
Chapter 93: Unprecedented, King of a Hundred Battles! (4K)_1

Time flies.

A month had hastily passed.

Today's Hell Slaughter Ground was exceptionally bustling.

Countless people had gathered here, their faces alight with fanaticism and a bloodthirsty glint.

Because today Zhu Zhuqing and Meng Yiran would both be completing their hundredth match.

"Betting has started, betting has started, Black Widow versus Hell Spiritual Cat—let's see who reaches a hundred victories first!"

"Is that even a question? Definitely Black Widow, with the Eight-Spider Spear in hand, no one can compete. I'm putting down three Bloody Marys on Black Widow winning!"

"I still think Hell Spiritual Cat can win; her moves are clean and efficient, without any superfluous actions. Killing someone happens in an instant. To eliminate nine people is only a matter of a few breaths. Five Bloody Marys on Hell Spiritual Cat's victory!"

"Black Widow +1"


Amidst the surrounding commotion, Qin Xiao in the crowd remained unmoved.

He had no interest whatsoever.

Because the Hell Spiritual Cat they were talking about was Zhu Zhuqing, who had perfected her Hell Spiritual Cat Martial Soul to the extent it was like a spectral reaper, hence the nickname.

As for Black Widow, that was Meng Yiran, who on that day had dominated all corners with her Eight-Spider Spear, hence establishing the name.

"This trial hasn't been bad. If a full score is a hundred, the two have just barely passed."

Qin Xiao watched as the two stepped onto the stage at the same time and nodded slightly.

As to why he said 'barely passed.'

It wasn't because Qin Xiao's standards were high, but because in the past month, he had secretly helped Zhu Zhuqing five times and Meng Yiran four times. Without his aid, it would've been impossible for either of them to reach this point.

But they had made it, after all.


The battle began.

Whether it was Zhu Zhuqing's enemies or Meng Yiran's, as if they had agreed upon it beforehand, nine people teamed up!

"You think this will keep you from dying?"

Zhu Zhuqing's eyes were filled with a bloodthirsty sheen as she stepped forward and disappeared from her spot with a whoosh.


The next moment, a burly Soul Master was torn in half.

Followed by that, Zhu Zhuqing struck again as another Soul Master's throat spurted blood.


On the other side.

Meng Yiran responded in a manner completely opposite to Zhu Zhuqing's.

She stood motionless as the crowd rushed toward her.

Ten meters, eight meters, six meters...

The enemy grew closer.

Fists, knees, even short swords, Long Knives, all fell towards her.

"She's not scared stiff, is she?"

Below the stage, many were sweating bullets for Meng Yiran.

Some had even started to imagine a scene splattered with blood.

The next moment, blood did indeed splatter.

Pchht, pchht, pchht...

The Eight-Spider Spear pierced through one throat after another like a sharp lance.

Thump, thump, thump....

As the Eight-Spider Spear was withdrawn, the bodies of those who had lost their life force slumped to the ground.

"Now it's just you left!"

Meng Yiran looked coldly at the last person standing.


The man swallowed hard.

Yet, he clenched the short knife in his hand tighter and charged at Meng Yiran.

Because he knew that once you stepped onto the stage, there could be only one victor.

All others had death as their only recourse!


But the next moment, he felt a chill at his chest as a lance-like object pierced through his torso.

"Black Widow wins!"

Cries rose from the crowd like a tsunami.

But then, another voice joined in, "Hell Spiritual Cat has won too; both have completed a hundred victories simultaneously!"

"Damn it, massive losses! The house won big-time."

As he witnessed this, Qin Xiao quietly nodded to himself, "A hundred battles finished, now it's time for me to enter."

"I wonder if the Killing God Field at the end of Hell Road can become nourishment for my Martial Soul?"


"My King, something terrible has happened!"

In front of the towering throne, a woman in a red dress spoke in a panicked tone.


A gust of wind howled as the King of Slaughter, cloaked in a blood-colored cape, appeared on the throne.

"What's the matter that you're so startled? Don't think just because I favor you a bit, you can act recklessly!"

The icy voice of the King of Slaughter rang out, clearly hiding none of his anger.


The woman in red knocked her forehead hard on the ground, trembling all over, "My great King, someone has again completed a hundred victories!"


The King of Slaughter was astonished, "Who is it? The one who killed the Terror Knight in seconds?"

"To complete a hundred victories in one month, such strength and talent—are they not excessive!"

He immediately thought of Qin Xiao.

"No, not him!"

The woman in red replied with a tremble.

"If it's one of the old powerhouses from Slaughter City, it's no big deal. Just grant him the position of a Guest Elder; let him become one of the natives of Slaughter City—that would already be generous."

The King of Slaughter waved his hand dismissively.

Those people, too deeply poisoned, might not leave even if he chased them away.

His previous statement was already a great reward.


The woman in red remained motionless.

The King of Slaughter's brows furrowed, "Well, is there something else?"

"My great King, those who have achieved a hundred victories are not that young man, nor are they from the ranks of Slaughter City's veterans, but the two maidens accompanying the young man."

"What did you say?"

Upon hearing the woman's words, shock filled the voice of the King of Slaughter.

At the same time, he was at a loss for words.

So, the maidens accompanying that young man were also that fierce?

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