
Chapter 127: Store!

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Percy grinned, [what type of greek doesn't know how to speak greek?]

Hermione's eyes went wide, "amazing, though I have no idea what you said."

"I said 'what kind of greek doesn't know how to speak greek'," Percy smiled.

"Amazing...do you speak greek often?"

"Well I don't really have anyone to speak it with," Percy hummed, "I have my aunt, but she prefers english. I used to have friends who could speak greek, but they are in the states right now. So I don't a chance to speak it."

"I see..." the witch trialed off.

"You know Hermoine your name is actually greek too."

"Wait really?!" Hermione asked shocked, "how so?"

"Well I don't know for sure but the literal translation to greek would be 'well born' or even 'stone'. Though there is a little difference in pronunciation, instead off HER-MY-KNEE it would be HER-MONEY."

"Amazing," Hermione looked impressed, "I wonder where it came from."

"Well if I had to guess I would say it's a feminine form of Hermes's own name."

"Hermes? The greek god of messengers?"

Percy nodded, "yup. But he's also the god of travel, thieves, trade, sports and athletes. He's basically the FedEx guy for the gods."

Hermione chuckled, "that's very interesting. You must know a lot about greek mythology huh Percy?"

Percy smiled, "yup. You could even say they are like family."

Hermione looked at him strangely, obviously she didn't get that joke. Thank the Gods. Or else she might be running around town like a headless chicken.

Hermione showed Percy around town, showed him all the main sights, from the Three Broomsticks inn in the hearts of the town to Honeydukes that was currently filled with students.

The first place they went was to Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop, inside was pretty empty and quiet, not too many people wanted to come here first. Hermione stocked up on her quill, ink pot and parchment while Percy bought the quills in bulk.

Hermione watched wide eyes as Percy shurk and pocketed his large purchase, "what could you possibly need all those quills for?"

"Remember the quick quill I made?" Percy asked for which Hermione nodded, "well I finally got the patent for it, so now I decided to start selling them to people."

Hermione gasped, "oh I see! Can I have one Percy? Please? Please?"

Percy chuckled, "sure sure, I'll make sure I save one just for you."

Hermione smiled, pleased with the promise. They spent a few more moments looking around the shop.

Percy in particular was focused on the more fancy looking quills in there, either made out off eagle feather or something exotic, like peacock feather.

Kelly herself was very interested in a pure white quill that was said to be from a veela, thought it was way too expensive to buy, probably because the wizard who got it probably died soon after via fireball.

Percy however was drawn to a quill in the back, adorned in a purple velvet cushion that had a golden nib and a red feather. Percy gasped, 'that's a phoenix feather!'

As they walked out of the quill store Percy turned around to get one last look at the phoenix quill, he couldn't help being enamoured by it's beauty.

"What are you looking at Percy?"

"There was a quill made out off a phoenix feather," Percy said in awe, "I have never seen one, so seeing it's feather is a big thing!"

"Oh, well if you want to see a pheonix all you have to do is ask the headmaster," Hermione said with a casual shrug.

"Wait, seriously?!" Percy cried out.

"Yes, Professor Dumbledore has a phoenix familiar."

"That is so cool! How come I don't see it with him all the time?!"

"Well it's a very independent creature you know. It's rarely ever there. And when it is there it usually just stays up in the headmaster's office. People only know about it because they see it when they go up there to see him."

"Amazing...so if I want to see the phoenix I'm going to have to get into trouble huh?"

"Percy!" Hermione slapped his arm playfully, "you don't have to go to such extremes. I'm sure if you ask Dumbledore would gladly show you."

Percy grinned, "nice. I always wanted to see a phoenix you know? A phoenix tail feather makes up the core of my wand, so I kind of feel like I have to see one at least once in my life."

Hermione's eyes went wide, "really? Harry's wand had a pheonix core too!"

Percy blinked, "no way! Are you serious?" Hermione nodded. "Huh, maybe that's why we get along so well." Percy fell into deep thought, "but you know I don't really get it, why use a phoenix feather on a quill? Sure it looks cool, but why waste such a powerful object?"

"Well there are certain effects different feathers offer to a quill you know," Hermione explained, "I'm sure the pheonix feather provides some kind of boost to the quill."

"Really? Like what?"

"I don't know, but we can find out," Hermione pointed to a books store ahead named 'Tomes and Scrolls'.

Percy agreed and the two quickly went inside. The store wasn't as big as the library in Hogwarts, but it certainly had a lot of diverse books.

Most were novels for reading for fun while the others often featured topics that were not academic in nature. Like 'losing weight the wizarding way' or 'Astronomy and the powers of stars'.

Hermoine asked the clerk for a book about feathers and they quickly found it. They quickly looked the book, most of them spoke about feathers obtained from different magical creatures.

They passed by chapters about bald eagles, Roman Eagles, Owls, Rocks and then finally found one about phoenix's.


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