
Chapter 31: A Freebee For Febrie!: A Shocking Revelation!

Okay, so things at the restaurant several hours ago, hadn't gone so great.

"Actually viewers, if I may?...Sorry viewers, Keiko here...*says sorry while traditionally bowing to the viewers before standing up straight again with eyes and attention forward to continue to address the viewers*...Anyway, as I was about address to all of you. Unfortunately, this is going to be yet another filler-like chapter. Yes I know, just bear with me here. I know and I am well aware, that this is not ideal. But you viewers have to understand, that I am not the one who created the original Toaru canon timeline, that honor, belongs to Kazuma Kamachi. So, when I say that this is going to be another filler-type chapter...*proceeds to bring face very close to the screen*...I mean it!...*then proceeds to bring face back from the screen before then taking a long deep breath with a blush present on face before then quickly composing self to continue to address the viewers*...Anyway, lets just proceed to the chapter now, shall we?"

Okay, let me be real and completely honest here for a second. I mean, I have always been honest in this fanfic. But, I digress. Anyway, I had never once asked, to wind up in the world of the a certain scientific railgun anime. In fact, I had never wanted to be here originally in the first place to begin with. It all sort of just, you know, happened. And from reading chapter 1, you would've realized, exactly why this was the case.

But, however, given the recent events, that had already transpired, what with The Level Upper arc, The Big Spider arc, The Level 6 Shift Experiments arc. And that was just to name a few of the events that had already transpired.

And yet, there was a much more important one, the surprising and shocking encounter, with three of the most well known 90s anime magical girls, that the anime magical girl genre, had ever produced. But regardless of all of that, I was not finding any sort of reason, to not want to be here, at this present moment. Sure, I may have been surprised or even shocked about it at first, when I had first wound up here. But to be truthfully honest, I was actually starting to enjoy myself in this world. And to be honest, that, was good enough for me.

But back to the three 90s anime magical girls that were mentioned earlier. I mean after all, this is Sailor Moon, Sakura Avalon, and Wedding Peach that we're talking about here. I mean, sure most don't know of the Wedding Peach anime. As it had been overshadowed by the Sailor Moon anime, when the Wedding Peach anime had first debuted, on April 5, 1995. But still, that didn't exclude the fact, that the Wedding Peach anime, like that of Cardcaptors, and Sailor Moon, helped to shape the magical girl genre, into what it is today. Not to mention, the many struggles, as well as battles, that the three of them had to go through, in their respective anime canon timelines.

"Hey viewers, Keiko here again. Yes, now I know what you're all thinking, why am I mentioning any of this right now? Well, that's because, if you had all been paying attention, as well as reading the other two fanfics, that are connected to this one. Going In Completely Blind, and Going In Almost Completely Blind. Then, you would know exactly why. I am not just going to simply spoon-feed you all the answer...* then proceeds to smile quite broadly*...It would be too easy otherwise...surely you all must understand that, right?...Anyway, why don't we continue on with the current chapter, hmmm?"

Anyway, all of that now aside. After the whole restaurant fiasco, that had occurred only just a few hours ago. Me and Misaka, were not surprisingly, still very unhappy, with Kuroko's perverted antics. And how she somehow found it necessary, to grope the both of us from behind. But, seeing as how she was still our friend, as well as our dorm roommate, we decided to let it slide.

But, that was currently not the current thing, that was on our minds at this very moment. In fact, we were both kind of preoccupied, with what currently lay in front of us.

Because as it currently stood, me and Misaka, as well as Kuroko, were currently staring, at a mysterious kid on a bench. Who moments ago, had wound up speaking up. Well, that was after one of the other people present, decided to ask her for her name.

"It's Febrie," Febrie responded to the question that had just been asked by the person who had just asked her.

Now, you might all be asking yourselves right now, well that doesn't seem even the slightest bit surprising, right? I mean, who would be surprised, by anyone giving their name, when asked to do so?

However, that wasn't the real nor main reason, as to why me and Misaka, were currently at a loss for words, and shocked beyond any sort of visible belief.

In fact, it was the next thing, that came out of Febrie's mouth, that was the real reason, why we were now both dumbfounded, as well as very surprised.

"Keiko and Mikoto Misaka," Febrie then followed up with, after she had also been asked, who her sister was.

"Okay, timeout here viewers, Keiko here again. I know, shocking isn't it?...I mean after all, you would be shocked too in a situation like this...right?!...*proceeds to say all of this with a somewhat frantic and shocked expression present on face along with a bead of sweat present on face as well*...Okay...well...I guess I will be seeing you all in the next chapter then?...*says this part still with a somewhat frantic and shocked expression present on face along with a bead of sweat present on face as well*"

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