
Chapter 133: Aren't You Guys Coming Out?

This aura of the Divine Beast King was precisely that of the Azure Thunder Python.

The Azure Thunder Python was a descendant of the ancient Sky Pythons and Thunder Dragons.

It was no ordinary divine beast.

It was the king among divine beasts.

In terms of bloodline, its bloodline was already extremely close to that of Super Divine Beasts.

When the aura of the Azure Thunder Python, the Divine Beast King, spread out, the hundreds of thousands of rampaging demonic beasts all startlingly avoided Yang Xiaotian.

Yang Xiaotian stood there, like the king of divine beasts, inviolable, unchallengeable. No matter how ferocious the beast tide was, they dared not charge at Yang Xiaotian.

From a distance, one could see Yang Xiaotian's slender body standing unshakable amidst the hundreds of thousands of rampaging beasts, unwavering regardless of how they charged.

Sands roiled.

Yet, the towering waves of sand that reached ten meters before Yang Xiaotian were all blocked.

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