
(37)meeting captain charlotte and making a new friend finale

So I made a mistake,they were to go to school tomorrow,and I'm a man of my word dammit!!

So with that rant out of the way,onto the chapter!


(Sol pov)

'Seriously how is that man supposed to host us when he's having…I don't even want to think about that!' Sol thought to herself,as everyone in her squad saw her face go a deep crimson hue,some even thought they saw steam come out of her ears.

"Sol…are you okay?" I hear char ask me,but it sounded muffled,like I was hearing her from a pillow.

"I'm okay chaaar." I see things go black,but before I lost my consciousness,I see a figure catch me.

—- — — —- — — —- — — —- — — —- — —

(Alucard pov)

I was taking a shower after Merleona and I…got freaky,I'm not kidding,she apparently loves to try new things,and this time she wanted to choke me to see if I got turned on…it kinda did.

As I was walking out of the shower,with a towel wrapped around my junk,I head over to the sink to put on my change of clothes and as I was putting on underwear,I hear the door to my room slam open with a bang.

"Alucard we have an emergency!" I hear the blue rose captain shout as she carried an unconscious sol on her shoulders.

I rushed out the bathroom with only my underwear,"what's wrong charlotte?! What's the emergen- gah!"

"Put some clothes on!!!" I get hit with a throat punch by charlotte who was blushing at my ripped figure,but her blushing stopped as she sees the naked form of Merleona,who was snoozing and purring in satisfaction.

"Wait…did you have sex with a royal?! You're a commoner aren't you?" I hear charlotte say as she blushes even harder,possibly at the thought of sex between us,probably imagining her and yami in the same scenario as Merleona and myself.

"*sigh* put sol in her bed,and come to the common area,I'll explain our relationship." I say to charlotte,who hesitated before nodding,taking sol up to her room.

I grab a bottle of wine that was in the underground wine cellar,and placed it on a coffee table with two glasses,and as I sit down I see charlotte coming down the stairs before taking a seat on the sofa across from me.

"Before I begin,I brought some wine from the wine cellar.take a glass if you wish,and I'll begin." I say gesturing to the glass In front of her.

"…i'm not that much of a drinker,but I'll have a glass." She says as she pours herself half a glass and swishes it around before sipping.

She gestures me to begin and I take a deep breath.

"This hasn't been made public,but Merleona and I are engaged,she fount me in a strong magic region when I was younger,and took me under her wing. As I trained under her she and I developed feelings for each other,and when we went to see Fuegoleon and the rest of her family,we told them of us being engaged,and everyone was happy for the both of us…well except for mimosa,who looked at us with faded eyes before smiling at me when I asked if she's okay."

(A/N: so mimosa had a love at first sight thing for alucard,and I'm planning on having her be a yandere,but Merleona will give her blessing to her after the yearly festival they have In season 2,also should I say that that useless king does not exist,but that the vermillion and Silva royal families are the ones who run the country?)

She looks at me in shock before calming herself down,"well firstly congratulations,I wish yami would be like that for me." She says as she looks out the window longingly.

"Well that's why I want to help you,you see…for people like yami,you need to be extremely blunt…that dumbass is about as dense as ichika orimura,so be upfront about how you feel."I say to her but she looks like a teapot,steaming like crazy.

"I can't do that!! Everytime I try to get the courage,I end up freaking out and run away!"

I look at her and instead of trying to convince her,I give a gentle smile,"I know…love can be hard,but let me be there for you…if it feels like you want to run away,remember…I have your back."

As she hears this I can see her smile a bit,"thank you alucard,that means a lot,but who is ichika orimura?"

"Don't worry about it,but also keep this a secret from Merleona,but I inherited the name of the lost vampire royal family after giving a burial of the last royal family member,so my full name is alucard tepes."

She looks at me with shock,"wait wait wait…so you're a member of the extinct vampire race,who were just as loved by mana like the elves and dragons,but your also a royal to that race?"

"That about somes it up yeah." I casually say.

"I think I need another glass of wine…or a bottle." She says reaching for it,but just before she could grab it,we hear the beep of a magic communicator.

She stops and pulls the device out of her belt and opens it up,"captain charlotte,we have an emergency,the capital has been overrun with these…ghouls and we need reinforcements."

A man with a mushroom(penis tip?)looking haircut said to charlotte as I remember what even was happening at that point.

"Understood marks,I'm coming,I'll bring alucard with me as support." She says as she grabs me by the hand.

"You can make portals using those guns Cant you,we need to get there,now."

Sensing her urgency,I take cassul and fire a shot,and after about a yard the bullet opens and a portal showing the capital being overrun with undead monsters.

"Well charlotte…let's get to it." I say,and we both walk through the portal.


So I'm making charlotte become a friend to alucard,which makes sol see him as a friend as well,and after this I'll have alucard go to the underwater temple where he'll meet the promised dragon,but what do you all think should be the draconic marriage proposal? I'm thinking sending food to a dragon and if they accept it,they are married,but I want to hear your ideas.

Anyways thank you all for waiting and I love you all for that and now to enjoy my day,peace😁✌️

man altering the timeline due to Mc is tough,but I hope I did this finale right.

Thelostswordmancreators' thoughts
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