
15 - Barcode scanner fixed

Smooth, sharp, handsome and sexy face with mischievous smile on it. Purple eyes of darkness which shines brighter than any star.

Black hair roughly slid back like it had just came out of shower. His muscular chest showing from top button left open on black shirt, sleeves rolled up and tucked inside his black pant with black belt on his waist.

His body frame like someone who have lean muscles, most likely hidden power pack. His back wide enough to cover someone with his life and support them.

And those purple eyes are currently looking at green eyes of Rogue who seemed to like a deer caught in headlight.

"Oh, its Rogue who left without taking pizza slice and you must highly energatic Kitty Pryde."

I said as i looked at window xp crashed face of Rogue. And there Kitty whose face lit up fireworks.

"Yeah, that's me. The most energetic, smartest and beautiful woman, Kitty Pryde."

She finishes and expected Rogue to continue but she was left hanging awkwardly so she nudged Rogue with her elbow.

"Eh! Oh hi, i-uh . I am Rogue Marie, Anna."

I just had smile and raised eyebrow at her nervousness.

'oh come on Rogue, you botched the first impression. What is he gonna think of me. What if he refuses to help.' Rogue think in her mind as she started having negative thoughts.

Sensing her negative thoughts, i decided to keep the conversation going on.

"Nice to meet both of you. So i have heard that you have been looking for me. Rogue Marie." I called her name in teasing manner. I must say, its fun to tease ladies.

"Yes, - my name is actually is just Rogue Marie, not Anna. No it-its just Rogue nothing else."

We all just watched in amusement as Rogue kept messing up.

"Hahaha, calm down Rogue. I already know your name. I was just joking with you. So why have you been looking for me."

I asked as she paused, gather her courage.

'come on Rogue, just say it natural. Don't mess this up' Rogue hyped herself up yet said in requesting nervous voice.

"Can I touch you?"






I immediately put my hand over my chest and other on crotch, acting like i am saving my innocence which i have actually lost millions years ago.

I scanned her body up and down and said.

"Charles!!!! I didn't know you were raising a literal child predator in your school !!!"

"N-No i didn't mean it that!!" Rogue became flustered while Kitty was laughing at her.

"It's not like that Mr.Dev. What she meant is to have physical contact like on hand or something. Nothing sexual "

Knowing i was messing around Charles tried iron out thing.

I was also smirking at Rogue at flushed face.

"Alright i was just joking. You still want to touch my body right."

Rouge didn't like made fun of with confidence she said it.

"Yes, I want to touch your body!!"

"Pfft!!!! Hahaha!! She fell for it again!!!" Kitty started laughing at her again. She put up her hand for high five and i gave it to her.

Rogue ears are totally red now. I should probably stop making fun of her.

"Okay, okay sorry for that. Here, i am right in front of you. Touch me wherever you like." Pun intended.

She hesitantly raised her hand forward, shaking with fear. She reached out but immediately pulled back before touching my forearm.

"Are you sure? My power is not under my control. What if i hurt you." She asked as she became unsure of herself.

After pestering for month, when what she wanted is right in front of her, she hesitated and taking a step back.

"No worries. I am strong and your powers won't even work on me. You won't be able to hurt me. Believe in yourself. Okay."

I stepped closer to her and put my hand out for her to take it. She is still fearing herself. Looks like trauma runs deep in her.

Others stayed silent, giving her silent support as this is her own demons to conquer. If you can't help yourself, others won't be able to help you.

"Take your time. I will be waiting for you, however long you take. Believe in yourself." I stood in front of her, spoke to her soft voice.

"You can do it Rogue. We are here for you." Ororo tried to support her.

Hank was about to recommend the other bracelet but i shook my head at him. Rogue should atleast have confidence in herself. If i just give her the bracelet then she'll become dependent on it.

It will be just treating symptoms, not curing the disease.

Her hands are still shaking. She took a step back, away from me.

"Sorry I can't do this. What if i put you in coma or something. I-i"

Sigh* looks like she just remembered her ex boyfriend who is in coma.

Looks like we have to work on self confidence later.

I took a step forward. Reached with both hands and pinched her face cheeks.

"See! Nothing happend. I can play with you face all day."

Her eyes widened in shock, then tears poured of them, gently rushing down her face. I used my thumb to clean her tears.

She with courage pulled her hands up and touched my hands, started to caress them all over.

Everyone had smile on their face. Really happy for Rogue. Logan tried to celebrate with another cold one but his hand got slapped away by Ororo, giving him brief glare before switching back to smiling at Rogue.

Her hands become more fast as it began to caressing my forearms. Soon she reached my rolled up sleeves. Wanted to go ahead more.

"Want to touch more skin."

She nodded her head.

Smiling. I took a step back. Oh she got scared that i am running away from her.

But instead, I put my shirt in Dimensional storage. My shirt immediately disappeared, exposing my Garou like physique from One Punch man.

lean, muscular physique. I actually worked hard for this physique, but when i became Shadow Monarch, i just cheated and got my perfect dream physique.

I started flexing my sexy muscle, approved by Daddy Noel himself.

Jean definitely had blush on her face, she hid face with her hands but still peeked through the gaps.

"Ooh, six-pack..." Kitty just salivating from her mouth, her gaze fixed on my abs.

Chocolate mommy isn't behind either. Checking out all my muscles. I turned eye to her and caught her red handed. I gave her a smirk and eye wink.

Logan also raised a eye brow at her.

Rogue hands touched my chest, first with her fingers and then with whole hands. Just like Peggy touched Steve when he became super soldier.

Then Rogue hands began to roam around, touching all muscles right after another.

While i was getting touched, i felt someone's hand on my ass and giving it a squeeze.

"Wow!! You got nice ass well dude!!"

Kitty exclaimed as she sexually molested me.

I looked at charles and told him matter of factly. "Charles i am gonna sue your school for sexual harrasment."

"Mr.Dev. Please don't joke like that. We don't mean any type of sexual advancement towards you or anyone in this school."

"Oh really. When i first walked in, chocolate mommy has been eyeing the entire time till we reached your room."

Ororo felt accused and immediately interjected in between.

"What. I didn't eye you at all. And why are you calling my chocolate mommy."

"Well you are black and sexy with hourglass figure. Of course you would be chocolate mommy. And i also have proof of your sexual glance at me."

I made holographic mana display, showing the moment when we were walking to Principal office. She was actually telling me about the school and secretly looking at me to gauge my reaction about the school and the mutant studnets on the way we saw.

I just twisted the context a bit and now it really looks like she was stealing glances at me.

"I just felt naked, my innocence stolen and sexually violated under her thirsty eyes~~" i said in shy victimized voice.

Everyone except Rogue looked at Ororo as she was caught red handed with reddend cheeks.

"Hey!! I was just checking your reaction to our students. I didn't looked at you sexually."

"The proof is right here and you are also looking at my upper naked body with thirst in your eyes."

"He is right. I saw it too." My bro Logan didn't leave the chance to get back at her. He deserves more crates of beer.

"I got ya more beers "

He look satisfied and we gave each other a Man's nod.

Ororo looked at Logan with big O in her mouth and stomped her foot on Logan's foot.

"Then there is also Hank, who flashed twice in front of Students, teachers, principal and guest."

He just clenched on his loose pant harder. Keeping his mouth shut unless he wants to dig his own grave deeper.

Back to Rogue, she became overwhelmed and gave me a strong hug. Her face on my chest and tears rolling down.

"Thank you!! Thank you!!" She kept muttering this on my chest. I gave her hug too and used other hand to caress her head softly.

"You are welcome."

While Rogue was having happiest moment in her life, Jean suddenly had another headache.

It was different this time. It was like a single pulse and saw the yesterday events in her mind. Remembering when she looked at Dev with curiosity, when something inside her looked at him with curiosity.

It didn't had bad effect as much. She didn't fall or anything this time.

Feeling the overwhelming feeling to satiate her curiosity. She approached me with her hands raised as to tapping someone to get their attention.

Although it wasn't required as i was already looking at her, feeling the pulse of Pheonix.

"Excuse me. I wou-"

But the door was left open when Kitty barged. And came Scott and he saw Kitty and Rogue touching half naked dude.

Then his gaze went on Jean as she was approaching half naked dude.


Motherfucker thought i was controlling girls minds to get them close to me. And he thought i was also controlling Jean so he open fires his Optic Blast right at me.

Cunt didn't even checked properly and aimed at my chest, where Rogue head was, and also behind my was Kitty.

His Optic Blast is strong and can easily kill someone when attacked on head.

Logan tried to jump in with his claws coming out, trying to get between us and Optic Blast before it hit us.

Unfortunately, the Optic Blast is faster and he won't be able to make it in time.

I stretched my left hand forward and stopped the Optic Blast with my open palm easily.

Using Ruler's Authority, i brought his ass over here and grabbed his head with the same hand, with palm over his visor.

"Girls, let me go and step back."

I told them while looking at Scott, using my other hand to use the rotary switch to turn of his Visor.

The girls immediately took a step back as grabbed both of his hand and hold it tightly with my left hand.

To deal with high assness, arrogant fucks is to humiliate them. That's what i gonna do. But I will hold back.

"What was that, huh? You cheap barcode scanner!!"


An echoing right hand slap on his face.



i ain't gonna give him chance to speak.

"You stupid bitch *Smack*. Your attack was going to blow Rogue head off"


"You simping piece of shit, did you even tried to think first, huh?"


"Did you even confirmed whether someone was mind controlled or not. *Smack* Going for the killing blow."


"No awareness of surrounding innocents, *Smack* you could have killed them."


"Simping Trash Bag"


"Jean was just asking me a question. Nothing else."


"Your attitude is gonna take lots of innocent lives someday!!!"


I was absolutely slapping the shit out of him. And i haven't touched the other side of his face yet.

Just think of it like asian parent beating the shit out of their child.

Ororo tried to walk to us to save Scott but Logan held her arm, stopping her to move forward.

"What are you doing Logan!! Let me go!! Can't you see how he is hitting Scott."

But Logan didn't budge.

"That brat deserves it! He has been acting on his Hormones on lot lately. That attack could have killed Rogue. And even if Dev dodged taking Rogue with her. There was still Kitty and Charles right behind them."

"He deserves to be beaten some sense into him. He has been acting crazy for Jean and He needs to be reign that in."

Logan was right. They know Scott has been acting crazy for Jean and sense needs to be knocked into him before it gets much bigger.

"Still he is our student!! We will try to talk to him about this calmly."

Ororo tried to reason but Logan was not having it.

"This is the proper way. Talking calmy won't solve it. He needs to learn lessons hard way and act responsibly or else get kicked out of the team!!"

Again right. But seeing how much i continued to slap his face, even Charles feeled it was too much.

"Stop him Logan, He is gonna kill him at this stage." Charles tried to get Logan stop Dev. Girls were not strong enough and even Jean was little scared to approach now.

Seeing that Logan was the coolest with Dev yet, he was right choice. And Logan did approached as he too thought Dev was beating Scott a bit too much.

He approached and put his hand on Dev's shoulder.

"Let him go. He has been punished enough. He will learn his lesson."

We stared off for few seconds before i let Scott go free.

But that punk still had some shit to spit.

"You!! I -"

Before he can complete his sentence, he got punched by Logan on the other side of the face.

Knocking him down on the floor.

Logan approached Scott, grabbed his collar and raised him on his feet.

"Shut the fuck up brat!!! I don't wanna hear single fucking thing coming out of your mouth!!! You were completely in wrong and had your hormones control you. Go to infirmary and get yourself fixed up and go to your room. You ain't out of trouble yet."

Oh the pure rage in Scott eyes i can see. Perhaps i was Little bit too much, just a little bit.

(A/N: MC was slapping the absolute shit of Scott. It wasn't little bit. It was A LOT)

*Sigh* I'll just heal his sorry face.

I raised my hand up to his face and he immediately took few steps back.

"I ain't beating your ass anymore. I am healing your face so you can go back being a barcode scanner. Get your ass over here."

He looked at Logan to get away but angry grunt on Logan face made him hesitantly step forward.

I put my hand on his face with 15cm distance, used healing skills to fix his face. No sign of humiliation he just recieved. Barcode scanner fixed and functional.

"Go back to your room. I'll deal with you later."

Logan told him to fuck off and he went back to his room. Not before giving a glance at Jean. Maybe disappointed she didn't came to save him.

Me and Logan went back and sit on chair, i pulled out two cold beer. Gave one to Logan. Opened it up and take swing to cool down.

"That was cool and hot" Kitty said her thoughts aloud.

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