
Chapter 46: When The Past Isn't Yet Through With Disaster!: Railguns, Lucky Strikes, And Lifelines (Part 4)

"Hey viewers...Sorry Keiko here...So sorry to be breaking the fourth wall on all of you again...and completely out of the blue like this I might add...*I say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers, before bringing my head, my attention, and my eyesight, back up again, to once again continue to address the viewers*...Now then...what do you say, that we all proceed forward with the chapter now...hmm?...*I say this, while smiling with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*"

"We both came here seeking your help. There is a girl, her name is Febrie. She was artificially created, and if we do nothing, then she is going to die in 72 hours..." Misaka said, while I still having quite a bit of trouble, with wanting to make eye contact with Therestina. As for obvious reasons, I still held quite a bit of anger, towards everything that she had done to the both of us.

"Oh come on, what is it going to take? You got a whole heap of your clones killed..." Therestina began to say, while she had once again got up from her chair in her cell. And once again, proceeded to make her way towards the cell bars.

The only trouble was, I was now having even more trouble, with trying to keep my composure.

And yet, I still had too stay strong, and still continue to listen in, on what Therestina was saying, despite it not sitting well with me in the slightest, or Misaka for that matter either.

"Because after all viewers...sorry Keiko here again...*I say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers, before bringing my head, my attention, and my eyesight, back up again, to once again continue to address the viewers*...now then, as I was about to say to all of you viewers...as a somewhat well known saying once said...'in order to rise up, one must first be broken down'...I mean after all, Usagi Tsukino, or better known by all of us, as Sailor Moon...had to go through this entire sort of thing herself...I mean after all, she witnessed her friends, and Sailor Senshi in arms...all die at the hands...of both Beryl, and Galaxia respectively...And for those who don't know, exactly what it is, that I am on about...there is a very good reason, why Shinko Hanasaki...aka Angel Bluebell...wound up going into such great detail, about both of these specific incidents...in the Sailor Moon anime canon timeline...as these two incidents...one in the last few episodes of Season 1...and the 2nd incident in question...in the very last few episodes, of Season 5...or Sailor Stars...to be more Sailor Moon anime season title specific...And as for Shinko Hanasaki...aka Angel Bluebell...I still do highly recommend, that you go read Going In Completely Blind...and Going In Almost Completely Blind...respectively...as both will wind up giving you more insight, into what truly went on in this fanfic, and what eventually will wind up transpiring...I mean, I don't mean to go into more detail and spoil more then I have to here viewers...But, let's just say...that in the words of one Shinko Hanasaki...aka Angel Bluebell...there is always more to things, then just a simple fight...of good...versus evil...*I now proceed to smile a bit more broadly*...Now then viewers...with all of this now explained, as well as now being very fresh on all of your minds...what do you say...that we finally get back to the story now...hmm?...*I say this, while smiling with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*"

Anyway, now getting back to the current situation with Therestina. As well as putting my fourth wall breaking, and fourth wall breaking moments aside. Well, at least for the moment. And as for the continuation, of what Therestina was currently saying? Well...

"...And you want to try and save a girl that neither of you have ever met?! This kid, whatever her name is, is yet another lab rat, spawned from this city!" Therestina continued on with, as she wound up putting a great emphasis, on the word 'city.' Which was followed, with Therestina aggressively clenching her hands around the intricately designed bars of her prison cell.

And as for me and Misaka? Well, while Misaka managed to remain quite stoic faced, and expressionless. I on the other hand, was now very very close, to just snapping all together. And yet, given the current situation, and wanting to follow Misaka's example. I decided instead, to calm myself, down, and now, like Misaka, I was also stoic faced.

"Because after all viewers...sorry Keiko here again...*I say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers, before bringing my head, my attention, and my eyesight, back up again, to once again continue to address the viewers*...Now then, as I was about to address to all of you...If what happened back in chapter 17 of this fanfic...between me, Misaka, and one Misaki Shokuhou...bears any sort of resemblance...I have now decided, that like that exact incident...and as one Minako Aino...aka Sailor Venus, wound up saying in an episode of Sailor Moon...'there is no use crying over misspelled silk'...Well actually viewers, as Ami Mizuno...aka Sailor Mercury wound up properly correcting Minako on...'there is no use crying over spilled milk'...So yea viewers...if I had learned anything, from our run-in with Shokuhou...just before the first appearance, of the rest of the Four Aces Alliance...Then you can best believe, that I prefer to learn, from my past mistakes...Now then viewers...with that thought very much fresh on all of you minds...I will see all of you lot in the next chapter....okay?...*I say this while knowingly smiling with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*...So Misaka, how was that?...*I then turn my attention behind me, as Misaka then appears in shot*"

"Well said Keiko...and viewers, just like Keiko just said, we both look forward, to seeing all of you, in the next chapter...*Misaka says this while knowingly smiling with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*"

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