
(Transmigrated in South Korea)

Penulis: Nicholas_Sea
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Nathan Hall, a 38 year old Man was living a Already Bad life Because of his Childhood and was On the Run from the authorities, only to Die from a Toy Falling from the sky.

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Chapter 1Reincarnation.

2004/ Seoul South Korea.

"DID I GET HIM." Said Nathan while Getting up from the bed, only to feel immense pain.

"AHHHHHHHH." Said Nathan Screaming in pain.

"Why dose my voice sound Different voice" thought Nathan, About to freak out.


"DAEYHUN ARE YOU FEELING OKAY MY BABY." Said a Middle aged Korean Woman Barging in screaming With a crying face.

"Who is this Woman" thought Nathan, only for Foreign memories to flood into his mind.

TIMESKIP: a couple minutes later.

"So I transmigrated into a 16 Year old Korean boy named Tae Daehyun who was accepted by jyp as a dancer but for some reason he collapsed from unknown reasons and they had to call the hospital to take him to the emergency room and that's where I come in by transmigrating as him and this 45 year middle aged Woman happens to be his mother Tae Aera, but he clearly had no talent in singing so my guess is that they accepted him to show the public that they will take you regardless of being talentless in one field which is stupid in my opinion they hardly gain anything from it but at least the former owner tried to pursue his dreams by being a singer unlike me who ran for most of my life I would even have gave the dude a kiss for his determination Even though im not gay.

(Author: he will now go by Daehyun)

"DAEYHUN ANSWER ME." Said the middle aged woman Screaming and sniffing, with a tissue in her hand.

"Mrs Tae please calm down he's in pain." Said a doctor who appears to be up in age walking in with a clip board and a serious face.

Aera nodded and took a sit in the chair by the hospital bed to calm down while wiping her Eyes with the tissue in her hand.

"Wh.... what...happened." Said Daehyun in pain.

"Hold Still I'ma turn you back over and I'll have to inject you with another Drug to help lessen the pain, Said the old Doctor while slowly moving Daehyun back on his side,who was groaning in pain, and injected him.

The old Doctor sighed and adjusted his glasses and said "Daehyun and Ms Tae I'm sorry for the unfortunate news but it's been tested that young Daehyun here has been suffering from Severe Osteoporosis it's a condition in which bones become weak and brittle and causes bones to become so weak and brittle that The body constantly absorbs and replaces bone tissue. With osteoporosis, new bone creation doesn't keep up with old bone removal and There are typically are no symptoms in the early stages of bone loss. Once bones are weakened by osteoporosis, symptoms may include back pain, stooped posture, loss of height and over time bones break easily and it seems he has for quite sometime been suffering from it and collapsed due to a bone fractures in both his legs his hips and his spine which suffered the most, young Daehyun your lucky your skeletal structure didn't collapse anyways where was I....oh yes so I had to put a plate and screws in them during surgery to help his spine,his legs, and his hips recover but I must warn you when you do make sure to slowly exercise and diet or whatever you do but change your lifestyle but if you do exercise take it very slow."

"WHAT THE FUCK" Thought Nathan Screaming internally.

"Doctor is there anyway to treat this." said Aera, crying even More.

The old doctor sighed while looking down and clenching his fist and said "I'm sorry ma'am there is no cure but if he stays on a healthy diet and exercises alot to strengthen his weak bones it will slow or even help stop it from weakening but there is no possible cure."

Aera Burst out crying Even more while Daehyun sighed at his current fortunate fate as a diseased ridden man.

The old doctor sighed again while putting Forearm crutches next to the bed and said "You will use these as you recover And I'll excuse myself for now I have other patients waiting but if you need me press the red button."

The old doctor made his way out of the room to attend to other patients, leaving a pondering Daehyun who was thinking how he will continue his career at this point which is a huge obstacle now with his new disease ridden body.

"I'm sorry Daehyun...I'm so sorry." said Aera Crying.

Daehyun looked at his new mother who was crying and sighed and said "Mom it's not your fault don't blame yourself as the doctor said I've had it for awhile and I should be the one at fault for not telling you I was always in pain and brushed it off like it wasn't serious."

Aera grabbed the tissue box and pulled out another one to wipe her eyes and said "You should have told me about this I know I'm always Busy taking care of the restaurant but I'm still your mother so you shouldn't keep serious things like this from me what happens it was worser or I could have Lost you."

Aera started crying again while saying "your all I have left from your father after he passed."

Daehyun let his new mother vent all her feelings and sighed at the Former owners life, but deep down he wished his mother was like this in his past life and was envious of the Former owner.


" The fuck...Oh....is this the famous cheat after transmigration or reincarnation" thought Daehyun Surprised by the sudden appearance of the Screen, he's seen in Manhwa's

[Note: Hello Transmigrator My name is **************** and I am the Administrator over the Reincarnation Cycle and wanted to Let you know that you where not Supposed to be transmigrated into the Body of Tae Daehyun, you where actually supposed to go to hell but there was a Glitch in the System and your soul disappeared from hell and ended up in the body of Tae Daehyun as compensation for our mistake I gave you all Of Sam Smith's Music Talents and upon giving you his Music Talents he doesn't Exist.]

"What the hell I was supposed to Go to hell did I actually get one of the Policemen" thought Daehyun, while seeing the window disappear.


Daehyun took a deep breath calming himself down and Slowly started getting up.

Aera was wiping her eyes and seen her son trying to get up from the he hospital bed and got up and Helped him sit on the side of the Hospital bed and grabbed the crutches and handed it to Daehyun.

Daehyun Grabbed the Crutches and Slowly stood up, and gritted his teeth in Pain and Used his Crutches to support him and said to his mother "can you Get the Wheelchair please."

His mother nodded, while Glancing at her son again Wondering why his voice sounds lighter and different than it's usual deepness.

"How funny I even talk like him just without the British accent" thought Daehyun Chuckling.

While Daehyun was in thought and Chuckling his mother Aera brought the wheelchair over and helped him Sit in it, While he was gritting his teeth in Pain sitting down in it slowly while putting his forearm crutches between his legs.

Daehyun took a deep breath to calm his nerves and pulled his iPhone out of his Pocket and seen it was the old version that came out this year compared to the better one in 2024 and chuckled and unlock it and started looking up random Stuff, while his mother was pushing him to the front desk so they can leave.



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