
Chapter 187: Interfere

[3rd POV]

Central City

"According to satellite data, three more rifts have opened."

Cortana reported while slicing through a large demon with hooves instead of legs and a donkey's head.

They all heard the message since all the heroes were connected to her system.


Superman asked while blowing a pack of demons to freeze them solid.

"One over Britain, another near Gotham, and the last in Siberia."

She replied.

"I'll call for reinforcements."

Lena decided to turn her attention to the chat.

Hermione Granger: Horrible, demons?!

Erina Nakiri: They look disgusting. Do you need help?

Shinoa Hiragi: We seem to be managing for now.

Rias Gremory: Wow, demons really are ugly in this world...

Lena Luthor: Three more rifts to the hell dimension have opened. I think help would be appreciated.

Winter Schnee: Understood. Ready in three minutes.

"Help will arrive soon."

Lena said, catching a demon's axe and breaking it with a squeeze, then blowing the unfortunate demon aside.

Meanwhile, groups of police and other services were leading people to safety and away from the battle.

They tried shooting the demons, but it was useless because bullets mostly bounced off their skin or scales.

The American government had already declared an emergency and assembled a meeting like many other countries worldwide.

The attacks by monsters in the center of several cities were alarming.

The army was on alert, and helicopters were deployed to provide assistance.

"What is that..."

Lena Luthor's gaze was directed upwards, and she saw a gigantic hand seemingly covering the entire sky.

It looked like the Earth was a small ball, and a giant had approached, blocking part of the sky.

"Is that... Spectre?"

Clark's voice carried a serious tone of fear, but he pulled himself together.

He was ready to shoot upwards to try to do something, but another equally large figure appeared and pushed the first one aside.


[Anthon'y POV]

"There are as many dimensions as there are beings whose actions I have ignored but everything will be different from now as the astral power will cleanse everything."

Spectre spoke, capable of holding the entire Earth in his hand like a ball.

"Nothing will be different!"

I exclaimed while growing to his size and warping reality to not touch the Earth.

I landed a blow that could have shattered Jupiter.

The punch, infused with Ki, Aura, magic, and the power of deconstruction, hit him, but it didn't cause him significant harm.

"We will protect the planet."

Doctor Fate and the Phantom Stranger appeared beside me, growing to our size.

"Your thirst for revenge and violence has always had the potential to lead you astray. Only your host determined whether you would be a messenger of righteous vengeance or an avatar of violence. We will not let you destroy everything and bring the world to chaos."

"I lead the world to Justice!"

Spectre yelled and sent a wave of spectral energy our way while destroying everything in its path.

A meteor the size of continents or even the Moon simply vanished as if they had never existed.

The Earth glowed with magic, and a shield formed around it, created by Faith and reinforced by the Stranger, and me to ensure the planet remained safe.

"Anthony Luthor, use my power..."

Doctor Fate tried to convince me to accept his strength.

"No, thanks, let's save that for the final last resort. Right now... I've been itching to punch his face and glad I got the chance."

I said, starting to cover myself with my armor that turned black, almost absorbing light.

However, the Light, the power of life, and other emotional ranges from the White Ring surrounded me.

On the other side, the dark energy of death, decay, and pure darkness surrounded me.

"... you could become an even more serious threat."

The Phantom Stranger muttered almost silently, looking at my rings and power.

"Well, it's a good thing I'm on your side then."

I shrugged while pointing my spear at Spectre.

There's the Spear of Destiny in this universe, the spear that once pierced Jesus Christ... and I essentially have such a weapon, but from another universe.

"You cannot stop my wrath!"

Spectre roared.

The Wrath of Spectre was truly powerful and all-encompassing.

The Spirit of Vengeance possessed immense strength.

He could easily reduce someone like Trigon to dust, and his abilities to manipulate the green astral energy of all things were unmatched.

In the comics, Superman is often considered the embodiment of sheer, unstoppable physical force, capable of literally breaking through reality.

However, the current Superman in my world isn't quite at that level yet.

I was able to block his blow to the side by manipulating reality far beyond simple alchemy.

Then, I hurled my spear with a force far exceeding the speed of light, aiming directly at Spectre.

"You have long become a black stain on the field of space-time. I once thought it was God's plan, but now I see the truth! You are a mistake and must be eradicated for all your sins!"

Spectre created a black hole that swallowed the spear without much trouble.

This was no ordinary spear.

It was my sacred gear and it was easy for me to summon it back.

Spectre then pointed his hand at me, and I felt reality distorting as if trying to erase me.

However, Ninth Metal resisted, and I could counteract his reality distortions on my own.

The solar system exploded with such force from our collisions that Earth may have been destroyed.

"You are just a puppet seeking to consume everything!"

I shouted back.

The time began to warp around me, but my armor protected me again.

I used a Boom Tube to teleport behind him and broke free from his manipulations.

He might have set numerous restrictions on teleportation, but he couldn't stop a Mother Box.

I appeared behind him and stuck my spear through his chest while trying to manipulate life and death to kill him.

As soon as the thread of his life snapped, the Spirit of Vengeance revived him and pushed me back with cosmic energy that could have torn me apart without my armor.

"Tsk, it didn't work."

The easy way was definitely out.

I had the thought to just kill Asmodel, and then the Spirit of Vengeance would come to his senses, more or less, but apparently not.

The Spirit of Vengeance promptly resurrected him, but not much changed.

"Go back to the beginning of time!"

He said, pointing at me with his free hand and starting to draw energy from... the Source, from the very Chaos.

He's trying to send me back to the point of everything... the Big Bang. I wouldn't survive that right now.

"O holy essence born in the blood of a pierced god! Let your light be released from the ends of the Earth! Piercing the heavens and uniting the Earth, Anchor of the Storm! Subdue the god, my enemy, consume his ambitions, and shine with my will! Banish Death or Subservient Life! Tear the strings of fate and shine forth! Rhongomyniad!"

I erupted like a supernova and rammed Spectre with my body.

We destroyed some planets along the way, but I wasn't paying attention anymore.

We were far enough away from the Solar System, and I wasn't worried.

With all my strength, I thrust the spear into his body, causing a massive explosion.

I partially moved it as far away as possible using the Mother Box, but even so... almost the entire star system was destroyed.

That wasn't all because all my power was now bursting outward while holding Spectre in place, tens of millions of barriers stacking on top of each other, and my spear continued to emit power capable of exploding a star.

The White and Black Rings flared on my fingers, creating the strongest chains that bound the mad Spectre.

My hand then entered Spectre's chest to grab Asmodel's heart, which was hidden in another dimension.

With the Sacred Gear running at full power, the strength of my soul, I began tearing apart his soul to weaken him.

"No... Vengeance does not lose!"

Spectre said, and... he began to connect with all his other versions from other universes.

"I guess it's about time!"

I exclaimed as I retrieved the Throne of Mobius from my inventory and used its power to restrain Spectre and continue tearing apart Asmodel's soul.

Spectre didn't have much room to move.

This finally let me kill Asmodel which made the Spirit of Vengeance howl and set off a huge explosion that destroyed nearby star systems.

"At last, he's gone..."

I sighed in relief when watching as Spectre vanished, likely taken by God or Yahweh.

Sitting on this "little chair" I realized another danger I had long prepared for and that was I had created a literal prison from Ninth Metal.

I bought another Mother Box for two hundred thousand Chat Points so that this material concentration wouldn't destroy the universe.

This would maintain the integrity of the prison to ensure it didn't spread across the universe and cause trouble.

It didn't take long before a naked blue man appeared but not intent on erasing me from reality without hesitation.

However, I acted swiftly and used my first Mother Box to open a Boom Tube right where he appeared to trap him in a dungeon.

He couldn't escape despite his manipulation powers because that could potentially disrupt quantum realities and bend the universe to his will.

"I didn't want to meet him, but luckily, I'm alive and not erased from reality."

I remarked as I stored away the Throne of Mobius in my inventory.

We fought for quite some time, and it took about an hour, during which much happened on Earth.

While sitting in this chair, I learned that Alfred was indeed involved in what had happened.

He managed to persuade Etrigan to help him. He promised doing so would allow him to exact revenge on me and others for banishing him from Earth.

Their plan succeeded because Alfred found Pandora while I was fighting Spectre.

He assured her that he knew who could open the Box—and indeed, he found them.

The Box of Pandora theoretically could open to a creature with the strongest or darkest heart.

Alfred found such a creature because he knew where to look.

Theoretically, he also has a dark heart because he is from the Dark Multiverse where all villains reside.

However, he couldn't open it himself even though he tried.

Before the Spirit of Vengeance Aztar, also known as Spectre, there was another spirit fulfilling its duties Galid.

He drew his power from Wrath and was driven by anger, where he deprived the first "Wrath" of power and passed it to Spectre, who drew most of his power from Vengeance.

Galid went against the god and the heavens and eventually was sealed in the Heart of Darkness, a black crystalline substance of his full power.

He sealed himself in his own power, unable to escape... Spectre clearly knows the torture and torment as he was the one who sealed him.

Then Alfred found the Heart of Darkness but found it shattered into many pieces.

However, Galid managed to communicate with Alfred and decided to help him in his quest to avenge Spectre, God, and the heavens.

Then Galid seized Alfred's body and managed to effortlessly open the Box.

He called himself Eclipso after that... but he didn't live long in that body as his heart was pierced by someone appearing from the Box of Pandora.

A figure with a Trident of divine metal, killing Alfred and banishing Eclipse back.

He didn't stay in the world for even a couple of minutes, but he managed to open the gateway to this world for the Criminal Syndicate.



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