
Chapter 70 : Get up!

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"What happened?" the french veela asked as she looked around and then noticed her state of undress. She blinked, "did we…." she looked at Percy and then the others as a red blush took over her face, "well...this is going to be awkward."

"We need to get up," Chanel removed Ebele's arm around her and slowly got up. Percy's eyes were glued to her body as she got off the bed and walked to the their clothes thrown across the room. Percy stared at her shapely rear as she bent over and picked up her clothes.

"Chanel, I think you are provoking him again," Catherine chuckled as Percy blushed.

"Good," Chanel threw Percy and Catherine their clothes, "get dressed, I'm hungry."

"Should we wake up the others?" Percy asked.

"No, let them sleep, they are late risers anyway," Catherine said as she put on her clothes.

"Especially Amanda, poor thing must be exhausted," Chanel said as she finished dressing up.

"What? Why?" Percy pulled on his pants.

"Because you were merciless," Catherine giggled, "don't you remember? They way you attacked her breasts, it was like you were going to rip them off."

"Oh Gods," Percy remembered in horror, "what did I do?"

"Hey it's not just her," Chanel grumbled, "you were rough on all off us. Really Percy you must learn to control your strength."

Percy sighed, "right, right," he held up his shirt and found all the buttons ripped off. He turned to Catherine and raised an eyebrow, "really?"

The french veela shrugged, "we were impatient."

Percy rolled his eyes as he put on his shirt and zipped up his hoodie over it. The mini veela that Hecate charmed for him was sleeping below the massive pile of clothes. Percy chuckled as he carefully picked her up and up her into his hoodie pocket.

Once all of them were dressed and made to look like they didn't just spend the night screwing each others brains out Percy opened the tent flap and they waked out.

"God my legs hurt," Chanel grumbled.

Percy winced, "sorry."

They began walked out when they stopped. The camp site was completely destroyed. People were walking around with bandages on their head helping carrying over what they could. Entire section of the camp site was burnt and people's tents were ripped to shreds. Percy could see smoke coming from the center of the camp site where ministry officials seemed to be gathering.

Percy blinked, "please...please tell me Hecate didn't get drunk again!"


"I still can't believe you thought I destroyed half the camp," Hecate chuckled as she and Percy walked down the ministry of magic to the department of magical law enforcement of the DMLE. Today was the 27th, two days after the quidditch finals. Percy had finally been summoned in order to register as an animagus.

"I'm sorry but the last time you got drunk you turned the living room into a bed of sunflowers," Percy said with a shrug, "can you blame me?" Percy walked briskly wearing his navy blue robes with his father's trident stitched on his sleeves and a pegasus on his back.

"Hey I'll have you know I haven't gotten drunk in over three months!" Hecate called back.

"That doesn't make me think any less of you," Percy shivered. Percy turned serious, "these death eaters...why didn't you stop them?"

Hecate raised an eyebrow, "I can't get involved with human Percy, you know that."

"What about Harry?"

"I just talked to Harry Percy, I don't actually do anything to improve and ruin the way his life progresses. I'm not involving myself in such a way that it would change his life."

"Other than flirting with him you mean."

"He does turn a shade of red quite similar to a pomegranate juice," Hecate giggled, "but yes, flirting is perfectly allowed because as you know Gods can in fact mate with mortals."

"Is this your way of telling me you want to screw Harry? Because I don't know how I feel about that," Percy shivered.

"Hey you have no right to judge me Mr. 'I slept with five levels at the same time'. By the way have I ever congratulated you for that? It really is an achievement you know. Not many have the stamina to keep up with one, let alone five. I should get you an award for that one. Really demigod stamina is a gift!"

Percy blushed red as the mini veela Hecate had bought at the world finals sat on his shoulder yawing. Percy had decided to keep the veela around, as a reminder of that night.

He had actually grown attached to the little thing, he even named her Kelly.

"R-right," Percy coughed trying to hide his embarrassment.

"Have any of them kept in touch?"

"Chanel does," Percy replied, "and Amanda as well. Catherine promised to write but hasn't yet. Ebele and Ula...well I don't really know."

"Hm...well if you are going to have a social life now we should probably get you an owl soon. You can't expect to keep using the owl they messaged you with, you would never be able to message them first! And girls hate that sort of thing in Percy, just saying."

"R-right," Percy stammered as Kelly chuckled on his shoulder.

They entered the lift and got off at level 2. The hallway was crowded with people dressed in red robes running around in a hurry. They were aurors, the police of the magical world and from the looks of things they all had their hands full.

"Why are they so on edge?" Percy asked as he saw a few aurors shoot him suspicious looks.

"It's because of the death eater attack," Hecate explained, "they are worried that it might be a sign that Voldemort has come back, especially since his symbol was found floating above the woods."

"You mean that skull with the snake?" Percy asked as he remembered seeing the image a little while after he and the others woke up.

"Yes, they are currently trying to find out why this happened in the first place. If it was just for shits and giggles or it is a sign for something far more dangerous to come," Hecate led Percy down the corridor to a double door that led to a large room resembling a police precinct.


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