
Chapter 86 - Baldur and the X-men Part 12

POV: Third Person.

Sinister's Island, Savage Land.

During baldur's fight

Ka-Zar, along with his wife and the only survivors kidnapped by Sinister, head towards the exit of the laboratory as quickly as possible, after rescuing Jean, and her boyfriend Scott. The two were not visibly injured, but were quite weakened due to the experiments suffered by Sinister.

"I leave you here my new friends. We have to get out of this place as soon as possible, before that demon returns."

Ka-zar says to Jean who is guiding Scott, as he needs to keep his eyes closed.

"I must thank you and your people once again, Ka-zar. If it weren't for you, our friends would probably have arrived too late." Says Scott.

"Everything was only possible because your friends gave me the chance."

"Wait. It's the professor!" Jean interrupts.

When they left the black castle, the first thing they saw was Professor Xavier in his chair with his eyes closed right in front of the doors, if it weren't for his expression of pain and his sweat, they would think he was sleeping.

"What is it, Jean?" Asks Cyclops trying to understand why his girlfriend is shocked.

"I don't know. His body is here, but his mind is not. He is probably in a fight with another telepath somewhere else." She answers.

"And the others?" He asks.

"Everyone is scattered around the island, but they seem to be okay." Jean says after concentrating for a few seconds.

Sinister's castle seems to have several defense barriers against telepaths, making Jean unable to use her powers to probe what was outside.

"I have to help him, Scott. He seems to be in trouble."

She says, worried about the state of her professor.

"Go, I'll be fine"

"I've already sent a message to all the others informing them that we are okay and our location, they will be here soon."

Without saying more, Jean stands behind the professor and puts her two hands around his head and closes her eyes.

"Ka-zar, would it be too much to ask for you to stay a little longer until my friends return?"

Without his special glasses, Scott can't use his powers perfectly having to keep his eyes closed, this and him being a little weak now makes it quite difficult to protect Jean and the professor alone.

"If what your wife said is correct, your friends will come soon, meaning they have won, it doesn't hurt to wait for them, and if the demon comes back, we can end everything now."

The whole group chose to stay and protect Jean, and wait for the rest of the X-men. Jean, on the other hand, was being sucked into dimensions until she found herself in a black space, all that could be seen was darkness.


Jean began to scream for her professor as she wandered through the endless darkness, she was now in her astral form, with a body that seemed to be made of red crystal.

"This is not right, this place has no direction, since it contains nothing, no matter how much I walk, I will never find the professor like this."

Jean then focuses on finding the professor, now using her mind, and space obeys her command, in front of her she sees a huge meteor wandering in the darkness, lying on it, hundreds of meters high in a form of blue crystal was Xavier, he was trapped by his four stretched limbs. The black chains were certainly not common, as Xavier was writhing in pain.


Jean doesn't even think and goes towards her professor, she releases a psychic energy blast destroying one of the chains making Xavier concentrate enough to pay attention to her.

"Jean! No! You have to get out of here now. In the astral plane he is more powerful than any of us."

The astral plane is a realm where powerful psychics can enter, to summarize, this place is like a blank blackboard, here psychics can create anything just with the strength of their thought.

"A new toy has appeared!"

Before Jean could free another of the chains, above them, a colossal being appears. He was wearing a black samurai armor covering his entire body and face. But only one person would be here.

"Shadow King." Said Xavier.

"A new toy, whom just so happen to be your student, I wonder what face you will have when I torture her in front of you!"

The hand of the black samurai goes towards the small Jean, who sees no other possibility but to defeat the monster in front of her in order to free Xavier. When the hand was about to hold her body, Jean transforms into a small snake that goes through the giant's fingers, the small snake then grows becoming the same size as the shadow king, she then wraps his entire body in a powerful hug and bites the neck of the Shadow King.

"Skillful! But not enough."

The Shadow King seems not even to feel, then his body dissolves into shadows that escape from the snake's embrace. The shadows then envelop the entire body of the snake as if it were tar. The snake tries in all ways to escape by struggling, after some time, the black tar begins to inflate until it explodes, revealing Jean once again in her form of red crystal but immense.

The scattered pieces of tar come together once again recreating the Shadow King in his armor, he then draws his katana and attacks Jean who defends with a red shield. The Shadow King spent years trapped in this dimension, he has a much greater understanding of how it works than Xavier and Jean. With no choice but to defend from the blows with a shield that is about to break, Jean decreases her size with each defended blow demonstrating her increasing exhaustion.

"Now Jean!"

Xavier shouts behind her. During the combat, it was he who was guiding her telepathically and giving instructions. Confident in her professor, Jean does not defend the next blow of the Shadow King, and when the sword was about to split her body in half, a blue chain comes from her back and hits the sword making the Shadow King lose the blow, she then takes advantage that her enemy was unbalanced, and her shield transforms into a red sword that pierces the shadow king in the heart.


Physical bodies are not hurt when the mind is trapped in the astral world, but pain is felt, if a mind is destroyed here, its body can continue living as a vegetable without any action. The king exploded once again to get rid of Jean's sword, who is already freeing her professor.

"Thank you Jean." He said already freed from his prison.


The dark voice of the Shadow King echoes throughout the black world, above them, thousands of meters high, the Shadow King forms once again, now in a new humanoid form, with spider legs and human torso, his face was distorted and horrible, with two red eyes like fire and a wide mouth full of pointed teeth.

"Your student will share the same fate as you Xavier!"

"Listen to me Jean, we need to find a way to trap him here once again, if he wins us and returns to the physical plane, he will be able to take possession of any body."

Ignoring the Shadow King's statements, Xavier speaks calmly with his student without him hearing.

"But how to do that professor? I have never harvested a telepath with so much skill and raw power that is not you."

"When I fought against him years ago, I was a little ahead of him in terms of strength, but he has always been superior to me in skill. The years he spent trapped here have narrowed the strength gap but that doesn't make it impossible. You ask me how we are going to do this? It's quite simple, we're going to do this together."

The fight continues, but this time it's two against one. It was a fight unlike any other, as the physical form of those fighting changed every few seconds. To lessen the disadvantage, the Shadow King created several demons of pure darkness that focused their attack on Jean, giving him a bit of space.

Professor Xavier, now the same colossal size as the King, was wearing a blue armor and was crossing swords with the Shadow King. Every time the swords crossed, a wave of psychic energy was released that would destroy any common mind if this were the physical plane.

Jean, on the other hand, was being attacked by several demons that took the form of various snakes that were now around her body, biting her.


She screamed in pain, and if it continued like this, her mind wouldn't last long. But when she was about to succumb, she changed her form to something her subconscious chose. Large red wings so huge that they would cover planets if spread open in the astral plane, the whole body of the bird was surrounded by red flames that burned all the demons tormenting her body.

"What is this!"

The Shadow King exclaimed, frightened by the form Jean had taken. He knew that her power had not increased, but he could still feel the danger that this form was emitting. The bird then flapped its long wings and flew towards the King. Wherever she passed, she left a trail of flames that distorted the black space of the astral plane. Xavier took advantage of his enemy's lack of attention to him and cut off one of his arms with his sword and kicked his body, making him face the flaming bird.

There was no noise with the impact, just an explosion of flames that looked like a rising sun. When the light went out, Xavier saw Jean in her astral form unconscious, floating in the black space. If she were left unconscious in the astral plane, she might never be able to find her way home. Xavier appeared at her side and held her in his arms.

"You won't escape!"

Xavier shouted when he saw a floating head trying to leave the astral realm. The King was certainly weakened by the blow Jean had given him now. Fearing being trapped here again, he tried to leave the realm to recover in another body. Unfortunately for him, Xavier would not allow it.

A blue crystal coffin appeared out of nowhere near the King. When it opened, several blue chains came out of it and wrapped around the Shadow King, then began to pull him into the coffin.

"No! No! No! No! No! Not again!"

Without the strength to resist, the Shadow King was pulled into the coffin which closed immediately afterwards. Then Xavier created several chains surrounding the entire coffin, and created a whole construction resembling a mausoleum around the coffin, and used all the knowledge he had to seal it here.

"You will suffer for this Xavier! One day I will free myself and bring pain and destruction to you and all those you love!"

Even trapped without being able to leave his coffin, his voice could still be heard echoing through the dark space.

"Not this time. You will never escape again, I will send you to the deepest place I can, so deep that not even I could get out, maybe there, you will reflect on your crimes. Goodbye."

The space distorts like a black hole sucking up the entire mausoleum to a place that not even Xavier knows what it is, or could escape if he were sent to it. The depths of the astral plane.


The screams soon ended when the mausoleum was sucked up and the entire astral plane returned to the calm it was before. Then Xavier pulled a rope that was tied around his hand, a rope that would take him back to his body.

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