
Chapter 129: Animagi!

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After a quick lunch the group set out as one to look around town. The girls walked as one leading the group, gossiping about what they bought and saw throughout the day.

The twins were surprisingly taking down notes of the shops, planning for Gods know what. Percy had a feeling it had something to do with the joke shop they wanted to build. And that left Harry and Percy bringing up the back of the group.

"So how did it go?" Percy asked in a whisper.

Harry's cheeks flushed, "it was nice."


"And what?"

Percy rolled his eyes, "details man! I want details!"

"Alright alright! Keep it down!" Harry hissed motioning Percy to quiet down.

The demigod smirked as Harry sighed and began, "well at first we didn't really know what to do. I thought we should go to Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop, you know the place where all couples go. But Susan immediately hated the idea and then I just let her take me along."

Percy smiled, "nice. And then what happened?"

"Well we went to different stores, we bought chocolate in Honeydukes, I got some new clothes, and we spent some time just walking around the town talking about random things. It...it was nice."

"You think you are going to see her again?" Percy asked.

"I would like that," Harry nodded as he looked ahead to Susan and smiled happily. Percy chuckled, he was happy for the younger boy, he deserved it.

That night after dinner Percy approached McGonagall just as she was leaving to her office. He called out to her, "Professor McGonagall! Can I ask you something?"

The transfiguration mistress looked surprised, "well this is a surprise, what can I help you with Mr. Jackson?"

"Well I actually have a few questions for you, if you don't mind," Percy said as he started walking side by side with professor McGonagall

"Well I'm free right now, please go ahead."

"Right, well I was just curious, if one becomes an animagus, does that mean the properties the animal they transform into is applicable to them?"

McGonagall's eyes went wide, "what brought this on Mr. Jackson?"

"No reason, I was just curious. Let's say I can transform into a wolf, okay? And suppose I was feed wolfsbane, would that even effect me? And if I transform back would the poison cease being poisonous?"

"Well that certainly is an advanced question Mr. Jackson," McGonagall thought for moment before speaking again, "well you see there is something you must understand about animagi, their body doesn't just simply turn into their animal form, no, they become it completely. In essence their animagus form is reflection of themselves, the same brain, soul and magic in a different body. And while you are in said body, the rules of that body must be obeyed. Hence if you ate wolfsbane as a wolf and then turned into a human, the poisonous effects would stop."

"What if I transform back?"

"Then the poisonous effects would begin again, provided your human body hasn't flushed the poison out already."

Percy hummed, "okay….what what about magical effects?"

"I'm sorry, I don't understand."

"Well I mean...certain animal parts are used in potions right? The mane of a lion, the hair off a rat. Would these ingredients, harvested off off a animagis still maintain such properties?"

The transfiguration mistress looked even more impressed, "amazing Mr. Jackson, and here I thought you disliked my subject just as much as Flitwick's."

Percy chuckled nervously, "damn, I didn't think people knew that."

"Oh please Mr. Jackson, one would be have to be made of stone to not recognize your dislike of the subject. Now….your question is a good one. Very good. And my answer still stands. While an animagus is transformed they are said animal, meaning any magical properties said person has is carried over."

"Okay...but what about the reflection on the human side? Let's take a rat's tail for example, human's don't have tails, so if I arvest a rat tails from a rat animagus what would happen to the human?"

"Well I don't know for sure, but I would wager that the skin around the animagus' human backside would be cut off. I personally know an animagus who lost a finger," McGonagall looked cross from a second before she donned her mask of neutrality, "his animagus transformation reflected his maiming as he lost a finger there as well."

"I see….but what if one could reproduce the thing that is taken?" Percy asked, a crazy, crazy idea forming in his head. But for it to work he needed to think this through completely.

"Let's say an eagle, the bird's feathers are used in potions. Suppose I take a feather off of an eagle animagus, what would happen to the witch or wizard?"

"Well….this is a difficult one," McGonagall hummed, "I suppose it depends on what you are substituting for feathers in your human body. If I was to guess I would say one's back hair would be plucked off, or else….maybe one's fingernails?"

"Either way I doubt there would be much harm done to them as feathers grow back. They are, like hairs and nails, something that while produced by the body, is not necessarily connected in terms of nerves and blood vessels."

"I see," Percy began to think, 'my wings grow out of my back, my hands don't turn into them. So if a pluck a feather then….then maybe I would be plucking a piece of skin or even a back hair or something. Wait, do I even have back hair?'

"I'm curious Mr. Jackson, why the sudden interest in animagi?" McGonagall asked with an critical glare, "I hope you aren't trying to do something foolish."

Percy blinked, "what? Like….oh, you think, no, no no! It's not like that at all!" 'She thinks I want to become an animagus!'


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