
Chapter 81 : Pranking!

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"If only it stopped raining," a little girl with blonde pigtails grumbled, "I hate the rain."

Percy smiled, "well I think I can help there," he pulled out his wand and cast the impervious charm on the girl, "there, now you won't get wet!"

She blinked and looked down finding the water slid across her body, leaving her dry. "Oh my God! Thank you!"

"What spell was that?" a curious first year asked, his fellow year mates looking equally curious.

"It's the impervious charm," Percy told them, "you'll learn about them in your third year. Usually I'm horrible at charms, can't get them to stick, but I think this one will hold."

"Can you cast it on us as well?" one of them ask.

Percy grinned, "sure. But I'm warning you, I'm not sure how long they will last, so don't come crying to me if it wears off half way through."

The first years nodded quickly and Percy went to work casting the charm on all of them. He looked back impressed, this was the first time he cast so many charms without any of them going wrong.

"Alright everyone follow me!" Hagrid called out. He led them down a small path and toward a lake front where several small boats were docked waiting for them. "Three in a boat! No more than three! Percy, you and I will take a boat each, understood?"

Percy nodded, "got it Professor."

The son of Poseidon smiled as he walked into the boat. He suddenly felt a connection with the tiny thing, he could feel every inch of it, he felt a small charm placed on its body compelling it to move a certain way, but Percy felt that if he wished he could over power that compulsion easily.

"Right then! Forward!" Hagrid called out as slowly all the boats untied themselves from the dock and jerked forward. They slowly came out of the narrow inland of water that opened up revealing a great big lake.

The water was a little rough, because of the storm, but Percy didn't even notice, he was too busy looking up. There stood the castle of knowledge, built on the top of a hill. It looked like it sat in the carved remains of a mountain, its cliffs steep and dangerous.

The castle windows were ablaze with a warm light from inside making it look like stars in the stormy night.

The lake stretched across the land to the front door from which Percy could see a small path to the castle. Percy could see carriages flying across the sky,being dragged forward by what looked like skinny pegasus, but Percy knew them as the Thestrals.

The boats went towards the castle into a small cave-like entrance in the bottom of the hill over Hogwarts. They were all finally out of the rain as they climbed off the boats entering a small staircase that led into the castle.

Percy looked back, "did anyone get wet?" the first years looked at each other and found that none of them were wet from the rain. Percy was surprised, he was sure at least one of his charms would have failed by now. How knows, maybe he was getting better than this.

They entered the castle as Hagrid led them up a set of stairs. The place was exactly how Harry had described it. There were torches which burned bright, but gave off no heat. The walls look like they were decorated by someone from the medieval times, empty statues, creepy moving paintings and even ,,

At the end of the stairs stood a strict looking witch in green robes wearing half moon glasses and a scroll tucked in under her arm.

"The first year's Professor McGonagall," Hagrid nodded to the older woman.

"Thank you Professor Hagrid. Please go inside and enjoy the feast, I'll bring them in," McGonagall nodded as Hagrid quickly walked past her toward a great big set of doors that had a lot of noise coming out of it. When Hagrid stepped inside Percy got a glimpse of the inside, students sat in long benches chatting up a storm, but quickly Hagrid shut the door behind him and McGonagall cleared her throat.

"Welcome, to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. I am Professor McGonagall, I will be teaching Transfiguration. While you are here you will be sorted into one of four houses. Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Your houses will be like your family, they will take care off you. Your achievements will gain you points, any rule breaking or mischief will lose you points. Have I made myself clear?"

The students looked stunned and very scared. Percy however wasn't really phased, he had scarier people make deadlier promises to him. Professor McGonagall was just doing her job, she wasn't trying to kill him or anything, so obviously he wasn't all that bothered.

"Good," McGonagall nodded, "now follow me, we will sort you into your houses soon. After that the feast will begin." She then turned to Percy, "you are the student from America correct?"

Percy nodded, "yes ma'am, Percy Jackson, at your service."

The woman glared, "I have taught here for decades. I find that I am a very good judge of character, and one looks at you and I can tell that you are the kind to cause trouble. I'm warning you, so funny business, I already have the twins to deal with, do not cause any trouble. Do we have an understanding?"

Percy grinned, "of course ma'am. You will not catch me pranking anyone," the professor glared, she noticed the way Percy worded his promise. He promised to not get caught, not actually stop pranking people.

"Very well then," she looked for the first year, "follow me!" The professor walked up to the giant door and drew her wand. With a twist of the thin piece of wood the door was thrown open revealing the great hall in all its wonder.


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