
Chapter 144

"So, basically. What I'm trying to say is that. By saving you, I will inadvertently create a weird situation."

"You see, a friend of mine from another timeline saved you from another timeline from this prison. You could say, it's your fate to end up with him as his lover. However, not in this timeline. For this timeline, he was never summoned and you will never be discovered by anyone. Thus, never be saved. Destined to stay in this prison for another few hundred years before the world was destroyed by an unfortunate event."

A girl bound to a magical artifact which imprisoned her within the depth of a dungeon.

For an uncountable amount of time she stayed imprisoned and deprived of everything. Never had she gained any visitors. Until a few hours ago.

A black talking cat and a curious yet arrogant looking girl with long blond hair reaching her ankle while dressed in a simple white robe, arrived through a dark portal which alerted her to immediately wake up.

At first, the girl thought she was finally being saved because she can feel the other girl is a fellow vampire. But, little did she expect. The two visitors was not only not saving her, instead placed her under a psychological torture.

The black talking cat is her torturer. The cat had been talking weird nonsense about parallel timelines and her fate and future for the past 5? 6? Hours? Talking about why he was here was to save her. However, that didn't happen and instead. He rambles about the implications of saving her.

Like, if he didn't want to help her. Just leave her alone in peace.

"Hey, Ray. Can't you just decide whether to save her or not and get done with it? I don't think she would understand anything you rambled about at all." Eva points at the girl that was struggling to even keep her eyes open because she was incredibly drained due to the prison holding her in place which drains her power.

"Besides, I'm getting bored of this place." Eva kicked a pebble to display her frustration. A frustration that did not stem from her boredom alone. But also jealousy.

"Right… since I can't decide. I might as well ask Hajime himself." Ray came to a realization of a simpler way and immediately typed away his question.

Ray: Yo! Hajime. How would you feel if I grab another Yue from another timeline to be part of my blond legal loli vampire waifu collection?

Ray: It's urgent! Please reply quickly!

For a moment, the Chat Group was silent. But suddenly it burst with activities.

Hajime: ?

Kirito: Pffttttt! Bro woke up and chose NTR! LMFAO

Kirito: Hide your womens guys. He is out for some pus***

[User Kirito was banned for 24 hours and had 2000 CGP deducted for a rule violation.]

Kazuma: Reap what you sow! Bitch!

[User Kuzuma was banned for 30 minutes for using profanities.]

Tanya: Good riddance, those clowns remove themselves on their own volition.

Ainz: @everyone By the way, Admin. What did you mean by your question?

Ray: Exactly as it sounded.

Ray: I went to another timeline to get myself a Yue. Well, she is not Yue yet. But she will soon.

On Hajime's side, he was just waking up in the morning with Yue still cutely snoring on his chest under a cloak which doubled as a blanket for their outdoor camping.

Reading the chat, he had mixed feelings. However, he came to a simple conclusion. He didn't care because his Yue is here with him. The imprisoned vampire girl in another timeline isn't his Yue. So, why would he care? Looking alike? He could chalk it off as twins.

Hajime isn't the type to be picky and mull over a problem for very long. He prefers simple solutions

Besides, even if let's say he objects. If the Admin really wanted a Yue for himself. What can he do to stop him? Nothing. With his personality and mindset, it wouldn't be weird if he suddenly brainwashed him and Yue to make her willingly leave him. Everything is possible and only stopped simply because the Admin showed him some degree of respect.

Hajime: What Yue? Yue is still here with me. As for the one you found. She is simply another nameless vampire with the same appearance imprisoned in the dungeon. Nothing more.

While Hajime's answer shocked some. Some are already expecting it. One of them being Ainz when Ray once openly expressed his interest in some of his female NPCs and said the exact same thing about getting them from another timeline.

Back to the imprisoned girl. She had been silently staring at the weird duo. Although she hopes that she can be saved. At the same time, she did not feel optimistic.

Ray and Eva had been staring at the Chat Group screen. But for the girl, she couldn't see it and thought the two were crazy lunatics.

"Hey… why do you even need more? Am I alone not enough?" Eva asked with visible discontent beyond just simple frustration or jealousy.

Instead of shutting her up like he would usually do. Ray actually provided an explanation.

"How is it going to be a collection if I collect just one? Naturally, I'm gonna catch 'em all. Well, not all. At most just a dozen more. So, don't worry, I will give you plenty of sisters." Ray placed his paw on Eva to reassure her.

"A dozen more?" She exclaimed. But she didn't talk angrily or anything. Just stood there silently for a moment to think before she replied. "Fine, I will reluctantly agree. But! I am the first!" She turned around and made her declaration to the still imprisoned girl who sighed at the loud noises.

As for the reason why Eva agreed is because she is sympathetic to those who are like her, abandoned and without a place to go. Roam aimlessly from one place to another while risking facing hatred from the people if they found out her nature. The girl Ray was about to save is even worse, locked inside a dungeon with no freedom at all.

"I am fine being the second or last. Just please get me out of here." The girl replies, totally out of sync with the conversation between Ray and Eva as all she cares about is to escape her prison and nothing else.

Ray didn't immediately agree and instead transformed into his human form and gazed at the imprisoned girl.

"Is that your wish?" He asked.

Eva on the side immediately interrupted by standing in between the two.

"Hey! Aren't you going to explain about the pact?" Eva felt it was unfair for the girl to sell her soul away while not knowing it even if selling her soul to Ray didn't feel bad at all from her experience of the past dozen hours she had spent with him.

"There's no need. She didn't have a choice anyway. Either agree or stay and rot in this dungeon." Ray shrugged but for the girl, his words hit her like a sword, causing her to wince as what he said is true.

The girl is weakened beyond helplessness. Even if she is freed later, her fate remains in the hand of her savior. Whether she was turned into a slave or given freedom. She can only swallow up her pride and resign in exchange to be finally freed from her prison. After all, after spending an uncountable amount of time imprisoned here, she yearns to see the outside world.

"I… I agree. Please… take me out from here." She said, half begging as her voice wavered when remembering the suffering she had been through trapped in her prison.

"Well. Our pact is sealed." Ray dramatically claps his hands before a wave of aura bursts from his body which instantly turns everything in the prison into dust. Minus the two shocked and awed blond lolis.

Both Eva and the girl didn't even comprehend what had happened when Ray clapped his hands. But seeing the devastation, it reassured them that he is indeed strong.

"Now that I bagged the second lolis. Who is next? Hmn…" Ray wondered if a few candidates appeared in his mind.

"Hold on a second. Did you forget about pursuing your daughter, Sirin?" Eva brought up his objective that he had forgotten.

Ray shook his head. "Not that I forgot. Capturing her is easy if I am committed. I didn't even need to lift a finger to do it. But since my goal has changed. I already dealt with her." Ray explains while recalling about Sirin being spanked by Freya on his behalf before she was sent back home when he was dealing with Yue.

"Anyway, let's get going." Ray snapped his finger which caused a white shirt and a short black skirt topped with a black coat to appear on the surprised Yue, covering her once naked form.

"Hey! What with this preferential treatment?" Eva points at her own outfit which was still the worn and slightly torn white robe.

"Don't you know the first sibling always gets looked over and the younger one gets the preferential treatment?" Ray reminded her choice of wanting to be the first as he chuckled and escaped through a portal of his creation.

Before Eva could voice another protest, a familiar sensation creeps on her ankle before she gets yanked away into the portal with a yelp of surprise. Meanwhile Yue gets spared because she follows after Ray immediately instead of wasting time.


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