
Chapter 102: Note!

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The room was barren, completely void of anything, furniture, books, nothing. But Percy did notice a parchment nailed on the pillar in front of him.

Percy was curious, but not stupid. He casted several curse detection spells around him to detect any possible danger. But they all came back negative.

Now sure that he wasn't going to die or something the moment he stepped into the room Percy carefully walked towards the note and read it;

To whosoever finds this place,

My name is not important. I am but a small witch whose name will probably not be even mentioned in the annals of History. However I do have a message for whoever finds this place. This room was my salvation. My fortress of peace.

My chamber of secrets. The place where I could come and be spared from the cruel fate that is life. I have dubbed this chamber 'The Forest', I deemed it appropriate given the glass paintings.

But if I am no longer here then that means this room belongs to you, the person who discovered it. You may name it whatever you wish and use it however you wish, my only request is that you treat this place with the respect it deserves.

This room has many secrets, and I spent my years at Hogwarts discovering them all. I wish for you to have the same adventures and realisations I did while here, and I hope this room comes to serve you well for all your years here.

Take care,

A Girl from Gryffindor.

On the bottom of the note was a small drawing of a flower. Percy didn't know much about flowers, but he recognized this one, it was a lilly flower, his mother's favorite.

Someone else had used this room before him, but now they didn't need it. Percy had no clue who this woman was or what she did in this room, but now it was his.

'The Forest huh? Not a bad name,' Percy smiled, 'well I could use this room for a lot of diffrent things. I mean I'm always creating new things, I need a workspace and the Hufflepuff common room is certainly not it.

Maybe I can borrow a couple of tables and chairs from one of the abandoned classrooms I found, spice up the place.'

Percy turned to Kelly, "what do you think Kelly? Think this place will be our new home?" Kelly grinned as she nodded giving Percy a thumbs up. "Great, I think so too," Percy smiled.

He quickly set up some alert spells around the room, his own creations. The spell acted similar to a mortal alarm system. Anyone steps into the room that wasn't him and Percy would know about it.

After that he placed a strong locking charm on the trap door and quickly walked back to the fifth floor corridor door.

Percy opened the door slightly and looked around, finding no one there he jumped out off the door and landed softly on the corridor. He shut the door using his wand and placed another locking charm and a notice-me-not charm on it, just in case.

The demigod then spent the better part of his morning searching through empty unused classrooms for usable furniture. He grabbed a large table from an old charms class and a set of comfortable cushioned chairs from a unused lecture hall.

Percy also snatched a broken cupboard from the transfiguration junk pile, McGonagall wasn't going to miss this anytime soon. And while he was there he also grabbed a small chalk board slate and a few pieces of chalk.

Percy quickly set up all of this in The Forest. He left the note from the previous owner where it was, he did this out of respect, this room obviously meant a lot to her, it would be rude if he just removed the last traces of her memory from it.

He put the chairs and table in front of the trap door opening, that way if anyone was coming up them who wasn't him Percy would be able to seem them first. He also fixed the cupboard with a few well placed reparo charms and put it next to his workstation.

The chalkboard Percy enlarged and stuck on the wall. He carved a substance rune into the back of the board, this way the enlargement charm he used won't run out off power and shrink back. When he was done Percy stepped back and smiled, "I'm so good."

The demigod then took out the file Hecate sent over and looked over the patent process. He started to look it over and quickly wrote them down he himself had to do on the board.

When he was done he realised he didn't actually have any parchment to begin writing out his patent request form, and more importantly if he didn't leave now he was going to miss lunch!

Percy locked The Forest behind him and used his hover board to fly out off the fifth floor window toward the main gate. He got off his board and quickly walked into the Great Hall where everyone was already busy eating.

Percy found Heather and the rest and sat down with them, "hey guys!"

"Hey Percy," they replied.

"Hey Percy, I heard a rumour that you had a flying board," Cedric asked from further down the table, "is that true?"

"Yeah, I call it my hoverboard," Percy pointed at his board sticking out off his back pack, "I made it myself. I'll give you ride later if you want."

"Really?! Thanks man!" Cedric cried out as more and more students started to talk about Percy's board.

"Where were you this morning?" Heather asked bringing Percy's attention back to her, "we looked for you everywhere, but all the guys did when we ask about you was grumble and then talk about how annoying you were in the morning."

"That's because he was!" Michael yelled out, "he ruined lazy Saturday morning for us!"


If you want to read ahead by 20+ chapters you could take a visit on my patreon Or check it out.


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