
Chapter 166

Green Palm Kingdom, North Blue

"Boom...Boom...Boom!" The thunderous sounds of gunfire echoed across the battlefield, a cacophony of death that seemed to vibrate through the very ground. The war between the monarch's army and the rebels, which had once seemed a foregone conclusion in favor of the ruling class, had returned to a brutal stalemate with the abrupt entry of the Revolutionary Army. Their presence had invigorated the rebels, who now fought with renewed fervor to liberate their country from the oppressive monarch.

The air was thick with smoke and the acrid smell of gunpowder. Soldiers clashed in the chaotic melee, a swirling mass of bodies locked in mortal combat. A soldier from the monarch's army swung his sword with a primal roar, slicing through a rebel who was desperately trying to reload his musket. The soldier's victory was short-lived; a rebel, seeing his comrade fall, thrust a spear through the soldier's eye, killing him instantly. Blood sprayed as the spear was withdrawn, and the fallen soldier crumpled to the ground, joining the thousands of corpses that littered the battlefield.

"Die, you bastards!" another loyalist screamed, firing his rifle point-blank into the chest of a charging rebel. The rebel collapsed, gasping his last breaths. But before the soldier could find another target, a cannonball whistled through the air, landing with a devastating explosion nearby. The force of the blast sent bodies flying and shook the earth, leaving a crater filled with the mangled remains of those unfortunate enough to be caught in its radius.

Amidst the chaos, the once-proud banners of the monarch fluttered in tatters, soaked in blood and grime. Soldiers and rebels grappled in the mud, using whatever weapons they could find—bayonets, knives, even rocks. The screams of the dying and the wounded filled the air, mingling with the relentless roar of musket fire and the distant booms of artillery.

A young rebel, his face smeared with dirt and blood, charged forward with a bayonet, his eyes blazing with fury. He drove his weapon into the gut of a monarch's officer, who howled in agony before collapsing. The rebel pulled his weapon free and turned, only to be met with the cold steel of a sabre slicing across his throat. He fell to his knees, clutching at his neck as his lifeblood poured out onto the ground.

Overhead, the sky was darkening with storm clouds, as if reflecting the turmoil below. The ground was slick with blood, and the once-green fields were now a horrific tableau of death and destruction. The rebels, bolstered by the Revolutionary Army's support, fought with a ferocity born of desperation and hope. They knew this was their last chance to overthrow their tyrannical rulers.

In the distance, the silhouette of a massive command tent loomed on the rebel side, a stark contrast to the carnage surrounding it. Inside the tent, the atmosphere was tense but focused. Maps and battle plans were spread across a large wooden table, lit by the flickering glow of lanterns. The tent was filled with the murmur of urgent discussions and the clatter of armor and weapons.

At the center of the tent stood the leaders of the rebellion. Their faces were lined with exhaustion, but their eyes burned with determination. General Marcus, a grizzled veteran with a scar running down his cheek, leaned over the table, studying the latest reports.

"What's the status on the western flank?" he demanded, his voice a rough growl.

A young scout, barely more than a boy, snapped to attention. "The Revolutionary Army has reinforced our positions there, sir. We've managed to push the monarch's forces back, but they're regrouping. It won't be long before they counterattack."

General Marcus nodded, his expression grim. "We'll have to hold the line. We can't afford to lose any more ground. The people are counting on us."

Nearby, a figure clad in the distinctive garb of the Revolutionary Army stepped forward. Commander Livia, a woman known for her tactical genius and unwavering resolve, pointed to a spot on the map.

"If we can break through their center here," she said, her voice calm and commanding, "we can split their forces and create an opening for our main assault. It will be risky, but it's our best chance to turn the tide."

General Marcus met her gaze, his eyes hard. He still didn't know why these people were helping them. They had suddenly come into the war when the rebels were on the brink of losing and started pushing back the enemy.

The woman, Livia, a powerful figure in the Revolutionary Army, was not just a strategist; she was also a bloodthirsty warrior. He had personally seen her in action many times. She would turn herself into a werewolf and tear through the enemy ranks. In recent times, his life has been saved by this woman more than a dozen times from assassination attempts and during combat.

"Will your leader be participating in the battle? Without the help of your main force, I don't think we can even reach the edge of the capital city, let alone breach the palace." He couldn't help but ask.

Commander Livia didn't give him an answer, just her signature blank look. No one in the Revolutionary Army knew where Livia came from or what she did before joining their ranks, and no one had ever seen her smile.

Just then, the tent flaps opened, and a tall figure clad in a green cloak entered, followed by two other figures. General Marcus's eyes widened in surprise because of his explicit orders that only the leader of the Revolutionary Army himself could enter his tent without permission.

The man in the green cloak had an imposing presence. He moved with a deliberate grace that hinted at both immense power and unshakeable confidence. His face was shadowed by the hood, but an unmistakable aura of authority radiated from him. The two figures flanking him were equally formidable, their eyes scanning the room with practiced vigilance.

"Livia," the man said, his voice deep and commanding. "Report."

Commander Livia snapped to attention. "Sir, we've reinforced the western flank and pushed back the monarch's forces. General Marcus and his men are holding their positions, but they need more support if we are to launch a successful assault on the capital."

The leader nodded, turning his gaze to General Marcus. "You have done well to hold out this long, General," he said. "But the final push will require everything we have. The revolutionaries main force is ready to join the fray."

Marcus felt a wave of relief wash over him. "Thank you, sir. With your help, we might just have a chance."

The leader pulled back his hood, revealing a rugged face with sharp, piercing eyes that seemed to look right through you. "I am Dragon, leader of the Revolutionary Army," he introduced himself.

"Our goals align, General. The oppression of the people must end, and together, we will see this through."

Marcus looked at Dragon, a mix of admiration and curiosity in his eyes. "Why now? Why did you decide to help us?"

Dragon's expression softened slightly. "Someone once told me that injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. Your fight is just one of many we are waging. When we saw that you were on the brink of collapse, we knew we had to act."

Marcus nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Very well. Let's end this tyranny once and for all."

Dragon turned to the two subordinates that followed him. "Prepare the troops. We move at dawn."

Soon after, the other two revolutionaries who had followed Dragon left to carry out his orders. Dragon and Livia exited the command tent, walking in silence for a few moments before Dragon broke it. "So, tell me, what's the real status of the war? Do you think we have a chance?"

Livia, without a change in expression, conveyed her thoughts. "Unless you personally make a move, this war is as good as lost. We are dangerously running low on all resources. Even our stock of food will only last for a week at best, as we are also feeding the rebel army. If you hadn't returned today, I would have recalled our troops to preserve what was left of the revolutionaries."

Dragon's gaze narrowed. "How did this happen? When I left a month ago, the situation was stabilized, and I thought the rebellion would end within a week or two." He had originally expected that after the Revolutionary Army's intervention, the war would end soon, but he didn't expect it to extend for so long.

"It seems the monarch has imported the latest batch of weapons from the Donquixote family, and the monarch is keeping the families of the soldiers confined within the capital, forcing them to fight. Even civilians are being sent to the battlefield. If the war continues, there won't be a country left here anymore—there will only be a graveyard," Livia remarked.

Dragon paused and sighed, grasping his fist until his knuckles cracked. The Donquixote family was trading weapons with both sides, and he could do nothing about it. Ross's words kept echoing in his head—the cost of a revolution. More than a quarter of the kingdom's population had already succumbed to the war, and by the end of it, the whole kingdom might turn to ruins, as Livia had said.

"Did anything significant happen while I was away?" Dragon continued, striding purposefully. For more than a month, he had been away from civilization, trying to find a base for the Revolutionary Army. He knew he was already under the radar of the World Government. Though their current force was small, they were all elites. To expand, they needed a permanent base.

"Ohara has fallen. The entire island was razed to the ground with only two survivors, who are currently declared fugitives: Nico Olivia and her daughter, Nico Lily. It's believed both are scholars, and the World Government is hunting them relentlessly," Livia commented.

Dragon thought for a moment and ordered, "Have our men keep an eye out for the two. If they find them, have them escorted to our base safely, no matter the cost." Livia made a mental note of the order.

"The Sorbet Kingdom—it seems the new monarch has become a madman. We might have another rebellion on our hands. They might not survive this unless we intervene. But my suggestion is that we reconsider. We do not have a proper structure and cannot afford to sustain another kingdom. We haven't even solved the food issues here, and I have no idea how to help these people with the basic necessities. Even if we win the rebellion for them, they will all soon perish," Livia stated the cold truth.

Many never considered what one would do after a war. The resources needed to restore a war-torn country back on track would be immense, and the Revolutionary Army was not in a position to help.

"Sigh. I will personally lead the troops in the coming attack. I will put an end to the monarchy, and then we will see what we can do with the Sorbet Kingdom," Dragon replied.

"So, what about the people here? They will need help after the war. If there are not enough resources and proper order, people will definitely turn on each other for the scarce resources left. There will be another bloodbath. Even the rebels will not be able to stop what's coming,"

Livia was a practical woman, and she had seen what such a situation could do to a war-torn country, especially when there was no proper established order. If left to their fate, soon the common people would come to realize that life under the tyrant was much better than the life they were going to experience.

"We cannot help them after the war, Livia. If that is their fate, then so be it. At least they will die on their own terms," Dragon said, even though he did not expect that he would have to make such a harsh decision.

"So, we liberate a whole country so that they can die on their own terms?" she asked. Despite all her emotions, her expression never faltered; it remained the same as always.

"That's the price of freedom, Livia. Freedom means you are unobstructed in living your life as you choose. Anything less is a form of slavery," Dragon commented.

"I hope you can tell that to the starving children, the women, the old who cannot fend for themselves, and the rest who act in the name of freedom. Responsibility is the price of freedom, Dragon-san. We who are liberating them should also be taking on the responsibility that comes along with it. What we are doing now is simply sentencing them to death," Livia commented and turned, leaving Dragon with his thoughts.

Just as Livia was about to step out of earshot, Dragon questioned without turning back, "So, what do you propose we should have done? Leave them to suffer under the oppression of tyranny? And you shouldn't forget, this was the will of the people."

Livia paused, her silhouette framed against the fading light outside the tent. "The will of the people? I wonder if we truly bothered to listen to what the will of the people was. The rebel army alone doesn't constitute the will of the people, Dragon-san. I'm just saying we should also consider everyone's thoughts. Isn't that what freedom is, as you stated earlier? When everyone gets a choice? But what we are doing here is just thrusting the will of the minority who oppose the tyrants onto the commoners. And remember, Dragon-san, no matter which side wins or loses, it's always the common people that suffer."

Livia left, her words hanging heavily in the air. She didn't want to comment anymore; she had to prepare for the upcoming battle.

Dragon stood still, her words echoing in his mind. He knew she was right to some extent. Revolutions were complex, and their consequences were often unpredictable. The challenge was not only to win the war but also to ensure a better life for those who would live in its aftermath.

As he turned to look at the horizon, he couldn't shake off the nagging feeling that they were fighting a battle on two fronts: against the tyrant and for the hearts and minds of the people they aimed to liberate. He realized that victory on the battlefield was only the beginning. The true struggle would be building a new society from the ashes of the old.


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