
While He Recovers - They Fight!

The morning after, Ryuji woke to the room still thick with the scent of sex. He looked around and realised they must have lost control as there were signs of intercourse everywhere. Today would be the first match of the last sixteen, and yet Ryuji felt no danger or urgency.

'Today, we fight one of the kingdom's native chosen.'

Ryuji had been looking forward to it before—however, now he just wanted to finish the tournament and leave Grigor, knowing that the longer he stayed. More issues for Alan and Avandar would be created, though he wished to help them. It was beyond his means, at least right now.

He rubbed his tired eyes, trying to wake himself fully while feeling a warm weight on his chest—someone was wrapped around his body with their soft lips touching his chest, hot breath blowing down his abdomen as they slept quietly.

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