
Nocturnal Party, I

"So, I heard you chose a room." Raya muttered while tapping a screen a couple of times. "That's nice."

The Paru shrugged.

He was standing on a circular platform similar to the ones used to cast holograms for the Wizzos and Graniliths before arriving on Tyl.

'Once again, not the kind of tests that I wanted…'

"Mmm…" Raya scratched her cheek while staring at the result. "You're hiding them. Would you be willing to show them to me?"

'Well, if she already knows about them… I suppose I already showed the tentacles anyways.'

From below the Paru's carapace, sharp legs similar to an insect's as well as two tentacle limbs appeared.

"Cool…" Raya whispered as she nodded. "Parus are certainly an interesting Species. You don't mind me getting some DNA samples, do you?"

He didn't mind.

'It's not Parus that are interesting though, it's me. The rest of the Parus are still dumbly eating crystal now. Well, I get what she means though.'

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