
Chapter 136: Comic Con!

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"Honestly, I just come here when I feel lonely," Persie admitted, he looked into the hall and saw the door to The Forest a few feet down, "and you? I figured you would be with Camille or Jasmine by now."

Fleur sighed, "they wanted to go flirt with Hugo and the otherz. And zince boyz were going to be there..."

"They want you to 'steal' their men," Percy made sure to emphasise the steel part to make Fleur know how ridiculous he found that notion.

"And the worze part iz I can't blame them," Fleur sighed as she looked down saddened, "I have never been able to control my allur, it's not my fault, yet I can't blame them for not wanting me to ztay."

"Hey now don't say that," Percy put his hand on her shoulder and gave it a squeeze, "I'm sure one day you'll find friends who will understand what you are going through. I mean when I meet Catherine she and the Bulgarians got along great! She admitted she had trouble at first, but no friendship is without difficulties! Yours just happen to be the fact that all men and probably some women want to sleep with you."

Fleur chuckled, "you 'ave a way to make even the most life threatening izzuez zeem zmall Perzy."

"And you said I make inappropriate jokes."

The french veela laughed again as she nodded, "then I am wrong. Thank you Percy, it makes me happy to be able to talk like thiz with zomeone, ezpecially a man."

Percy nodded, "hey, no problem. I can understand how it feels to be alone, believe me I know. So if I can do anything to make you feel more normal you just ask away!"

Fleur smiled, "really? Do you mean that?"

"Yeah, every word. Why? You have something in mind?"

"Well, you know most normal girlz do-"

"-Ah excuse me," a small squeaky voice called out. Percy and Fleur turned to see a small Ravenclaw girl looking at them with scared eyes.

"Yes? Can we help you?" Percy asked gently.

"P-Proffesor Dumbledore asked me to bring you to the wand weighing ceremony," the little girl squeeked.

"Oh is that today?" Percy blinked in surprise. He turned to Fleur, "did your headmistress mention this?"

Fleur nodded, "yez zhe did, but zhe zaid it would be later in the day, not now."

"Well we better get going either way," Percy turned to the girl, probably a second year, and smile, "thanks for telling us..."

"Jina," she squeaked, "my name is Jina."

Percy nodded, "well thanks Jina. Can you tell us where to go?" She nodded and quickly took Percy and Fleur to a classroom on the sixth floor. She wished them luck before running off, probably to rejoin her own class.

Percy motioned to the door, "ladies first."

Fleur rolled her eyes, "zuch a gentleman."

Percy nodded, "yeah, that's me, the gentleman," his eyes moved down looking at Fleur's shapely behind as she walked ahead of him.

He nearly gasped in surprise, 'there is no way that ass is natural! She has to be using magic or something to make it so bloody round!' Each step she took sent a little ripple up her silk robes and her behind, 'and it's so perky! Gods damn you veela!'

Fleur looked back and noticed Percy's doing his best to not look down, she smirked feeling confident about herself and walked inside.

"Ah Ms. Delacour, Mr. Jackson, glad you two made it," Dumbledore greeted them inside.

The classroom had been changed, the benches and tables all pushed to the side with four chairs and a single table was kept in the center.

Percy walked in and noticed that everyone was already here. Krum gave the two a small node while he returned to talking to his headmaster.

Maxim was with Dumbledore, they were obviously discussing something before they came in.

Bagman and Crouch were also here, with an unknown man standing in the back, cleaing what looked to be a giant camera from the 1800's.

"Fleur come here, I wish to speak with you," Maxim called over the veela who wished Percy goodbye and went to her headmistress.

Percy walked over to Dumbledore and nodded, "good morning sir."

"Good morning Mr. Jackson," Dumbledore wished in good spirits, "I suppose you are wondering why you are here yes?"

"I think I got the jist of it from Fleur," Percy nodded, "we are all here to check our wands right? Kind of like a testing ceremony?"

"True, the wand weighing ceremony is exactly that, on paper," Dumbledore adjusted his glasses, "but in reality they are so much more. It is the public's first appearance to our champions, an interview with you four to better understand you traits and abilities."

"Oh, so like a panel at comic con?" Percy asked.

Dumbledore blinked, "I'm sorry, but I'm not familiar with the muggle term."

Percy waved it off, "it's cool, it's an American thing anyway. Say professor...is it true you have a Pheonix?"

The headmaster's eyes started to twinkle as he smiled and nodded, "yes, his name is Fawkes."

"That is so cool!" Percy's eye started to twinkle as well, "can I see him? I've always wanted to see a phoenix!"

Dumbledore chuckled, "of course my boy. But unfortunately Fawkes is currently away on one of his many hunting trips. I'm afraid he may not return for some time."

Percy shrugged, "I don't mind waiting."

"Then when he returns I'll be sure to call you, I'm sure Fawkes would love to see you," suddenly Dumbledore's smile dropped as he jerked his head to one side and narrowed his eyes.

It was like he could see something past the room door and he sighed, "excuse me for a moment Mr. Jackson, it seems young Harry has been sidetracked."


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