
Chapter 78 : Ah!

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"Ah I see," Percy nodded, "greasy huh? Maybe I can use that….anyway enough about me. Tell me about you guys."

"Well we all are in the quidditch team, but you already knew that," Katie chuckled.

"And we love to fly!" Angelina smiled, "do you like quidditch Percy?"

"Well I like flying, but not quidditch," Percy replied, "not my thing."

"You liar," George snorted, "you love quidditch!"

"Yeah, especially the bulgarian veela cheerleaders," Fred wiggled his eyes.

Percy blinked, "what are you talking about?"

"We saw you join them in the after party," Georger grinned, "and we didn't see you come out any time soon!"

Katie's eyes went wide as she turned to Percy, "seriously?!"

Percy blushed, "I ah...well it's not like they invited me. My aunt was just really enthusiastic with her cheering, they wanted to thank her, I just went along."

"You partied with the bulgarians?!" Alicia naked with her eyes sparkling.

"Yeah," Percy nodded, "well I didn't really do any partying. I just talked with a few people and got really drunk."

"Were some of these people veela?" Fred asked.

"Well...some," Percy nodded.

"So Percy has a thing for veela huh?" Angelina smirked a smile similar to George and Fred.

"Well I wouldn't say I have a thing. I mean it's not like I'm obsessed with them, I just-"

"-Yawn!" Percy's hoodie yawned as it started to shake as Kelly, the mini veela popped her small head out off his hood. Percy hung his head, 'perfect timing.'

"Is that...a tiny veela figure?" Alicia asked as they all stared at Kelly. The toy in return grinned and waved back interictally causing the others to wave back as well.

"Yeah," Percy sighed.

"Okay...so you like veela, that's nice," Katie snorted.

"Percy I'm curious, what were the veela like?" Fred asked as Alicia punched him in the shoulder, "ouch! What? I'm just curious is all!"

"Yeah! How did they act? Were the nice or bitchy? Did you end up kissing one?" George asked.

Percy blinked, "dude…..no…..stop asking. It's not like I'm going to tell you."

"Oh so something did happen!" Fred cried out.

"Now you have to tell us!" George cried out as they both jumped from their seat in excitement.

"Sit your asses down!" Angelina said as and Alicia pulled their boyfriends down, "if Percy doesn't feel like talking he doesn't have too."

"Thank you Angelina," Percy sighed.

"No problem Percy," the girl then smirked, "tell me though is it true what they say about a veela's tongue? That it's thin and sharp, like a birds?"

Percy groaned, "gods help me."

They continued to talk for some time about classes and school. Eventually Percy got up, "I'll see you guys at Hogwarts."

"Where are you going?" Kate asked.

"I'm going to look for Harry and the others," Percy shrugged, "I promised I would see the kid before Hogwarts."

"Right, see you later Percy," Alicia waved him away. Percy said his goodbye and walked away. But before he went too far he heard Alicia speak again, "you know Katie, I think Percy has a thing for blondes."

Percy blushed as he heard Katie start denying everything in a squeaky voice. The demigod and the little veela on his shoulder chuckled as they walked down the train.

Each compartment was filled to the brim with students. Some were already wearing their Hogwarts robes, which Percy still thought looked like a giant bath robe. People looked at him curiously, probably not sure who he was, or probably more curious about the tiny moving veela on his shoulder.

Three compartments down Percy finally spotted Harry, and the kid was already in trouble.

"Back off Malfoy," Harry had his wand drawn, Ron was right behind him with Hermione glaring from behind them both.

"Or what Potter? Going to hex me?" a blonde haired boy asked with an arrogant smirk on his face. His hair was neat and tidy, slicked back and his nails looked freshly manicured. Behind him stood town fat goons who looked like giant gorillas. All three of them wore expensive looking robes with the crest of Slytherin on their robes.

"You are going to regret being born Potter," the arrogant blonde hissed, "you and your blood traitor friend and mudblood bitch."

"Watch it Malfoy! Or I'll beat the shit out off you!" Ron growled as he tightened the grip on his wand.

"Really? I'll like you to see you try, wisely," the Malfoy boy grinned as the two big gorillas behind him stepped forward cracking their knuckles.

Percy sighed and moved forward, it was time to step in. "Oye!" Percy shouted drawing everyone's attention to him, "what's going on here?"

Harry's face lit up, "Percy! You're here!"

"Of course I am," Percy rolled his eyes, "where else would I be?" Percy turned to Ron and Hermione nodded at both, "Ron, Hermione. See you three can't seem to stay out of trouble huh?"

"Who is this yanky?" Malfoy hissed.

Percy looked at the blonde boy and looked him over. He then turned to Harry, "who is the blonde jackass?"

Harry and the others snorted while Malfoy and the gorillas growled. "This is Draco Malfoy," Hermione hissed, "and the brutes standing behind him are Crabbe and Goyle."

Percy nodded, "ah, I know you. Harry told me all about you."

Draco snorted, "you're friends with Potter?"

Percy nodded, "yup. I'm also his neighbour come pranking buddy!"

Draco snorted, "fool. What is your name?"

"Peter, my name is Peter Johnson," Percy smiled remembering the named Dionysus always used.

"No it's not," Draco snorted, "it's Percy! I heard Potter call you that!"

"Well if you already knew my name why did you ask me?"

Draco blinked, "what?"

Percy rolled his eyes and turned to Harry, "real light bulb this one is. Does he need help wiping his own ass? Is that what the two goons are for?"

The two gorillas behind Malfoy looked surprised which then quickly changed to anger. Draco himself turned red, "h-how dare you! Do you even know what you are talking too?!"


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