
Chapter 98: Pudding?!

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With Love,

Chanel Brown

Veela cheerleader

P.S. I hope you enjoy the photo, it's a little something for you to remember me by for the next time we meet.

P.S.S. By the way, we all decided to call you pudding from now on. Because you're sweet and loveable. Like pudding!

Percy's eyes went wide as he looked inside the envelop and sure enough there was a small hand sized picture of Chanel.

The veela was on her bed in her cheerleader uniform, she slowly stripped out off them, piece by piece before she slept with only her linger on.

She then gestured for Percy to come closer as she slipped her hands down her pants. And just then the picture reset and Chanel had her clothes back on again.

Percy's face went red, 'holy shit!' He immediately hide the photo away and looked around, no one wa looking at his direction, if they were they would have seen his face turn bright red.

Percy immediately put the photo and letter into the envelop and shoved it into his mokeskin bag. There was no way in hell he was every going to show to to anyone ever!

That photo was going to stay in that bag and not leave! Ever! Well….except for the nights where Percy gets really bored.

The demigod then carefully opened the second letter and found another photo. Except this one featured all the girls standing in front of a fountain, all clothed.

Percy wasn't really sad that he didn't get another nude pic, but he couldn't help feeling disappointed. But he was happy none the less, the girls all smiled and waved at him.

Percy took out the letter and read it;

Dear Pudding

Hello pudding! It's us! The five veela you slept with and wrote a letter to a month later! Don't worry we aren't mad, much.

Anyway I'm Amanda and I'm writing to you for all of us here! We are here in Germany right now cheering for some minor league broom racing event.

The people are nice and sweet, though the men do keep starting a lot. It's times like this where we wish everyone has the same immunity that you have, would make things so much easier.

Hogwarts sounds fun! You should tell us all about it! Catherine is the only one who has seen the place and none of us believe even for a second that she can be objective.

It's nice to hear that you got into the house of loyalty, so now if we discover one of us are expecting because of that night we shared we know you'll take responsibility!

Just joking! Relax! None of us are pregnant!

Although Ula has been vomiting a lot….hm….anyway.

We are spending most of time practising or training. We are hoping that after the event we can tour Germany at our leisure. Maybe kill some time before the next season of Quidditch begins.

Oh and we heard about the Triwizard tournament! Everyone here thinks you should join!

Catherine says there's no point because she is sure the Beauxbatons champion will win, Ula says that if you don't join and don't show off how amazing the greeks are she will kick you ass! And the rest of us just want you to show off and be amazing!

With lots of love,






P.S. We all decided to start calling you pudding from now on! Okay? Okay!

Percy smiled at the letter and carefully put it away. He smiled, he was glad they were happy. That night did a lot for his confidence, he was way more outspoken and proud of who he was. Guess they were the reason he was slowly turning back into the old Percy.

However there was a small part in his head that couldn't help shake the fear of wondering what if one of them had actually gotten pregnant.

It stunned him to the core and filled him with fear, any child he had would be a legacy meaning the divine world would hunt them down. He really needed to make sure something like that never happens.

Percy walked up to his bedroom and quickly changed for the night. He had a wonderful dream that night which involved five veela and a sunny American beach. He almost didn't want to wake up.


It was the weekend, finally. The sixth year Hufflepuff wanted to wake up late. They wanted to sleep in their warm beds and fluffy pillows. Miguel dreamt about winning the a first class order of Merlin.

Gordon dreamt about living in a city made out of chocolate. Michael dreamt about….dreaming. And Juan dreamt about living on an island filled with exocitc women.

And all those dreams were about to come crashing down in 3….2….1….

"WAKE UP! RISE AND SHINE BOYS!" Percy yelled at the top his lungs.

"AH! What?!" Gordan and the others jumped out off bed as they looked around.

Percy stood in the middle of their dorm fully dressed in a muggle hoodie and jeans with a backpack and a big full smile. "Wake up lazy boys! You are supposed to be part of the house of hard workers, not hard sleepers!"

"Percy! What the fuck mate?!" Michael groaned as he and the others rubbed their eyes awake, "it's a Saturday!"

"Yeah! A Saturday! And it's already 8 o'clock! We shouldn't waste away our weekends! Come on Michael! Where's your spirit of adventure?!"

"I left it during the weekdays," Michael growled as his eyes filled with pure hate.

"Percy, it's a Saturday, we don't get up on Saturdays. Do you understand?" Gordan grumbled through his sleepy voice.

"Oh come on Gordon! It's a bright and sunny day!" Percy walked up to their window and grabbed their drawn curtains, "why just look at the sun shine!"

"No no no no no!" Juan shouted but before they could do anything Percy threw the curtains open letting the sun come in and hit them hard. They all hissed like the sun had visibly hurt them.

"I hate you so much right now," Miguel growled.


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