
Chapter 124: Cheer!

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Harry rolled his eyes, "you want McGonagall to skin you alive?"

"Hey what's the point of being champion of the school is I can't abuse my privileges once in awhile?"

"That's right Percy!" George nodded.

"We know we would do the same!" Fred agreed.

"In fact that was one of the reasons we agreed to join!"

"On day I would take his place and then he would take mine!"

"We skip every class and work on our pranks full time!"

"That isn't very responsible you two," Hermione hissed, "imagine what your mother would say!"

"Well it's not our fault Hermione!" Fred exclaimed.

"If we are going to get our joke store up and running we need all the research time we can get!"

"Is that why I find you two experimenting on the younger kids?" Angelina asked.

"You both did what?!" Hermione shrieked.

"Relax Hermione!"

"They know what they are getting into!"

"Plus we tell them exactly what's going to happen!"

"Plus we also pay them!"

Hermione grumbled, "and that's an excuse for testing potions and cady's on kids?!"

"Well..." they looked at each other, "yes."

Hermione looked like she was going to start yelling again when Percy spoke up. "Wait, what joke shop?"

"Oh we didn't tell you Jacky?"

"We are joing to make our own joke shop after we graduate!"

"Zonko's products have become old, they haven't had a new invention in years!"

"We'll corner the market without inventions!"

Percy's eyebrows perked up, "really?...Say would you two be interested in partnering up?"

The twins smiled, "depends on what you mean by partnering up."

"Well as you know I hold the patents to my quick quill idea and the hover board. I want to sell them but I can only do so much while at school. After I graduate I'm going to need a place to sell them, if you guys want I can sell them at your place."

Fred and George looked at each other and started whispering. They nodded and turned to Percy, "we thinks it's a good idea-"

"-But maybe we should talk a bit more about the joke shop before we put down any laws yeah?"

"We still don't know exactly what you are going to bring to the table Percy."

"Maybe we can visit Hogsmeade together this weekend-"

"-we'll show you around, give you a feel of what we want to accomplish."

Percy blinked, "oh that's right, this week is going to be the first Hogsmeade weekend. Damn, alright, but I'm going to have to stop somewhere before, I need to pick up some supplies from town. I hope that's not a problem?"

"No, after all we weren't planning on spending all day with you you know," Fred and George turned to Alicia and Angelina and wiggled their eyebrows at the girls.

Angelina rolled her eyes, "if you don't stop giving me that creepy look George Alicia and I might decide to go alone." immediately the twins stopped.

Percy sighed, "ah young love," he turned to Harry and grinned, "so Harry," the boy flinched as he saw Percy's grin grow wider and wider, "do you have any plans?"

"N-no," Harry gulped as he looked over Percy's shoulder seeing Susan Bones. Harry already knew what Percy was going to say.

"Really? That's too bad...you know who else doesn't have any plans? Susan Bones," Percy wiggled his eyebrows as all the gathered Gryffindors turned to Harry with wide eyes.

"Susan?" Hermione asked with a curious look on her face, "Harry...you like Susan?"

"What?! No!" Harry squeaked.

"Then why did you write letters to her?" Percy teased.

"I never wrote her letters!" Harry blushed red as he yelled in protest.

"Then why are you so embarrassed?"

"Because..because...ah! You are impossible!"

"So...you going to ask her out or not?"

"Why should I?!"

"Because she's a lovely girl who just so happens to be the only Hufflepuff that believed you didn't put your name in the cup, other than me of course," Percy swung his hand around Harry's neck and leaned in to a whisper, "come on Harry live a little. I told you didn't I? The more alone you are the stronger Voldermort is. It's easier to have several reasons to live for, than simply shutting yourself away from it all."

Harry looked up and meet Percy's eyes. He sighed, "w-what if she rejects me?"

"Then it's her lose," Percy shrugged, "but you can't just give up because you're afraid of failure. Plus I don't think she will say now. So get up, gather your Gryffindor courage, walk up to her and ask her out to Hogsmeade this weekend."

Harry and Percy stared each other down, Harry with a frown and Percy with a daring grin. Finally Harry sighed and got up.

"You think he'll actually do it?" George asked as Harry walked away.

"Of course he will," Percy grinned back, "he's my little protege isn't he?"

"Do you think she'll accept?" Angelina asked.

"She would be fool not too," Hermione huffed.

Harry tapped Susan's shoulder and asked her to the side, she nodded and they both walked away for a moment. They talked, Harry's face went red, but he stayed his ground. His mouth moved, but Percy and the other's couldn't make out what he was saying. Susan smiled back and said something in return causing Harry to chuckle.

Harry and Susan then walked back to their house tables. They didn't say a word as Harry sat down next to Percy simply returning to his meal.

They looked at each other with confused looks. Percy finally had enough, "well?"

Harry looked up, "what?"

Percy groaned, "did you do it?!"

Harry blinked, "oh, you mean ask out Susan Bones? Yes I did."


Harry grinned, "she said yes!"

Percy laughed, "that's my boy!" He threw his hand around Harry's neck and cheered, "three cheers for the brave Gryffindor! Hip hip!"

"Hooray!" they all cheered loudly, even Hermione.

"Hip hip!"


"Hip hip!"



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