
Chapter 2: Plan Change (Edited)

After Alan sat under a tree watching children play, he couldn't help but smile.

It had been 2 years and 8 months since coming to this world; he would turn 7 years old in 4 months, so he was 6 years old. After studying his AI for the past years, he understood its functions:

He could search by writing or speaking, like Google, but the more details he added, the more precise the answer he searched for would be.

As an AI, it could connect to the camera, internet, and other electronics-related things in this world.

Also, the content of his AI was always being constantly updated; when he died in 2023 and was reincarnated, the content was from 2023, but now, 2 years have passed, and the AI has content from 2025.

It was one of the functions that could help him the most because it was an editor. Imagine, when he finished filming, the AI would do the special effects and editing.

As an AI, it had the function of evaluating a person's ability and other things based on his past. It could evaluate what he is, not what he would be.

After two years of thinking, he had a little plan about how he would develop. But, as the saying goes, plans couldn't keep up with change.

Because Alan died of depression, it was a thing of not the body but the soul. He was still a little depressed, although not as much as in the past.

That's why, although he was not bullied, he was not popular in the orphanage because he gave off a vibe of 'let me be alone.'

So, on this day, while he was sitting alone under the trees, he saw a luxurious car from the age of 1976 arrive at the orphanage.

After that, the driver opened the door, and a woman in her late 20s or early 30s stepped out from the back. The dean welcomed the woman, who probably came for adoption.

Alice Walton's POV:

After arriving at the orphanage, I saw a group of children playing and then a boy sitting alone under the tree.

I couldn't help but pity him, thinking he was bullied, as it is something that happens frequently in the United States. Thinking of my recent divorce made me a little sad.

Then, the dean of the orphanage greeted me. When we were in his office, we discussed that I wanted to adopt a child. Then, I asked him, "I saw a child sitting under the tree. How is he?"

The dean, Martin, said, "His name is Alan, a lonely child, as he doesn't like playing with other children and is a little mature for his age. He is not lively, and it's a bad thing."

Alan, who was still sitting under the tree, didn't know how the dean was speaking of him because it's not that he didn't like playing with other children; on the contrary, he was just occupied with his AI and his future. After all, humans are always thinking about the future.

After the dean finished explaining things about Alan, Alice decided that it was him, so she decided to discuss with Alan.

Alan, who was sitting under the trees, saw the woman who came in the car coming to him. He stood up and greeted her, which surprised Alice because, under normal circumstances, a child would not greet her like an adult greeting another adult.

After they finished speaking about trivial things, Alice said, "Little boy, you are really mature for your age. I think you would understand. I discussed with the dean and wanted to adopt you. What do you think?", stated Alice calmly while looking at Alan.

After Alan heard her, he knew his guess was correct because from the moment he saw her coming to him, he thought she wanted to adopt him. But he was a little cautious.

After all, he knew how some rich ladies have strange hobbies, but who knew if she wanted to treat him as a pet? But after speaking with her, he had a good impression of her.

She said she just bought a ranch after her divorce and wanted to live a quiet life, so she wanted to adopt a child. But in order to be cautious, he searched for her information in his world.

It doesn't matter if you don't search, but you'll be shocked to find out that her father would be the richest man in America for many years. And in his world, after her marriage, she did remarry and then have another divorce.

After that, she bought a ranch to live the life of a rancher. But in this world, she did not have the second marriage but wanted to adopt him.

After his research about her, he said, "Okay, I want you to adopt me."

After hearing his response, she smiled and thought to herself, "After all, although he is mature, he is still not cautious enough," but she did not know that he was more cautious than she thought, as he had seen her past life.

After a long procedure of adoption, the plan that Alan had conceived for himself had to change, and he thought things would change for the better.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Azzidine7thepiscescreators' thoughts
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