
chapter 11: lakeside cabin trip,swimming and a nun(oh my)part 2/4

*suggestion* play awake by taku iwasaki and have a pillar men meme ready,you will know when you need them.


-Forsaken realm, hage forest,1 day before the cabin trip-

In the early morning of the day the sun shining overhead,stood 3 men in front of a cabin the size of a mansion( insert pillar men meme here as well as the suggested song)

The three men are none other than Arata,Fuegoleon and Nozelle,the two captains stared at the humongous cabin and then glanced at the young man beside them in shock.

"MERLEONA MADE YOU BUILD THIS?!", both captains yelled at the same time in both awe and horror,arata replied to their question,"yeah I did do this while training…it was terrifying."(insert vietnam/ thousand yard stare meme here)

Both captains look at me before regaining their composure,to which Fuegoleon turns to Arata,"so how many does this… cabin hold?", glancing at the mansion sized cabin.

"This cabin can hold up to 40 people,the first and second floor has 20 rooms each excluding the kitchen and bathhouse,the first floor is for men and the second is for women devised among both sides.",Arata then continues after giving the layout of the cabin,"so I requested you both here to help clean the place up with some help,I believe you have some wind magic and water magic users in your squad Fuegoleon,so I sent a request to have some help cleaning before the excursion."

Just as he finished talking a portal opened up and a bunch of men wearing red robes with a lion symbol walked out followed by another unknown squad and a man who wore a furry cape and a weird snowflake marking on his head.

"Captain yami? And Julius as well?", Nozelle said as he glanced at the two who showed up on their own. Julius waved at the two captains and said ," at ease folks,I'm here to visit the two captains…ah,so you are the Arata Fuegoleon told me about, I heard you use an unusual magic is that correct?"

Arata looked at the man before replying,"…yes mr.julius it is tru-", before I could finish the weird man ran towards him like time skipped for him and with a sparkle in his eyes shouted,"YOU HAVE TO SHOW IT TO ME!!"

"…" Arata glanced at the captains and with a nod from them both,he summoned his jackals,"ok so I can use any and all magic as long as I can understand and comprehend the attribute I wish to use,and while using my guns which condenses mana I can fire it out my guns firing condensed bullets of mana ." At which Arata aimed at a boulder and shot an ultra condensed fireball at the rock,causing the boulder to melt before exploding into pebbles.

Julius was shocked at the display,but regained his composure,*ahem* "So Arata I'm curious, since this cabin belongs to you in assuming,what do you wish to do with it?"

"Hmm… maybe lend it out to all the squads looking to relax or train in their magic isolated,but they will need to notify me so I can clean it,and also prepare my room since I'll be their host/caretaker."

At this response Julius and yami both chuckled before Julius replied,"consider it done,I'll let all the other captains know of this cabin and who owns it,yami you can stay." Juilliard then disappears leaving captain yami with the others," so kid I heard you were kidnapped by the wild beast,my condolences.",said the man named yami who lit a cigarette before Arata shot it away," no smoking , it's bad for kids and we are about to clean,if you wish to smoke,then smoke outside."

Everyone gasped and looked at yami who looked like he was fighting an urge to shit,"heheh…HAHAHAHAHA!!! You know what kid I like you,I'll call some help from my squad to lend a hand."

And thus Arata met the man who runs the black bulls.

9 hours later(insert SpongeBob time meme here)

After the cleaning was done and meeting all the people from the black bulls and the crimson lions, we all ate," hey there! My name's luck,so do you like fighting?

(A/N: UH OH,tactical nuke incoming)

Arata after hearing the question from the smiling boy replied," I do enjoy a good sparring match."," cool!! I love fighting strong people! Gives me a rush!"

The others of the black bulls were glancing at Arata who seemed to attract their berserker like friend.

The others were shocked as well.

And thus they all went to bed after hours of cleaning and enjoying dinner.

-later that night-

Arata who was about to go out was stopped at the mana near the couch in the common area," hey there kiddo,where you going at this hour?", Venessa said while a bit drunk off the wine in the cellar under the kitchen," I'm about to go on a veeeery enthusiastic walk this fine night." (Insert hellsing abridged meme here)

"Oh? Well do you wish for me to join you?", Venessa asked with every ounce of sultry tone in her voice, who looked red(either from being drunk or blushing at Mc,you decide)

After some thought Arata replied,"go ahead I won't mind."

And that's how Arata got to know Vanessa .

so yeah I figured Vanessa will be a harem member,she gives me a drunk milf vibe,so yeah expect Vanessa to do some r18 stuff to Arata while in her drunken stupor next chapter.

Thelostswordmancreators' thoughts
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