
Chapter 117: Hoverboard!

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Krum nodded, "nice to see you. How is your aunt?"


"She's fine, by the way sorry about the last time, you have to understand she is really not a nice person when she get's drunk."

Krum nodded, "I can understand. Although, it was a little unfair you leaving her alone while you drank yourself silly with the cheerleaders."

Percy blushed red. Fleur raised an eyebrow, "Percy, what cheerleaderz?"

Percy chuckled, "you remember Catherine right?"

Fleur nodded, "oh, I zee."

Krum looked at Percy and Fleur and mumbled something in his native tongue giving a small grin. Fleur and Percy looked confused, but Krum didn't seem to want to explain what he said.

Just then the door opened and a fourth person walked in. Percy looked over and was surprised to see Harry walk in.

"Harry? Are you okay? Did something happen?" Percy asked, he looked over the boy, he looked scared, shaken, like he had seen Vernon naked, again.

"I-I..." Harry began but couldn't bring himself to complete the sentence.

"Harry, did something happen?" Percy asked as he quickly walked to his younger friend.

Just then the door opened once more as the officials for the tournament walked in with Ludo Bagman at the leade.

"Extraordinary!" he said looking at Harry and the other students, "ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you, the fourth triwizard champion!"


"I'm sorry, hold up a second, did you just say fourth triwizard champion? Because you do know the 'tri' in triwizard stands for three right?" Percy asked the organisers, "how the hell can Harry even participate! There are already three of us!"

"I know! Isn't it spectacular?!" Bagman smiled.

"Harry's name came out off the goblet Mr. Jackson, he must participate," Dumbledore explained.

"But how?!" Percy yelled, he turned to Harry, "you okay?"

"Honestly Percy? No," Harry shivered.

"Harry, I have to ask you, did you put your name in the cup?" Dumbledore asked gently.

"No sir, I didn't," Harry replied.

Just then the doors opened up again as Maxime and Karkaroff entered looking furious. Immediately Fleur went to her headmistress, "Madame Maxime! What iz going on?! They tell us thiz little boy iz zupposed to participate as well!"

Harry glared at the comment, Percy placed his hand on Harry's shoulder giving it a squeeze, "to be fair you are very short Harry." Harry looked up at Percy and grumbled, he couldn't muster up the energy for an answer.

"This is not fair! Hogwarts has two champions!" Karkaroff exclaimed, "how did this even happen?!"

The adults all began to argue amongst themselves about who was to blame. The other headmasters blamed Dumbledore, which caused a fight between them and McGonagall. While the was happening Percy pushed Harry back and spoke to him.

"You didn't put your name in right?" Percy whispered as they watched the adults argue like cats and dogs.

"No Percy I swear!" Harry hissed.

"Alright, just checking. Fine, so if you didn't put your name in the goblet who did?"

"I don't know!"

"So what must be done?" Maxim finally asked as Dumbledore claimed the other's down enough.

"Young Harry will just have to participate," Dumbledore concluded.

"But how if that fair?!" Percy argued, "Harry might be awesome and all that but he's still a kid! I mean shit seriously he's just in fourth grade for crying out loud!"

"Hey!" Harry cried out, "I can handle myself alright Percy!"

"Really?" Percy blinked, "you can handle yourself? How?"

"I have talents!"

"I don't think flying is going to one of the tasks given Harry," Percy turned to Bagman, "it's not right."

"No, it is not," Bagman replied with a smile. Crouch got angry and hit him in the stomach, guess he wasn't supposed to admit that.

"Look the end of the day is that this isn't fair, can't we like find a way to get Harry out of this?" Percy asked.

"Why would 'e want to?" Fleur scoffed, "'e 'as a chance to partizipate in a tournament mozt would kill to join!"

"You do realise he's Harry Potter right missy?" Moody grumbled as he made his presence know, "he has more fame than anyone in the room, expect probably Krum and Albus. He has no reason to join this tournament."

"Then you say he did not put his name in the goblet?" Maxin glared at the one eyed auror, but Moody was unfazed.

"Yes, Potter didn't put his name."

"Then who did?" Karkaroff asked in superior tone.

"Obviously who will profit off of Potter's death," Moody said throwing an accusing glance at Karkaroff, "people die in this tournament. Obviously someone is hoping Potter dies during these tasks."

"I hardly think so," Snape scoffed, "this is just like Potter's tendencies to attract attention to himself. The spoilt brat, just like his father-"

"-Don't you talk about my father!" Harry roared as he tried to charge Snape only for Percy to hold him back.

"Enough!" Dumbledore called out, "there will be no fighting. Harry has said he didn't put his name in the goblet, I belive him. I will look to see if there is a way to remove him from the tournament, but for now it seems he will have to participate as per the rules. Bagman, Crouch, I belive you wish to discuss with our champions the details of the tournament?"

"Right you are Dumbledore!" Crouch nodded as he stepped forward and clearing his throat, "lady and gentlemen, the first task for the triwizard tournament will happen on the 24th of November. It will be a task to test your courage, you are forbidden to get help from anyone else especially your teachers. You are also not allowed any form of magical assistance other than a wand."

"Wait quick question," Percy raised his hand, "will I be allowed to carry potions?"

Bagman and Crouch looked at each other. Bagman shook his head, "no, I'm sorry but potions aren't allowed."

"Okay...what about rune stones?"


"Okay….can I carry my hoverboard?"


"It's like a flying broom."

"Oh, then no."


Bonus Chapter @500 (limit: 24 hours)


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