
chapter 5: meeting the vermillion family part 1/2

[clover kingdom capital,5 years after meeting Merleona]

"Woow…So this is the royal capital? It's even better in person!!" Arata,looking at the capital from a distance,letter in hand couldn't help but yell with awe in his voice.

'Ok,so Merleona-sensei told me my training with her is complete so I need to take 2 years learning about the world,so I hand this letter to the entrance and I'll be on my way.' Arata thought to himself as he reminisced about his time Merleona,from sparring and traveling to strong magic regions together.

*flashback to a month ago*

Merleona and I were enjoying a final meal together as celebration for my completed training,I even fount an interesting anti magic bird who perched herself on my head like a roost,' if I remember correctly she is called secre,but to keep appearances I'll name her mero' Arata said in his head,and soon after they were inseparable.

Merleona while biting some fish I grilled for us,she threw me a curveball of a question,"Hey Arata ,I was wondering,you got into deathly states but always healed afterwards,can you explain that for me?" After pondering how to explain I decide to just give her the truth,"ok so whenever I kill any living thing,from mana beast to even a human being,a bit of their soul enters my body giving me what I call,an extra chance at life,so if I were to die,the soul in question would take the death for me letting me regenerate and live to see another day."

Merleona choked on her fish for a bit before yelling,"WHAT!! Arata that is a little too big of a pill to swallow,you are basically immortal."

After some thought Merleona glances at me and says,"well kid,I'm afraid this is where we go our separate ways,go to the capital with this letter and show it to the guards at the front gate,they will know what to do."

*back to the present,in from of the gate*

"Oi,you there,explain your business!" The guard on the left said as he saw me,"Oh I- I was told to enter the capital by my sensei,she told me to show the guards this letter.",handing the letter to the guard in charge.

The guards looks at the back of the letter,but when he turned it,it showed the vermillion family crest,glancing back at the kid,he smiles.

"Okay kid the crest is real,follow me and I'll take you to the front of vermillion manor."

Meanwhile in vermillion manor-

"Young master fuegoleon,we have the head guard at the front gate with a child who wishes to meet you,he has a letter from lady Merleona." A butler spoke to a man with long wavy hair and a red dot on his forehead glances out the window curiously at the gate,"interesting, I'll go speak with them in person then,let them in."

so yeah I wasn’t sure if you guys wanted me to make more chapters which showed them training master and student style,so I used ol’ reliable,a time skip.

anyways is the pacing right or does it need improvement? let me know.

Thelostswordmancreators' thoughts
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