
Chapter 115: Magical Creature?!

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"Well I mean...it iz difficult for a veela," Fleur said shyly, "it's because...well-"

"-Because you don't know if someone loves you because of you or your allure," Percy completed nodding in understanding, "yeah, I know. Catherine mentioned that part."

Fleur nodded, "yez...from the way you zpeak off her you zeem quite familiar with Catherine, no?"

Percy blinked as his cheeks turned red, he coughed into his hand, "well in a way of speaking sure. We kind of just got drunk and woke up with a nasty hangover."

"Really? And nothing elze 'appened?" Fleur asked with a teasing smile, "because if Catherine 'asn't changed from when I knew 'er three years ago then when zhe got drunk zhe also began to 'ump everything in zight."

Percy turned red, "yeah, she ended up with one of the Bulgarians. I think it was one of the chasers."

"Hm...what did 'e look like?"

"Ash...blonde hair and blue eyes? Why?"

"Really? That'z zurprising, zhe always did prefer men with black 'air," Fleur gave Percy a sidelong glance and a smirk.

"Hey look that cloud is so white!" Percy pointed up, "so white and fluffy! It looks like a tea cup doesn't it?"

Fleur chuckled, "yes Perzy it does. Although you are dodging my question, which makez me think that Kelly iz not the only veela you are zlose with."

"Oh look at that cloud! It looks like a giant lion fighting a pig! Oh, it looks like the pig is winning!"

"You do know the more you move dodge my question the more you seem guilty yez?"

"Hey you know enough about me, tell me about you," Percy smiled, "how do you like Hogwarts so far? Is the weather bothering you too much?"

Fleur chuckled, "fine, have it your way. I like the caztle, though I must zay there is much to be desired. Beauxbatons iz much cleaner than this castle and much more beautiful. It'z fields aren't barren like this, we have gardens filled with flowers, and you already know what people do in there."

Percy chuckled, "hey it's not my fault the only thing I know about your school is the best places to make out."

Fleur rolled her eyes, "I can zee Catherine's influence on you 'as not worn off."

"You say that like it's a bad thing," Percy smiled, "anyway Fleur tell me, what do you think I'm going to have to face in the first task?"

"You? Don't you mean me?"

"Well fine, us. What do you think we have to face in the first task?"

"I do not know, but whatever it iz I'm excited. I'll finally zhow them I'm not just a blonde bimbo, maybe now they might ztart taking me zeriously," Fleur glared at the people around her, though Percy didn't think she meant these people directly.

"I see...so you're in it for the recognition huh?" Percy asked.

Fleur sighed, "yez...for too long people have thought of me az zimply zex on legz, az you zay. I want to show them I am worthy of being more," she turned to Percy, "tell me Percy why are you participating?"

"Me?" Percy shrugged, "honestly? Well….I think it's because I'm bored."

"You're bored?" Fleur chuckled, "you realize people have died in this tournament yez?"

Percy shrugged, "I know. But the challenge is just too tempting. I've always been the kind of guy that likes to do amazing things. And this world, the wizarding world, it's one of the most amazing things I have ever seen. And besides, I doubt anything they can throw at me can be that bad. What's the worst that can happen?"

"Well...they could make you fight a magical creature?"

"Been there done that."


"Long story, please go on."

"The could make you ride a 'Ippogriff."

"And how is that a bad thing? All I have to do is bow and wait for it to accept me. And I don't know if you know this, but everyone loves me! I'm like pudding!"

Fleur chuckled, "well I 'ave to zay Perzy you are certainly an interesting perzon to be around."

"Fleur!" someone called, "we have to go! Maxim is calling us!"

"I'll be right there!" Fleur shouted back. She sighed, "well it zeems I 'ave to leave now Percy. I enjoyed our talk. It has been...ztrange to zay the least."

"You mean now that you finally talked to someone who can form coherent sentences around you?"

Fleur laughed, "yez, I zuppose zo. Goodbye Percy, Kelly," Fleur waved at them both as she stood up and walked away.

"Bye!" Percy waved at her while Kelly stuck her tongue out, "Kelly that wasn't very nice!" Kelly groaned as she looked away, "oh I'm sorry, I didn't make you angry! Please don't ignore me!" Kelly huffed as she climbed off Percy's hoodie and walked back to the castle, "oh come on Kelly! Come back! I'm sorry!"

Fleur watched Percy chase after the little veela toy and laughed, she couldn't help it, just being near the strange American boy made her smile. He seemed nice enough, though his history did seem questionable.

Especially since Catherine was involved, Fleur shivered she still remembered how much trouble her senior got into, she prayed Percy wasn't involved with her, for his sake if nothing else.

That night everyone had gathered for the Halloween feast. Percy and Fleur sat down together as they talked about each other's school and classes.

It seemed Fleur was a mistress at charms and quite good in transfiguration, which were ironically two subjects Percy didn't do that well in.

She agreed to help him out from time to time and he in return promised to help her out with potions, something she wasn't very skilled in.

"Hey, is it just me or is Percy and the veela chick sitting pretty close together?" Gordan whispered to Juan.

"Dude...come on," Juan rolled his eyes.

"What? I'm just saying, something could be going on between those two."


If you want to read ahead by 20+ chapters you could take a visit on my patreon Or check it out.


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