
Chapter 133 Night Raid (13th Update)


With a forceful throw, Beverly discarded the failed "Eagle Eye Technique" scroll, staring furiously at the distant hillside, his teeth gritted in anger as he bellowed:

"This is a merchant convoy? Just an ordinary one with four or five hundred Professionals? One that only Adventurers would be able to fight?"

"Clay Golems, Heavy Crossbows, fully-armed guard squads, armored Barbarian infantry..."

"This is almost stronger than the elite forces of Blood Moon City!"

"What on earth is Reeld up to? How did he gather such misinformation!"

The Wanderer standing beside him shivered with fear.

Fearing that a careless move might cause the infuriated Beverly to vent his anger with a sword strike, the Wanderer being lucky as Beverly found him still useful, only addressed him in an icy tone:

"Notify Reeld to summon the others, by dawn tomorrow I want to see them here!"

Wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, the Wanderer hastily nodded, mounted his horse, and rode off at full gallop.

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