
Chapter 182: Holy Grail

[Anthony's POV]

"...And on behalf of the entire Tamaranian Empire, I thank you as a king, but even more so as a father."

The almost two-meter-tall, orange-skinned man in armor said.

A woman who looked like Koriand'r and Komand'r stood beside him.

"There is no need for thanks. I couldn't just ignore it. The Citadel, Psions, and Gordanians are all scum I've never liked."

I shrugged and glanced over to where Komand'r was still floating but bound.

"So, what should we do with her?"

"I... don't know. The people won't accept her after what happened..."

"When have they ever accepted me?"

She snapped.

"Daughter, many loved you, but you turned everyone against yourself."

The mother shook her head.

"Lies! I will rule! You will know my... mmm!"

She started to yell but then realized she couldn't speak and glared at me furiously.

It wasn't hard to destroy the ships of those three races since they hadn't anticipated such an attack.

Of course, this wasn't all their forces, and I doubt even a quarter, but they lost too much near this planet in mere minutes.

After helping out, we descended to the planet, where Koriand'r landed at the palace and immediately leaped into her father's arms.

He and his wife were both so happy when they saw her.

The king's name was Myand'r, and he made a very tough choice in allowing Kori to be taken.

The choice was between the entire planet and its people or one girl, and she stepped forward herself... sometimes it's hard to be a king.

The Citadel had previously attempted to invade this planet but consistently lost their fleets due to Tamaran's defenses.

It would have stayed that way if it weren't for Komand'r unless the Citadel received help from the Psions and Gordanians.

Komand'r told the Citadel all the important defense points and how to avoid them because she wanted the throne and to show that she wasn't useless.

They used this information immediately.

Tamaran felt thankful after Kara and I helped them.

They couldn't handle three races at once even if it wasn't a full-scale invasion with orbital bombardment. 

Kori went with the Citadel as that was their demand—someone from the royal family.

However, the Gordanians descended to the planet to take a few good slaves...

The way our appearance also played a role in their favorable attitude towards us.

We looked the most like the Tamaraneans out of the three invasion races.

We were also humanoid with the same number of fingers and toes, hair, and eyes, and we could be mistaken for the same race if not for our skin and eye color.

Koriand'r was practically glowing with joy, but it was all overshadowed by Komand'r.

The official story would be that she died in a recent fight, but in reality, she would be placed under the strictest house arrest.

The Tamaranian authorities couldn't manage this on their own.

After the Psions' experiments of pumping her with as much energy as possible, Komand'r's powers had skyrocketed, and no one on the planet could stop her rampage except Kara and me.

Then, I created a bracelet from divine metal that would limit her power. It was similar to how Ares was once bound to restrict his strength.

"See you soon, Kori. You know where Earth is if you need anything."

I waved to this cheerful, innocent girl who was actually quite intelligent.

She just hadn't seen much of life and still remained pretty naive.

"Um, thank you again for everything."

She hugged me tightly and then kissed me on the lips.

Tamaraneans have very sensitive tongues, and they can learn a lot about a person from such a contact, including their spoken language.


Kara stayed silent but crossed her arms under her chest, watching as this cutie kissed me.

After kissing me, Kori also kissed Kara, leaving her somewhat taken aback.

"I will miss you!"

She waved to us.

Alright, maybe I will come back here after all... the king was not against an alliance between our peoples.



I continued to manage company affairs and spent time with them, who also had their own affairs.

Diana continued to bring Amazons to the 'big land' through several groups, and they found employment in my company's new branches.

Kara and Clark flew and engaged in heroic deeds with help from Cortana, informing them where their help was needed without casualties.

Zatanna spent time with her father and organized her performances.

Shinoa, Lena, and others from the Chat spent two weeks in Shinoa's world, building their base for the 'Life Fund'.

They restored many cities, destroyed groups of rebellious vampires, helped with food, planted crops, and shared some technologies from Winter's World.

I also visited Atlantis and swam with Mera and Atlanna.

They didn't mind spending time with me and discussing various topics, such as when the first official 'contact' between land and sea dwellers would happen.

I spun a gacha and got nothing interesting because all items were below the 'B' rank.

I learned a lot about Krypton and New Genesis, the worlds where the New Gods originated that I had spent a lot of Chat Points.

This knowledge was enough for an idea to quickly and almost safely become stronger in my mind.

Then I spent a hundred Chat Points and moved to the world of Rias for this.

"Michael, I need your help along with the other Archangels."

I appeared in the Sixth Heaven.


The angels exclaimed while looking at me with puppy-like devotion.

The issue with the shortage of children was resolved because of me, and Heaven became stronger due to the faith and my repair of the Celestial System.

"Father, I'm glad to help you."

Michael appeared and said, followed by Gabriel, who immediately rushed to hug me like a child.

As soon as some other Archangels arrived, I started talking about the vampires, especially Tepes.

Vampires weren't particularly outstanding in this world.

The pure-bloods feared sunlight and holy energy, and the bloodsuckers themselves weren't very powerful, lacking anyone comparable to Satan.

However, Valerie Tepes possesses the Longinus Sephiroth Grail, also known as the Holy Grail of the Isolated World.

This Longinus can touch the principles of life almost on a conceptual level.

It can resurrect, grant immortality, reconstruct bodies, and, most importantly and powerfully, work with souls at a very subtle level.

It can literally restore a soul destroyed by the power of Destruction and resurrect a person, something I cannot currently do in any form.

In short, it's a very necessary item for me at the moment and for my plan.

I hadn't bothered Valerie Tepes before to avoid scaring off those who needed to come to her to find Trihexa, but now they pose no threat to me, and it's better to prepare.

Valerie Tepes has gone a little cuckoo because of this Longinus.

She has been able to see ghosts since childhood, and using the Grail's power has drained her soul and taken away her emotions and strength.

It wouldn't be prudent for me to search for her in the Underworld, as I would stir up the entire place, but Michael and the other Archangels were aware of where and who she was.

With their guidance, I quickly located Valerie sitting in her dark room, abandoned by her family and clan.

The dampir vampires despised her, and the vampires here were even more arrogant than those from Shinoa's world who at least had something to show for themselves.

"Hello, you're Valerie, right?"

I moved into the room where she sat on the bed, her legs drawn up, staring into space.

"... Yes."

She answered slowly, focusing her emotionless gaze on me.

"Do you like living here?"

I asked, but Valeri simply continued to look at me.

"You know, I could help you and show you new and interesting places where you could meet with your friend Gasper."


She widened her eyes slightly, and I sensed something in her emotions.

"Yes, would you like to meet him? He's a member of my girlfriend Rias Gremory's peerage and is slowly learning to come out of seclusion. I can arrange a meeting for you if you want."

"Yes, if I can see Gasper, then yes."

She nodded, even managing a faint smile.

At that moment, I felt like I was luring a child with candy, but I wasn't deceiving her.

After contacting Rias, I explained her situation, and she moved to her world to organize everything.

While all this was happening, I transported the poor girl tormented by ghosts to Heaven.

"Father, is this... the Sephirot Grail?"

Gabrielle recognized it as soon as she looked at the sleeping girl... and I didn't sedate her.

She stopped seeing and hearing ghosts as soon as she was in my arms, and she passed out almost immediately.

"Yes, and we need to extract it carefully without harming the bearer."

I nodded to Gabrielle and the other archangels.

I have already extracted the Holy Gear, so I have some experience with it.

Moreover, Valerie was the perfect vessel, and the Grail gained two more features because of her.

In the end, with the help of the System, magic, and seals, I extracted the sacred gear and restored her.

I took her to the Gremory house when she woke up, where Rias and her peers were already waiting for her.

She should be able to regain her emotions over time since the Grail is no longer suppressing her soul.

After sealing the Sacred Gear temporarily in an artifact made of Eighth Metal, I began preparing for a small battle with a beast feared even in the Bible.

I needed as many different strong souls as possible to carry out my plan, preferably dark ones.

As for the light side, I would enhance it with the light of stars... real stars that I would have to shrink and take with me.

I didn't want to do this in my own world or this one in case I encountered interference.

In Erin's world, there are some Demiurges, but they generally pay no attention to her universe, so I once again utilized her world.

"You came..."

A dark-haired girl appeared with an apathetic expression but dressed decently.

"Hi, Ophis, what's up?"

I asked her.

"Nothing... I have plenty of treats... Erina left, but Alice and her grandpa are still here..."

She opened a dark rift where she reached in and pulled out some cookies.

"Hmm, I might need your help..."

I pondered.

I may be could try to get some more bonus from the "infinity".



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