
chapter 25: sparring,moral corruption,and mission part 2/4

-Black bulls forest,10 minutes away from base-

As we all flew towards where magna was taking us to spar I looked back at the two other passengers with him.

Noelle was hugging Arata's waist tight nervously,she knew Arata was there but it didn't help her with the fear of falling.

Gordon on the other hand was having the time of his life,"this is amazing!! I never knew you could make physical summons!" He whispers with sparkles in his eyes.

Chuckling,I responded,"yeah I know,this is one of my 21 spells,restraint level 5,bloodborne raven."

Gordon paused in shock upon my reply."hold on…you can understand me?", understanding why he was shocked Arata chuckled and spoke," well yeah my hearing is quite good,plus you are my squad mate,so of course I need to understand you my friend."

Gordon hearing the word friend was happy but as he was about to speak Arata interrupted him." Okay we are landing,be ready to get off!"

And upon landing Arata looks at magna who led us to…a cavern.

"Pretty sweet,huh?" He says to everyone before he continued,"while I was looking for a place to train without alerting luck I fount this huge cavern,it's more than big enough to spar in and train."

Arata hearing magna nodded in agreement."this is perfect,so asta ready?" At which asta smiled,"bring it on!!"

They all went inside and looked around the huge cavern,'this cavern is as big as a football stadium' arata thought before pulling out his lionheart and getting asta's attention.

"Okay asta so I'm going to ask,but can you bring yourself to kill a person?" Arata asks his squad mate who just looked at him with conviction in his eyes," I'd never kill a soul!!"

Arata upon hearing him go the Batman route sighed,'this is gonna need to be changed' he thought before speaking," Asta it's good to have a moral code on killing but there are times when you have no choice but to kill,take sister Lily for example,if you fount out she was being targeted by a mass murderer,would you try to talk him out of killing and turn himself in? No he wouldn't do that,so for this sparring session I'm going to have you understand about who you need to kill and why you need to. Let's begin." At which Arata charged forward to attack asta.

Asta,knowing what Arata says was true,he couldn't bring himself to admit it,as he clashed with Arata's lionheart he continued to think on Arata's words.

"Arata…I understand why you are telling me this,but I want to at least try and if that doesn't work,then I'll kill as a last resort!" Asta says to Arata,who smiled at asta,knowing he managed to give asta a moral push on the Batman rule.

(A/N :so Arata is using a Batman reference based on his past life,hope that clears up any problem with using Batman as a term)

As they were sparring magna observed and whistles at the two rookies,'these two will make it far in life,and Arata giving asta help in being a magic knight in the aspect of killing is a good idea.'magna thought to himself before he noticed a vibration in his front pocket which held his magic tool he uses to make calls.

And when he clicked the dial yami's face popped up,"magna grab the rookies you guys have a mission,meet me at the base for the details."

Arata who heard the order stopped asta, and so it begins.

so I’m thinking about making the witch queen be Arata’s actual grandmother,as a twist later on,hope you all enjoyed this chapter.

Thelostswordmancreators' thoughts
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