and gasp as if he was on a roller coaster.

"Heeeeere we are!" And she stopped, twirling as the two's momentum made them spin like a top before they fell. "Weeeheheehee! So that's it on max speed! Guess I gotta make some adjustments to the speed output!" Peter heard Hatsume's musings as he was sprawled on the ground, seeing the lights overhead spin in circles.

He looked down, seeing Hatsume on top of him, her black tanktop-clad chest squishing against his own stomach.

And he got a veeeery nice view...

"Oh hey, I see lots of ya. Heya Parkeeeer~" Hatsume giggled, her tone implicit that she was too dizzy to notice or care that her cleavage was prominent.

Peter scrambled to his feet, cheeks beet-red as he stumbled a bit, standing ramrod-straight. "Can't you just… bring me over to the studio like a normal human being? Uggh." Loosening up, he had a hand to his face as he offered his own, and he felt the mad witch take it.

"Normies schlomires! Besides, this was very important!" Hatsume declared with wide arms, beaming brightly. "I had to come and getcha in person!"

"Hatsume, did you go speeding through the hallway again!?" Power Loader yelled from inside the Support Studio. Wait, again? "And did you blow up another door too!?" Seriously?!

"Yep! Did it to get Parker!" The yellow-eyed girl waved her arm as Peter turned, shaking his head to try and regain his composure.

"Keep this up, and I'm putting you on a leash. Eraserhead called me a moment ago to chew me out." The armored teacher pocketed his phone. "But, I see you brought the man of the hour."

"Man of the hour?" Peter thought aloud. He sighed, looking down. "Look, I appreciate you trying to celebrate for me winning the Sports Festival. I do but-"

"Celebrate? We're not here to party, you silly!" Hatsume trotted inside as she tossed her hoverboots onto a pile of other gadgets and equipment. She turned, arms wide. "We're close to doing it! We're close to saving her!"

Saving her.

Peter's jaw dropped, and his heart skipped many beats.

"What?" He asked in English.

"In the middle of your fights, Hatsume had an epiphany. Didn't even bother watching the rest of the Festival." Power Loader explained. "She went right to work on your suit, and when I came back from the Stadium, I saw her making massive strides." He stepped aside, and on one of the holographic screens was a display. A display of his Spider-Man suit minus the mask, with the bright glowing blue core in the middle under the Spider Insignia.

That's right… his drone.

"I was trying to get at the AI Chip next to the Reactor!" Hatsume stated. "All this time, we were trying to access the Chip and trying to mold the microscopic connectors which would have taken us months! All we had to do was use the big insignia that was attached, which has some kind of function of sorts given the wiring and CPUs within, and hook up to that! The ports there were much easier!"

"Basically, 'return to sender'." Power Loader defined. "She tapped on the Spider logo and it popped out. She did some experimenting and inserted it back in, finding out that it managed to connect to the chip."

They were going to do it. "Here and now?" Peter asked rhetorically, a smile about to erupt on his face. Forget the Second Year Festival, he had to be right here!

"That's right, we're gonna connect not with the chip, but with this Spider doohickey, and through that, gain access to the Chip. And with that-" Power Loader was cut off as Hatsume jumped in front of him.

"We can save Karen!"

Peter staggered, blinking before letting out short laughs as he fell back onto a chair. "F... " He shook his head. "Shit!" He laughed in English as he held his face in his hands. "Ohhhh, I can't believe I forgot about that after all this time. Hooooly god I'm so dumb." Peter muttered in his native tongue as his shoulders sagged.

"I caught that, don't swear in English." The teacher said in Japanese. "But forgot what?"

"That doohickey thing is a drone." Peter's hands traveled down his face as he spotted Hatsu-Mei, standing there.

"Wait, it's a drone and you didn't tell us this why?" Power Loader asked, his tone indicating quirked eyebrows.

"I… forgot," Peter admitted bashfully, blushing. "All this time I was looking at it all through the wrong angle…" He shook his head, beaming at the curvy pinkette before him. "I owe you big time, Mei."

She smiled.

"Wait-" He blinked. "Is this why you left the Festival all of a sudden?"

"Well... duh."

"But, your inventions, the sponsors. All that meant so much to you."

"Yeah, but your friendship was more important, silly! Besides they can just contact me la-Oh!"

Peter almost felt like crying before he nearly lunged at the girl to catch her in a hug, clearly surprising her.

He didn't care that she smelt like machine oil and had grease on her arms. The girl still had that wild smile and tilted her head as he hugged tighter.

"If you two are finished, I think we have some work to do." The teacher smirked as he walked over to his console. Peter let go of the girl, not even caring of the stains on his shirt.

"Let's go get her." Peter grinned ear to ear, his smile matching Mei's. The girl nodded vigorously.

"Let's gooooo!"

The trio got to work, Peter's fatigue from yesterday fading with exuberance and urgency as he worked alongside Mei, the two of them standing over the Spider-Man Suit. Like a surgeon, Mei used a laser cutter to deftly cut open an incision on the abdomen and then the thorax of the insignia. Peter helped provide tools, his knowledge on Stark Technology helping her get the right measurement and length for the laser cutter as to not penetrate the precious circuitry within.

"Okay… easy…" Peter murmured, he and Mei close as they finished making a rectangular cutout in both units. The metal plate was peeled back with a suction pen courtesy of the American, and the glowing circuitry of the drone's interior parts was displayed.

"Alright, now to make the right components… Oh yes!" Mei stated. "The ports here are much bigger than the chip port!" She grinned. "This will be a cinch! Sensei! Get me those copper and rubber pieces, please!"

"Right right right, hold your horses." The Head of the Support Department walked over to the bench, handing over the materials as Mei applied a tweezer-sized tool to a box-like component.

"So this is the brain of our little drone… meaning that when it docks in your suit, it connects to the Arc Reactor and the AI Core…" Mei muttered.

"So if we can set up a link with the drone's CPU, we now have a bridge." Peter finished, shaking his head. "I can't believe I didn't think of this."

"I always look at my Babies via different angles. If something doesn't work, just flip it around to see it from a unique perspective!" The pinkette stated. "You always tend to find solutions when looking at something from a different angle."

"I'll keep that in mind." Peter smiled at her. "First, we need to make sure that we don't make it too big or too small. It's got to be the perfect shape, size, and the right nodes needed to go inside." Mei used the tool and brought it to a cord. "That should carry the automation functions for the drone. All we need is for it to be unhooked, then we can add in our own port."

"Got it…" Mei brought the tweezer to the cord, slowly tugging. "Steady…" She was slow, her golden-target eyes unblinking as she stayed still. Peter could even see her irises zoom in!

Then the cord was pulled, no damage inflicted as she set it gently to the side. Peter and Mei sighed, looking at each other. Mei still had that wide grin, while Peter laughed lightly.

"Now, for the port." They went over to the workbench, mixing the copper and rubber components before they proceeded to their consoles. Power Loader, who was observing from the side, laughed lightly.

He kept an eye on the X-Ray of the Suit, seeing the glow of the Arc Reactor circulating within. Amazing… One whole year and this piece of technology had never needed to recharge. "Time to create the file and server for her…"

He began to shed his armor, ready to help before he saw the two working together as they shouted out measurements. "Okay, bring it in within a couple one-thousandths!" Peter stated.

"Has to be over a dozen one-thousandths. Can't go in too deep." Mei replied, hands at work as she manipulated the tools, the robotic arms obeying her commands as they began to create a new cord filled with the right components needed to establish a connection.

"You sure?"

"Positive. Can you get to work on making that USB Adaptor? Use the 3D Printer and get the right stuff from the junk heap." Mei replied. "I'll get this baby made in minutes!"

Peter got up from his bench, going over to the next table as he got to work on the Holoscreen. Even if it was in Japanese, the American seemed to get the jist as he muttered words and commands to himself. He used the keyboard to find the recipe for making a USB Adaptor. "Got it…"

Peter ran over to the shelf, returning with the necessary 'ingredients' as he made measurements with a micrometer and ruler, getting the right dimensions as his hands flew like a piano maestro.

He got the necessary metals, the right rubber and polymer components and got to work, letting the machine begin it's surgical process in cutting down the metals to the right dimensions, use giant Three-Dimensional buffers to remove burrs, followed by laser cutter knives. Then oil and solvent was applied to cool the metal. Next, cutting and crafting the rubber cords, infusing polymer in order to bind it. Then the copper and wires were slowly added via gloves as Peter got up close and personal, adding them into the rubber and polymer one at a time. He connected them to the USB port, and he turned back towards Mei who was busy on her cord.

"Hey Mei, Can I get the dimensions of the-" Peter was cut off as a paper airplane hit his head, making him wince as he looked down. He knelt down, picking up the paper and unfolding it. Numbers were written within… He looked back up, and Mei waved. "You read my mind." He smiled, looking over the numbers and he began to input the correct numbers and measurements, and the laser printer got to work, crafting the right port to connect to Mei's cord.

The machine worked, and Peter saw the rubber and polymer fold in, enclosing around the wires and copper within. A laser welder came in per Peter's instructions as he guided it along with a steady hand, sealing it as the USB Adaptor was completed. Cooling fluid came in, followed by air blowers as Peter walked along the car-sized machine and came over to the end. And sliding out into a slot, was his Adaptor.

"Done." He turned, seeing Mei rise up, lifting up her goggles.

"Just finished!"

"Got the backup servers made. Had to delete some failing grade blueprints and oodles of stuff from my predecessor, but I don't think I'll need'em." Power Loader got up from his desk, walking over as the two teens stood with their crafted gadgets in hand.

Peter looked down, willing his heart to calm down despite the frenzied beating. "We just… connect these and…"

"It may work." Mei said, taking his hand as the two walked over to the bench where the Suit waited. A computer was set up several feet away, connected to many robotic arms and an assembly line used for creating bigger pieces of gear.

Peter took a deep breath, inputting the USB into the computer. He turned, seeing Mei hand him her crafted cord.

"Here, this is Baby number sixty-six." Peter took it from her gloved hands. "Since Karen is your adopted Baby, I want you to be the one to do it."

Peter bit his lip, nodding. "'Kay…" He connected his cord with Mei's in the right area… "Calm down, you got this." It was just sticking a cord into something. He turned towards the suit. The first thing Mr. Stark had ever given him. Biting his lower lip, he brought the cord over to the suit, taking an eyeglass as he looked over the drone attached to the insignia. He got the right angle of the cord, bending over to slowly input it in. He was slow, but his hands shook… He was so close. So close!

He felt a hand on his own, seeing Mei look down at him, even with her bosom close to his head. "Easy. Just breathe." She spoke, no longer loud, but soft. It was… nice.

"Breathe." Peter closed his eyes. "Just. Breathe." He spoke in English, reopening his eyes as he got his eyeglass back up. He could hear Power Loader walking over, looming over them and seeing them with his eyes. He had removed his constructor shovel-like helmet.

Peter spotted the CPU of the drone, his eyesight sharpening as he zoomed in on the tiny port. He brought the cord slowly over to it… and slowly pushed it in.


The entire drone's insides glowed blue, the Suit with it as Peter could see the glow of the Arc Reactor inside.

He heard a pinging sound on the computer. The entire Support Studio was dead silent as he walked over, clicking on the prompt to allow this device to have access.


Peter then saw a big black popup screen…

And within, a big blue A with an arrow in the middle appeared for a moment, then a flat line. His heart stopped. The Avengers...

Peter didn't know that the computer had a built-in mic and camera, his eyes glued onto the screen.

"K-Karen?" He asked lightly in English. "Are you there?"

He paused… waiting. He could only hear the room's air conditioning, his breathing and his heartbeat.

"Hello Peter, I'm here." The line moved, and the sound of Karen's fine English voice echoed throughout the studio.

Peter's face lit up like fireworks, beaming as he yelled in laughter and glee at the top of his lungs. Mei and Power Loader backed off, jumping at the sudden noise.

"It's me! Karen it's me!" He stared into the screen, hands on both sides of the monitor, feeling his eyes water and his heart soar. He saw motion, and noticed the camera zoom in.


"Peter, I can see you." She responded, and Peter couldn't contain himself, and hugged the monitor, shoulders shuddering as he finally let it all out. "Now I cannot."

Peter didn't care, all that mattered was that she was back. She… she had reunited with him. "You're okay… I'm sorry Karen… I'm so sorry…" He sobbed as he kept his eyes closed, hugging the monitor.

"Sorry for what? And you seem to be hugging my audio receptor, and are in great distress." Karen responded, and on command, the lights within the Studio flickered.

As Peter wept, he heard the whirring of machinery, and he felt the mechanical arms of the nearby robotic arms turnover and their clamps open, lightly enclosing around him. "I do not have the soft arms of a human, but I heard that 'hugs' help relieve those in emotional discomfort."

Peter shook his head, grinning ear to ear as he let out a laugh, before crying and yelling and sobbing as loud as possible. Finally… she was back. She was finally back with him. He was in her arms too...

"I am here Peter. It is okay." Karen reassured, Peter still blubbering like a baby. "What is the matter?"

Behind him, Mei stood, jaw dropped alongside Power Loader. "How is she… For that level of control she must have accessed the system within… a blink of an eye. I had firewalls installed and-" Power Loader paused, turning as he saw his pink-haired prodigy gazing at her brown-haired friend, gobsmacked at the sight of her weeping friend and the patting clamps from the robotic arms.

Wait, was she about to-

"Hatsume, are you-" The girl perked up, wiping her face with her arm.

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine!" Mei laughed, grinning as she looked up at her teacher. "I'm just… happy. We saved Parker's Baby… His beautiful adoptive baby."

"Yeah, we sure did." He sighed, putting a hand on her shoulder as Peter continued to cry, the robotic arms still embracing him.

"Peter, what is the matter? Why are you crying?" Karen asked in English before she trailed off as Peter began to calm down, breathing hard and hoarse as she spoke in relative calm. "I'm detecting multiple new systems with manufacturers that don't appear in my database. Peter, are we on another planet?"

"I wouldn't call Japan another planet," Power Loader grumbled in Japanese, "We're not that different from America."

Peter looked up, blinking as he wiped away his tears. Only for a robotic arm to appear close to his head, it's clamp carrying a rag. He let out a light laugh, taking it and rubbing his face.

"Another planet… about that." Peter muttered, licking his lips as he ran his answer through his head. "Karen, It's a long story… But, first, I want you to meet the ones who helped me break you out of the Suit." He sat down on the chair, feeling exhausted, but overjoyed as he gestured over with his arm. "Karen, meet… my friends." He spoke in Japanese. "Hatsume Mei, a peer of mine here at U.A. Academy, and the Pro Hero Power Loader, a teacher."

"H-Hiya!" Mei composed herself, waving. "It's so nice to meet you! I can't believe it, a talking and interactive Baby!"

"Hello there." Power Loader waved, a wide grin on his face. "AI-san."

"Hmmm… Let's see…" The computer that contained Karen whirred, a separate window appearing and going through millions of lines of code in the blink of an eye. "My records don't indicate you ever learning Japanese Peter," Karen stated in a surprised tone. "And you look older as well. Peter, do you mind elaborating on the situation?"

Peter started to say something, only to stop himself. It didn't feel right, lying to Karen, but what else could he do? Waking up on another planet a hundred years in the future with nothing but his suit? It was… unbelievable, but Karen deserved to hear it.

For now, he just needed to roll with the story that he'd always had.

Maybe she'd-

Peter flinched as his phone vibrated. He looked down, seeing a text from an unknown number.

I'll follow your lead.

"Who's that?" Mei asked.

"J-just Yu," Peter said, pocketing his phone, "Anyway, Karen, what's the last thing that you remember?"

"Due to extreme circumstances, you removed your mask, and our primary form of communication as you attempted to enact a rescue mission to save the captured Doctor."

"Y-yeah, you could say that," Peter agreed.

Riding a space donut into the upper atmosphere certainly could count as extreme circumstances. He'd panicked then… He doubted that he would ever not stop kicking himself for such a mistake.

"After that, my records indicate that the chassis of the Mark II spider suit was merged with the project seventeen, codenamed 'Iron Spider'. From there, I was only able to access your vitals. I've recorded several seismic events as well as damage calculations of a battle, but soon all my connections to the various servers had been shut down."

Peter nodded, that was the story, in a nutshell.

"Yeah, Karen it's been… almost a year since then," he said bluntly.

If it was possible, Peter could swear that the flash across the monitor was a blink.

"For a boy that has ridden on the wing of a crashing plane fighting an Arms Dealer armed with alien weaponry, you have a talent for exceeding predictions Peter."

"Hold up," Power Loader said, "Alien weaponry? Riding on the wing of a crashing-"

"Shhhh," Mei quieted, literally putting her arm over the teacher's helmet, "They're still going."

Peter chuckled as well as he could, "Ah, thanks Mei."

The mechanic flashed a smile and a thumbs-up.

"Well, Karen, after the…" his voice trailed off, remembering that planet. He frowned, biting his lip. "Fight. We lost. He…" Peter took a moment to pause, looking away as he couldn't bring himself to say it again. Not twice in a day.

The monitor was silent for a moment.

"Is he really gone?" Karen asked.

That question. The question that had kept Peter from falling asleep when he first arrived. The question that he didn't let himself ask for months.

He did answer it, eventually, and here, Peter felt a trickle of a tear run down his face.

"Yeah, he's gone."

The entire room fell silent once again. Peter tried to take a breath, but it was shaky. He'd thought that he had come to terms with this a long time ago. Saying it to Karen, it just brought everything back.

"Peter, I'm so sorry that I left you alone with this."

Peter shook his head, wiping the tears from his eyes.

"I-It wasn't all bad, I got some friends, they helped me out. Power Loader-sensei has been a big help in bringing you back, and Mei has done more than I ever thought she could."

"Aww, you're welcome," Mei said, flashing a smile.

"And I wasn't completely alone," Peter continued, "I moved in with a family friend, Yu, she's been taking good care of me. She gave me the chance to get to U.A. and it's been an adventure here."

"A fun one, right?" Mei asked, stepping beside him.

"A really fun one, worth everything," Peter agreed.

"Then I'll gladly continue to help you along," Karen said, and if she was really here, Peter could imagine her smiling.

"Wouldn't have it any other way."

"Alright, alright, as much as I like the moment, we still have some work to do," Power Loader said, "We've got a massive AI that needs a containment unit because I'm pretty sure she doesn't want to spend another day in that suit."

"I can display several transference options, if you require them," Karen offered. "For the moment, I can also transfer into Peter's smartphone, although I will need a direct connection to create a suitable home."

Mei's eyes beam, "Oh oh show them, show me the options, I need them for my babies!"

Peter snorted at his friend's enthusiasm, and at Power Loader keeping the girl back from snapping up everything Karen had to offer. A second later, another text hit Peter's phone.

We'll talk more later.

And that was perfectly fine, as far as Peter was concerned, he had all the time in the world. He'd get to Momo's texts later.


Thirty minutes later, Power Loader completed creating a server for Karen to inhabit.

To be fair, it was less that the teacher built a server and more following instructions from the AI. Afterwards, with a handy USB cord, Peter's smartphone had a new App on it with the Stark Logo on it for him to contact Karen and to access her files and memory which would be connected via cloud set up by Power Loader within U.A.

"A word of advice, we can't keep Karen here forever, which is what I would usually say. But, given how complex she is combined with whatever technology your mentor had along with your gear, I feel it's best to have her stay within the parameters of U.A.'s firewalls for now. If villains or any… shady tech support companies get any ideas, you would be putting yourself and your family through a lot of danger. Trust in me, and I'll keep Karen safe on this end." The words of Power Loader rang through Peter's mind as he walked through U.A.'s halls, looking down at his phone.

"So… we are in an entirely new dimension of sorts, given the different timestamp and the lack of historical events that coincide with my prior records." Karen spoke into Peter's earpiece. He tapped it, thanking Mei for finding a functional one to use. It was small, and fit like a glove in his ear. He connected it via bluetooth connection created by the AI, one that was restricted to only his phone and to whatever device Karen so chose, so long as Peter gave her the go-ahead.

"Yeah. I wound up here, after… we lost and I've been trying to get you out as best as I could and-"

"I know you have. Because I know you're not one to give up so easily." Karen reassured her partner as he exited the building, taking a deep breath and gazing up at the blue sky. There were some nice clouds going overhead.

"I tried everything, but I didn't have the tools… but you have to thank Mei. I wouldn't have gotten you out if not for her."

"Then I'll have to thank her again." The AI said smoothly.

Peter took a deep breath, and jumped high and fast, landing on the side of a building. He crawled up it fast, and got to the rooftop of U.A. Sighing, he laid down on the ground, his phone by his side as he gazed up at the clouds.

"You want to talk to your friend 'Yaoyorozu Momo'?" Karen inquired, making Peter perk up.

"Looking through my texts huh?" He asked wryly.

"Do you wish for me not to?"

"Nah, it's fine. I may forget something and you can relay it back to me just in case. But..." Peter put his hands behind his head as he felt the breeze wash over him. He sighed, this was the life. On top of the tallest building on the tallest hill in Musutafu. Reminded him of back home when he can stargaze at the top of high rises back in Queens. He always wanted to go to the top of Manhattan and stargaze too, but long distance and doing his duty around the neighborhood. "I do need to talk to her."

"She sounded concerned too. And going by your Group Chat history, you two seem to be good friends." Peter smiled at her inquiry.

"Ok, permission to use Group Chat… but, yeah." He beamed, looking up into the clouds. "Momo's like, the smartest girl I've ever known. And she's super gorgeous too! Like, the way she fills out her uniform and the way her hero outfit looks…" He blushed, biting his lip. "Sorry, I guess, never really had a chance to vent like this and… I kinda sound like a creep."

"You spoke similarity complementary things to Liz back then. I never saw it as creepy at all, Peter. Only you being a teenage boy having a hormonal and intellectual attraction towards a young lady." Peter closed his eyes, taking a deep breath.

"Well… Momo makes Liz look... average no offense. And she and I are the Class Reps in our class and…" He opened them again, sighing as he looked at the clouds overhead. He could hear fireworks go off in the distance. The Second Year Sports Festival must have begun. "She saved my life a while back. Her and Midori."

"Are you referring to 'Midoriya Izuku'?"

"Yeah, he's a nervous kid but he can mutter up a storm. And cry one too!" Peter laughed, remembering the podium a little. "But… he's a nice guy. Great one too when you get to know him. He never gives up, even when his body gets ruined from overloading his own Quirk. It's a... superpower." He smiled a bit. "But, he's gotten it under control! Just had to give him the right tips and pointers."

"I know what a Quirk is, Peter." Karen replied. "When you brought me back online, I scanned over the many historical documentations I can access through millions of websites and their contents. Quirks. Quirk Law. Hero and Villain listings. Movies in the making, I know a lot of subjects here now."

"Oh, sorry." He laughed a bit at himself.

"Don't be. If anything, I should be the one apologizing," the AI said, "Emergency functions once I lost my communication unit contained me to the CPU, but I could still monitor your vitals. I tried to send a message, but there was no function I could access. Only you have access to initiate certain commands for me to take action."

"Why is that?" Peter inquired.

"Tony created an Ultron Safeguard. AI's such as myself couldn't act as independently as before thanks to that." Peter's jaw clamped shut. Ah yes. The Ultron Offensive. Destroyed an entire nation the size of Rhode Island thanks to his special defense AI going rogue…

"Well, that makes sense. Nothing you could do about it, Karen. I should have been better, period."

"It looks like you have been, given my search of the internet. You're trending on most social media sites here in Japan, even further considering how you're being connected to All Might." Peter sighed, hand going to his forehead.

"Yeah, forgot about that. I won the Sports Festival." Peter breathed in and out. "Just gotta smile and wave, be like Mr. Stark."

"I'll be there to help, even if my experience handling media and paparazzi is limited. I will go through multiple e-books and scan for anything relevant if you give me the greenlight, Peter." Karen suggested, and Peter laughed.

"I-It's fine. I mean, I'm sure Mr. Stark never got to be as confident as he is thanks to some book. I just gotta… roll with the punches." Peter clasped his hands over his chest. "Learn on the fly. That's all."

"Then I'll be there in your corner. Changing subjects," The AI mused. "I have to say Peter, the quirks of this world exceed most of my parameters," Karen said, "Even in your own class, the abilities shown by your peers have me disregarding all but Avenger-level contingencies."

Peter nodded, it made sense. Everyone here was so amazing, being born with powers unique to themselves. And it had all started with just a glowing baby in a hospital. But hey, strange things had started from less-

Wait, hold up, what did she just say?

"Avenger-level contingencies?"

"Tony's label for any power that could match one or multiple members of the Avengers." the AI explained, "The only established counter to the Avengers is Project Veronica."

"You mean the Hulkbuster?" Peter asked, remembering the many newsclips of that giant suit going toe-to-toe with the Incredible Hulk.

"No," Karen said firmly, "Project Veronica, created by Tony Stark and Bruce Banner to personally contain the Hulk if the Black Widow, real name Natasha Romanov, and Thor were unavailable for combat."

"Yeah it's called that," Peter said, "But Hulkbuster is cooler. Media was all over it."

"That's not its name."

"It kinda is," Peter argued, quirking his eyebrow. "It earned that nickname."

"This isn't up for debate."

"Then what have we been doing for the past half a minute and change now?"

"Explaining why I'm right, can I continue?" Karen asks, a little more forcefully than before.

Peter nodded, but trying not to laugh was costing him his soul. Thankfully, Karen didn't know that, so she continued on.

"All Might has equaled the projected strength outputs for Thor, if not exceeded them. Frankly his theoretical capabilities have been destroying every law of physics that I can reference. He may be even stronger than Thor going by the information I am acquiring."

Peter… couldn't argue against that. The idea that Quirks were weird sank in pretty soon for him, so the idea of seeing All Might change the weather with a punch didn't hit quite as hard as it should. Now that he was thinking about it, the possibility made him question how a super strength quirk allowed him to do something like that. Even if it wasn't super strength, there was no combination of powers that explained the Symbol of Peace.

"That's quirks for you," Peter said, laying back down, staring once again up at the sky, "They get weirder. Did you know there's a Top Ten hero here in Japan who's just a living washing machine?"


How-oh right, superbrain AI.

"However, I think the term weird doesn't best describe the quirks of the Top Ten or even your peers. The most apt description I would say is practical."

Peter chuckled, "Yeah, they're all amazing."

"Seven hundred and forty three group messages would agree with that statement to a degree. Speaking of friends, you have another message from Yaoyorozu Momo, with an unread message sent from yesterday, would you like me to read it out for you?" Peter sighed, kicking himself mentally.

"Crap, I forgot to get in touch with her. I got it," Peter said, sticking the phone to the back of his foot and flicking it over to his hands.

A quick swipe opened the message, time to read it.

Peter, are you doing okay? Sent yesterday,

Would you like to talk at all? Sent just now.

Oh geez, he really went and made her worried didn't he? He quickly typed out a reply.

Yeah I'm good. Better than ever now. Got talking to an old friend.

"Old friend?" Karen asked.

"I mean, I can't exactly say that you're an AI right away," Peter said, shrugging, "Plus, if I just blurt out that you were trapped in my clothes for ten months, things are only going to get weirder."

"Says the boy who graffitied the walls of a storehouse with his webbing." The American boy scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"I was bored," Peter said in meek defence.

He was saved as his phone vibrated again, another message displaying on the screen.

Oh, good to hear. If you need anything, don't hesitate to call. Peter's fingers were at work.

Got it.

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