
Chapter 141: Personal Experience?!

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Percy chuckled as he and Hermione returned to their meal. "What would he do without me?" he mused, taking another bite of his toast.

"You certainly seem to know what you're doing when it comes to dating," Hermione remarked, setting a large tome on the table. "Personal experience?"

Percy laughed. "Gods, no. I've never been on a date in my life. Closest thing would probably be that day we spent in Hogsmeade together."

Hermione froze mid-page-turn, her cheeks tinged pink. "M-me?"

Percy nodded casually. "Yeah. That counts, right?"

Hermione cleared her throat, suddenly very focused on the book in front of her. "I-I suppose."

"So, how are you so good at giving Harry advice, then?" she asked, desperate to change the subject.

Percy shrugged. "I'm good at reading people, I guess. Plus, Harry and I are alike in a lot of ways. I know how he thinks, and I know how people react to him—because they've reacted the same way to me."

Hermione nodded thoughtfully. "You really are a strange man, Percy Jackson."

Percy simply chuckled and went back to his breakfast, while Hermione buried herself in her book.


As the morning owls swooped into the Great Hall, a small white bird dived down and landed neatly in front of Percy, clutching a letter in its talons. Percy rewarded the owl with a strip of bacon before untying the letter. The bird hooted softly and flew off, leaving Percy to inspect the parchment.

The sight of his name written in Hecate's unmistakable handwriting made him raise an eyebrow. He unfolded the letter and began to read:


Dear Nephew,

YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT! I heard about how you put those pompous British wizards in their place! Well done, kiddo. Congratulations on being selected for the tournament! Sorry I haven't written sooner—Olympian politics and all. Apollo misplaced his lyre (again) and accused Hermes of stealing it. Naturally, I got roped into playing judge. Between you and me, Apollo's a complete brat. Anyway, it turns out Artemis hid the thing to punish him for flirting with one of her Hunters. Typical.

Now, let's talk about YOU. Are you excited? You'd better be! This is a fantastic opportunity for you to showcase your skills. And hey, maybe you could use this tournament to build a little brand recognition! Show off your inventions, make a name for yourself—it's good for business!

Speaking of business, I read that ridiculous article Rita Skeeter wrote about you. I hated it. Attacking my favorite disciple like that? Unacceptable. But I know how you operate—you'll want to handle her on your own. Just remember: people like her are snakes. If you don't deal with them swiftly and decisively, they'll strike again. Be merciless.

Oh, and while we're on the subject of Hogwarts—how's Harry? My poor baby! That boy just can't catch a break, can he? Honestly, if he keeps this up, he might not even make it to 17—and that would be a tragedy. You know why.

Percy, you have to keep him alive. I mean it. If anything happens to him, I'll banish you to Antarctica for the next century. That boy's too precious for this world! Look after him for me, okay?

By the way, the first task is on the 24th, right? I'll be there cheering you on from the stands. Look for me—I'll be the fabulous one.

Oh, and say hi to Harry for me! And maybe give his adorable bum a little pinch from his ever-so-loving aunt.

Rooting for you always,



As Percy read through the letter, a smile tugged at his lips. The familiar tone of Hecate's words, both humorous and encouraging, lifted the weight he hadn't realized was pressing down on him. Carefully folding the letter, he tucked it into his robes. Hecate always had a way of brightening his mood, even when things felt overwhelming.

And truthfully, Percy was overwhelmed. The first task was only a week away, and the uncertainty of what lay ahead gnawed at him. He hadn't admitted it to anyone, but the thought of facing an unknown challenge in front of the entire school—and potentially the world—was enough to unnerve even him. Still, Hecate's words echoed in his mind: Stick to what you do best. Be awesome.

He would.

"Something good?" Hermione's voice broke through his thoughts.

Percy nodded, leaning back in his chair. "Yeah, it's from my aunt. She's proud of me, apparently. Wants me to go out there, kick butt, and take names. Oh, and she also reminded me to keep an eye on Harry—make sure he doesn't die or something."

Hermione raised an eyebrow. "Your aunt knows Harry well?"

Percy's lips curled into a mischievous smirk. An idea bloomed in his mind, too tempting to resist. Time for some fun.

"Oh, very well," he replied, adopting a serious tone. "In fact, over the summer, I caught Harry sneaking out of her room several times late at night. His hair was a mess, and his shirt—well, let's just say it often had a few buttons missing. Make of that what you will."

Hermione's eyes went impossibly wide, her mouth opening and closing like a goldfish. "W-what?!"

"Well, I've got to run," Percy said quickly, jumping to his feet before she could recover. "Bye!"

"Percy Jackson, get back here!" Hermione shouted, bolting upright.

Percy was already halfway to the door, laughing as he made his escape.

At that moment, Harry returned to the table, swinging his school bag over his shoulder. He paused, staring at the flustered Hermione with concern. "Hermione? What's going on? Is everything okay?"

Hermione froze, turning an alarming shade of red. She avoided Harry's gaze entirely, fumbling to gather her books and muttering incoherently.

"Hermione?" Harry tried again, bewildered by her sudden silence.

For the rest of the day, Hermione steadfastly refused to meet Harry's eyes or explain her odd behavior, leaving him thoroughly confused. No matter how many times he asked, she simply shook her head, her face burning crimson.

Percy, of course, found the whole thing hilarious.


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