
chapter 7: the youngest Silva and the boy who cared part 1/3

-training ground,Silva residence,night time

*boom* a series of explosion and water splashing were heard in the Silva residence,a young girl with silver hair and a frustrated look on her face evident as she trained herself,but to no avail.

"Dammit!!! Why can't I control it?!" The girl said with tears flowing down her face,"it's so easy for everybody else to control it so why am I so worthless in control?",she cursed at herself while having flashbacks of nebra and solid tormenting her.

"You were the cause of mother's death,a cursed child and a runt!!"solid's voice reverberating in her mind as her sister nebra's voice spoke,"not only that but you can't even control a glass of water,you are an embarrassment to the Silva name."

There were times when these thoughts,like poison it ate at her for being so pathetic and yet wanting to gain approval,the only person who every showed care for me was my cousin Mimosa.

'Sometimes,I wish I could find my prince that would get rid of my curse and make me happy to be alive.',she thought to herself while tears were falling like a cascade of raindrops.

As she was thinking about her fairytale wish she hears an unfamiliar voice in front of her,"are you okay?",realizing someone was near her she looked up in alarm only to meet a boy no younger than her,holding out a hand for her to grab.

"W-who are you?",the young girl asks with a slight hiccup to her voice.

The boy in front of her responded,"I'm Arata,I just came by after hearing crying,are you feeling alright?",upon realizing the boy before her was a commoner,a really handsome one at that she blushed a bit,"why do you care?",and at that moment she heard an unexpected response.

"Is it wrong to care for someone else regardless of status? A person should not have to burden a pain to great for them to bear,so let me care for you."

The girl was taken aback,never in her life was she ever given this much in her life and only faced bullying and strife from her family,and yet this unknown boy is willing to bear my pain.

"WAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAHAAHHHHAAAAAAAAA!!!!",the girl couldn't help but let it all out and as she cried the boy hugged her,but she didn't care,she finally fount someone who wanted to help her besides her cousin.

Soon after,the girl calmed down with a few sniffles to be heard between the two,she felt better and wanted this to never end.

"Well I'm glad you let all that pain out of your system but it's getting late" the boy said as he stood up and walked away.

"Wait!!! Will I ever see you again?!",to which Arata responded ,"I have a feeling we will,besides I'm staying at the vermillion household on Merleona's request,so cheer up silver fox.",Arata walks away from the girl,not realizing the blushing she was having for her nickname.

so yeah for those wondering if I skipped a chapter,this chapter of the night,it’s all wishing the same day.

Thelostswordmancreators' thoughts
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