
Chapter 138: Draco!

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"So you and Fleur huh?" Harry teased as they walked towards the Great Hall for lunch.

Percy rolled his eyes, "hold your horses Harry, we are just friends."

"Really? Just friends? Don't think I didn't notice you guys kept whispering while the ceremony was going on. Plus you were holding hands."

"Right because holding hands means you are dating, that's totally how it works," Percy said sarcastically.

"Fine, then what are you tow? Friends? Best friends?"

"Honestly? I don't know. She's a nice girl and all, but I don't really think she likes the idea of being with me. I'm probably too immature or something."

Harry snorted, "clearly you didn't see the way she was looking at you." Percy rolled his eyes but said nothing as they quietly walked back to the Great Hall.

They moved to the Gryffindor table to eat when a blonde Slytherin walked up to them with a grin on his face. "Well Potter cozying up to the real champion I see. It's truly sad to see you two losers act as our champions."

Harry growled, "shut your mouth."

But Percy on the other hand just blinked in surprise, "hey you look familiar, have we meet?"

Draco looked startled, "ah, yes! Of course! We meet on the train!"

"Right...and you are?"

"Me?" Draco looked like he was about choke on a lung, "I'm Draco Malfoy!"

Percy tilted his head to the side, "I'm sorry?"

"Draco Malfoy! You meet me on the train!"

Percy blinked, "Oh...right….I totally remember you. Anyway what do you want Drake?"

"Not Drake! Draco! My name is Draco!"

"Right, Meko, got it. Didn't realise you were japanese Meko, small world huh?"

"My name is Draco Malfoy you filthy mudblood! And you best remember it!"

Percy rolled his eyes, "right, totally going to happen. Anyway what do you want?"

Draco snorted, "I was just coming here to make sure our champions wouldn't be a disappointment. Potter is already a glory seeking tool, I'm sad to see you are the same. Hogwarts really has sunk so low if we have to have you, an American as our champion."

Percy raised a single eyebrow, "I'm sorry I think I misheard you. Would you repeat that."

Draco smirked, "gladly. I said-"


Percy sent a wandless banishing curse at Draco sending him flying off into the Ravenclaw table. Harry blinked as he turned to Percy, the demigod was glaring hatefully at Draco, he hissed, "don't test me ass, or the next time I'll use my fists."

Draco picked himself up, holding his stomach in pain. He looked at Percy with wide fearful eyes as he ran away, the Ravenclaws and Gryffindors watching him hobble back to his table in shame.

Percy looked around, the professors were looking over at them curiously, but it seemed none saw what happened, or even if they did couldn't prove it was Percy who used that spell thanks to his wandless magic.

Soon everyone returned to their meals, Harry sat down besides Percy who growled, "I don't like him."

Harry nodded, "yeah, most don't."

The next day was the week end once more and Percy did his normal routine of flying outside on his hoverboard for a while before letting the younger kids have a go. After that he walked in and found Harry, Susan and Hermione sitting together for breakfast.

Percy popped down next to Hermione, "hello all! And how is everyone's favorite couple doing today?"

Susan and Harry blushed red while Hermione chuckled. "I think you might have broken them Percy," Hermione teased.

"Oh they are big kids, they can handle a little teasing from me," Percy chuckled as he quickly filled his plate up with food.

"So when is detention Harry?" Susan asked.

"Ron told me that it's tonight," Harry sighed.

"Wait I'm sorry, detention?" Percy asked.

"Harry and Ron got detention with Snape," Hermione said sadly.

"Why? What did they do?"

"They were defending me, from Malfoy," Hermione glared.

"Oh great, what did the stupid blonde do this time?" Percy sighed.

"I guess he didn't like what you did to him yesterday at lunch. He came and started another fight before potions, he then insulted Hermione and Ron and I fought him but Snape decided we were the only ones who deserved detention," Harry turned around and glared at the boy who was laughing at something Krum said, "stupid git."

Susan smiled sadly, "it's okay Harry, he'll get what's coming to him."

"Yeah," Harry nodded as his anger seemingly vanished the moment Susan touched his arm in support.

Percy chuckled, "well on the bright side at least Ron and you have detention together. Maybe you can try and talk to him again."

Harry perked up hearing this, "yeah, you're right!"

Percy scoffed, "of course I am. I'm always right."

Just then the morning owls came in dropping a paper down for everyone with a subscription.

Hermione got one herself as she quickly began reading it. Her eyes went wide in surprise, "Harry! Percy! You two are in the paper!"

Percy did a spit take, "what?!" Hermione handed him the paper and Percy and Harry quickly read the front page article;


Report by

Rita Skeeter

As our readers all know last Halloween marked beginning of the triwizard tournament. The tournament is being hosted in Hogwarts school for witchcraft and wizardry this year for the first time in two centuries!

This tournament was meant to harbour friendly competition between the three schools, displaying the best of the best the schools and their respective countries have to offer.

However this year there has been a change in tradition. Only students above the age of 17 have been allowed to compete, though that rule has already been broken (See below article about the fourth triwizard champion for more).

This time however it isn't even a British student chosen to represent Hogwarts and England, no, this time the chosen champion is one Percy Jackson, a half-blood from America! —


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