
Chapter 112 Chu Ruoxue: I’m stabbing (scumbag) men!

"First, it's best not to meet each other, so that we will not fall in love!

Second best is not getting to know each other, so we cannot become attached!

Third, it's best not to accompany one another, so that we will not owe each other anything!

Fourth, it's best not to cherish each other, so that we will not remember one another!

Fifth, it's best not to love each other, so that we cannot abandon one another!

Sixth, it's best to not be related, so we cannot meet by chance!

Seventh, it's best to commit no wrongdoings, so there are no differences between us!

Eighth, it's best not to make promises to each other, so we cannot continue any bond!

Ninth, it's best not to long for one another, so we cannot dwell on what could have been!

Tenth, it's best to never meet, so we cannot become acquainted!

But once we have met, and gotten to know each other, how can we act as if we've never crossed paths?

If we have a good relationship, how can we teach life and death to be indifferent?"

This poem is so beautiful!

So intriguing!

Not only did it perfectly answer her question, but it also vividly depicted the emotions of the lovesick man and woman!

She has read many articles and love poems!

But never before has a poem moved her as much as this one!

Whether or not she considers herself a literary young woman, she cannot deny being captivated!

She excitedly grabbed the piece of paper and read it over and over again, the words etching themselves into her memory.

After a long while, she carefully folded the paper full of poetry and placed it in her bag.

Then, she took out a fresh sheet, wrote a few words, and passed it back.

Lin Beifan opened it: "Paper is inconvenient, let's chat on WeChat!"

Lin Beifan turned to look, and the other party had already taken out her mobile phone, anticipation shining in her beautiful eyes.

So, Lin Beifan also retrieved his phone.

Chu Ruoxue, seated beside them, kept glancing over surreptitiously.

Finding that Lin Beifan was passing notes like a lovesick fool, she inwardly sneered.

Just relying on this silly paper exchange, it's impossible to captivate a woman of distinguished pedigree.

What kind of men and tactics hasn't someone from her esteemed family experienced before?

However, the next scene shocked her.

She saw Leng Qingyue intently reading the note, even writing a reply and passing it back.

Then, the two continued communicating through the paper slips, back and forth...

It was like two children exchanging secret notes at the same table.

Until at last, they also took out their phones and exchanged contact information.

The whole process took no more than 5 minutes.

"It's too fast! And Leng Qingyue took the initiative!"

Chu Ruoxue was truly stunned.

What trick did this playboy use to make the reserved Leng Qingyue initiate adding him on WeChat?

Filled with curiosity, she whipped out her own phone.

Chu Ruoxue: What were you two talking about just now that made Leng Qingyue take the initiative to add you?

Lin Beifan: We were discussing the most touching words in the world!

Chu Ruoxue: What?

Lin Beifan: Love words!

Chu Ruoxue: What love story?

Lin Beifan: Let me ask you first, do I win this bet? Answer me, and I'll tell you later!

Chu Ruoxue was a bit sullen, wanting to pretend she forgot about their wager, but he brought it up directly.

Chu Ruoxue: Alright alright, you won, tell me now!

Lin Beifan: One question asks what love is in the world, and directly teaching life and death promises!

Chu Ruoxue: ???

Chu Ruoxue: I asked about a love story, why are you giving me nonsense phrases?

Lin Beifan:

Lin Beifan: Isn't that line beautiful?

Chu Ruoxue: Beautiful? What era are we living in that you still spout 'love until death' drivel? Are you a fool? Nowadays, isn't it better to make money? Follow popular dramas?

Lin Beifan:

Lin Beifan: I have no common language with your emotionally idiotic views!

Chu Ruoxue:

Lin Beifan: Goodbye!

Chu Ruoxue:

Then, Lin Beifan ignored Chu Ruoxue and chatted with the seated Leng Qingyue.

Chu Ruoxue looked very angry and gritted her teeth, wanting to tear that scoundrel apart by hand, but the occasion was wrong, so she could only hold herself back for now.

In the dialog between Lin Beifan and Leng Qingyue:

Lin Beifan: Actually, I think paper is better!

Leng Qingyue: Ah? Why?

Lin Beifan: Because...the paper is short but love is long!

There was no reply for a long while, because that sultry line struck her heart again.

As a literary and artistic young woman, this resonated most profoundly.

She secretly regretted adding him on WeChat, wondering how their paper exchange would have unfolded.

Leng Qingyue: What you said makes sense!

Leng Qingyue: Like in the past, couples used paper to convey feelings. A small slip and a few words, yet containing so many thoughts and emotions!

Leng Qingyue: It's a pity the modern pace is so fast and information exchange so convenient. I don't feel love burning as deeply as before! Breaking up and divorce happen at every turn, hurting my heart!

Lin Beifan: Yes, it's not as romantic as the past!

Lin Beifan: Previously, time passed slowly - cars, horses, mail all creeping by. There was only enough love for one person in a lifetime!

"Ah~~" Leng Qingyue's heart was violently struck again.

She read that line carefully:

"Time used to pass slowly

Cars, horses, mail inching along

One lifetime enough to love a single person!"

A few simple words profoundly encapsulating love in ages past.

Everything moved at a sluggish pace before.

But it was that very slowness that imbued love with sublime depth!

Love was forever!

Love until death!

Because your love could only be given to one person!

Therefore, you devoted your life's energy to loving and cherishing that bond!

She couldn't help sneaking glances at Lin Beifan.

The man before her was so talented at poetic expression!

And his understanding of love so profound, every sentence classically framed, every word achingly hurtful - has he been deeply scarred by love?

But looking at his youthful age, that didn't seem possible?

At this time, Lin Beifan sent another WeChat message.

Lin Beifan: Actually, using WeChat isn't so bad either!

Leng Qingyue: How so?

Lin Beifan: Because...a thousand-mile marriage is tied by a single thread!


Leng Qingyue's heart was struck yet again.

Seeing the two engrossed in chatting, the depressed Chu Ruoxue, seated beside them, took out a doll from her bag and a pen. After scrawling "Lin Beifan" on the doll, she stabbed it hard with the pen.

The movement was rather loud, catching Lin Beifan's attention.

Lin Beifan couldn't help but ask, "What are you doing?"

Chu Ruoxue said viciously: "I'm stabbing a (scumbag) man!"

Lin Beifan: ...

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