
A Wild Naruto Encounter (UPDATED)

I just made it to school, and it's about 7 o'clock, so I have an hour before class starts, so I head to the training facility. As I walk through the courtyard, I see a familiar blonde sitting on the swing underneath the tree. He looks sad, looking at the school all alone. An exciting idea pops into my head, so I walk over to him and say, "Hey, Naruto, would you like to spar?"

Naruto looks physically confused. "You know my name?" "And why do you want to spar with me?"

I laugh a little and tell him, "Everyone knows your name. You're the infamous prankster, King Naruto. And why not? The graduation test is a month away. Just practicing with dummies is not going to help much. Don't you like getting stronger so you can beat Sasuke?"

At the mention of beating Sasuke, Naruto physically brightens and readily agrees, jumping off the swing and getting into a fighting stance. I tell him let's go to the training hall first, and we'll fight there. He looks disappointed but agrees, and we start walking towards the training hall. I slowly walk up to the arena that stands in the center of the training hall. Taking a quick look around, I noticed the training hall looked very similar to the arena from the chunin exams.

I started doing some basic stretches and fell into the Academy Taijutsu style stance. Naruto looks like he's bouncing out of his sandals and gets into a brawler stance. I yell, "Start!" Naruto instantly rushes me. He jumps and throws a punch at me. I saw this coming, so I sidestepped him, grabbed his wrist, and threw him off the stage. Naruto gets up and looks a little dumbfounded. I told him to get back up and try again. He seems frustrated but rushes me again, this time going for a flying kick. Again, I step to the side then, grab his ankle, do a little spin, and throw him out to the stage. I told him to stop jumping and Get back up on the stage.

He looks more frustrated but gets up. He rushes again but doesn't go for a jump. He moves in close, plants his feet, and punches at my blocking arms, giving me a chance to counterattack and get him in the ribs. I realize he's a lot heavier than he looks, and my punches can't do much to him. he returns with a retaliation of punches. I respond with a mixture of blocking and dodging and eventually see an opening, sending a vicious kick into his leg. He falls to his knees, giving me enough time to give another kick to his head. Sending him a few feet away, he grunts with heavy pain. But gets back up like he barely received a scratch. He looks more excited after taking a hit than before, making me think he likes getting hurt, which is just kind of weird.

He rushes back in again, going for another flurry of blows. Starts throwing some kicks here and there to try to throw me off. I eventually slid underneath one of his kicks and struck his anchor leg with a good punch. Knocking him off balance to receive another kick to the chest knocking him on his ass once again. Sparring goes on like this for a good 10 minutes before I stop him.

I noticed that he hasn't lost an ounce of energy, nor is he out of breath or sweating. Not even a bruise or a cut. I didn't think his healing factor was that great, but damn, I'm kind of jealous. I start stretching, trying to relieve some of the aches from the punches and kicks he sent my way. He looks like a disappointed puppy because we stopped sparing. I chuckle and tell him that all of us can't keep going for hours on end without stopping. From our spar, I can tell he doesn't know a single step of the Academy taijutsu style.

I asked him to get into the primary position of the Academy taijutsu style. He looks visibly confused but gets back into his brawler stance. I told him, "No! That's wrong." I then get into my own stance. and Tell him, "This is the primary Academy stance." He looks even more confused and tells me that this is what he was taught. I make a begrudging face and tell him that whoever taught him taught him wrong. He looks taken aback, but then I drive it home that everyone from Genin to the Hokage learns the basic Academy-style taijutsu. I then tell him that it's the basis for most fighting styles in the village, no matter who you fight in this village. The essence of the Academy style will always be in their fighting style. So I told him again that I could tell he had not learned a single step from the style, just from that spar. And there's only a month left until his graduation.

He looks physically taken aback, given the idea that he has not learned something so crucial to his dream. He looks like he's questioning his whole life. I tell him I'm not the best at it, but if he wants to learn it, he can train with me after school and if he really wants to push himself. We can wake up early in the morning before school and practice as well. I told him, "We have less than one month to get a good understanding of this." "so what's your choice?"

I could see the gears in his head turning. He really emotes what he's thinking. It's kind of funny to watch. I see him having an internal fight with himself. He believes that whatever he learns from the school isn't that important. That it won't apply to his job as a ninja. So, to drive the nail on the head. I tell him to think of it as training rather than lessons; the more you train now before you become a ninja, the better you will be when you are a ninja. I can see the battle in his head is slowly being won, and he finally begrudgingly says, "Can you please train me to fight like a proper ninja." I said, "Sure, but it's gonna be hard. It's gonna require a lot of dedication from you and a lot of patience."

He looks perplexed momentarily, but then an iron resolve sets in. He shouts to the world, even though it's just me and him. "I will learn everything I need to learn before the end of the month, and I will push myself to do my hardest!" I let out a small chuckle. I tell him we'll start after class, and we might cover more than just how to fight. He looks even more excited. I told him to meet me here after class. I'm gonna go get some food from the vending machine before class starts because I am famished.

As I start walking back towards the school, Naruto follows me and asks me question after question, like how did I get so good? How did I fight so well? I told him I had just trained and read the books. I also had help from the teachers here and there, but I'm not even the best fighter in the school. I grab some food from the lobby vending machine and head to class. As Naruto is walking beside me, asking me if I love Ramen as much as he does, I honestly tell him, "I don't think I've ever had Ramen before." he looks the most offended I've ever seen someone look offended. He makes it look like I just told him I had killed God; that's how offended. He looked lost, so I let out another chuckle as I took my seat, and he sat beside me. It's fun having someone to talk to.

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